You have to go to all these destinations in Muong La to have a “foot” when traveling to Son La

Compass Travel Vietnam
You have to go to all these destinations in Muong La to have a “foot” when traveling to Son La 

Discovering the destinations in Muong La is an opportunity for visitors to learn more about the natural beauty of this land that many people do not know yet.

Where is Muong La district?

Muong La is a mountainous district of Son La province, about 41 km from the city center to the northeast. This land is mainly mountainous terrain, located at an average altitude of 500 – 700 meters above sea level, possessing beautiful and diverse natural landscapes, promising to bring many impressive tourist attractions for tourists. traveler.

Beautiful destinations in Muong LaMuong La has many beautiful destinations for visitors to check in. Photo: @nhung_hani

If you have the opportunity to travel to Muong La to the East and Northeast, you will admire the high and fanciful mountains. Meanwhile, the southern region has the famous Da river that has entered poetry. Along with that, there are large and small streams running through, drawing a very peaceful and beautiful Muong La scene.

Beautiful destinations in Muong LaThe mountainous district of Muong La has mountains, rivers, streams, and beautiful villages. Photo: @lethuan119

Compared to other districts of the province such as Moc Chau, and Muong Te,… the destinations in Muong La are still quite new and not known by many people. However, if you have the opportunity to come here to visit, please spend time roaming at the 4 most beautiful coordinates of Muong La introduced below.

Destinations in Muong La not to be missed

1. Son La hydropower plant

Son La Hydropower Plant is not only a destination in Muong La but also the most famous project in the Northern mountainous region. This hydropower plant is located on the Da River in It Ong commune, Muong La district, about 40 km from the city center. 

Son La Hydropower Plant is a famous destination in Muong LaTo Muong La, you remember to explore the Son La hydroelectric plant. Photo: @hai.physicd

The project was built at the end of 2005 and completed 7 years later, quickly becoming one of the largest hydropower plants in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. In addition to the main function of providing electricity, Son La hydroelectricity is also a favorite check-in point for many tourists. 

Son La Hydropower Plant is a famous destination in Muong LaThis hydroelectric project plays an important role in providing electricity and regulating irrigation. Photo: @bongmeolong

It is known that the Son La hydropower plant has a reservoir area of ​​224 km2 with a capacity of 9.26 billion m3 of water, providing annual electricity output of more than 10 billion KWH. As a result, this hydroelectric project plays an important role in economic development, serving the demand for electricity throughout the North. 

Son La Hydropower Plant is a famous destination in Muong LaCheck-in points cannot be missed when traveling to Muong La. Photo: @nguyenkhaitrung

Today, if you have the opportunity to travel to Son La , remember to explore this hydroelectric power plant to admire a great project, to see the beautiful and mighty Da River that was once the inspiration for great writers. Nguyen Tuan. Now, all those beauties are truly present right in front of our eyes.

2. Ngoc Chien Commune

One of the destinations in Muong La with beautiful natural scenery is Ngoc Chien commune – which is famous for the beautiful medlar flower season. This highland commune is 80 km from Son La city, located in the high mountains about 1600 – 1800 meters above sea level, has unspoiled natural landscapes and a cool and fresh climate all year round. 

Ngoc Chien Commune is a beautiful destination in Muong LaBeautiful Ngoc Chien commune in Muong La. Photo: @chinhtvone

Visiting Ngoc Chien commune, visitors have the opportunity to explore the beautiful green villages of the Mong, Thai and La Ha with unique and diverse indigenous cultures. This place is likened by tourists to a fairy-tale countryside with majestic mountains, hundred-year-old houses on stilts with wooden roofs, with natural hot mineral springs that bring visitors many fascinating experiences. 

Ngoc Chien Commune is a beautiful destination in Muong LaBeautiful homestay in Ngoc Chien Muong La. Photo: @hueandsuntravel

Blessed with wonderful natural scenery, Ngoc Chien commune has long been invested in developing tourism. In recent years, residents of villages in the commune have begun to build homestays, providing more services of hot mineral baths, meals, and rest for visitors to have more interesting experiences when coming here.

Ngoc Chien Commune is a beautiful destination in Muong LaThe beautiful medlar flower season in Muong La. Photo: @@binhd7

Especially, if coming to Ngoc Chien Muong La in March every year, visitors will enjoy the season of white medlar flowers blooming all over the world. This flower is also known as the cat apple flower, showing off its pure white color throughout the village. Flowers bloom the most in Nam Nghe and Ngam La villages, making the scenery of these villages as beautiful as a fairyland.

3. Cat Linh village 

Coming to Muong La district, you cannot ignore Cat Linh village located only about 20 km from the district center. What is there in Cat Linh that must be visited? This village is the residence of the Mong ethnic group with unique indigenous culture. 

Cat Linh village is a beautiful destination in Muong LaAbout Muong La, do not forget to explore Cat Linh village. Photo: Vietsentravel 

Cat Linh stretches along the top of Pu Tha Kenh mountain, which is 2500 meters above sea level, is the convergence of majestic mountains, terraced fields and layers. The most beautiful season to visit Cat Linh is the autumn of ripe rice. Visitors coming here will enjoy the golden terraced fields, and take pictures of live virtual parrots to their delight. 

Cat Linh village is a beautiful destination in Muong LaThis village has many beautiful check-in coordinates. Photo: Bonbien

Compared with many other beautiful villages in the Northwest, Cat Linh village is still new to many people. However, when you come here, you will be overwhelmed by the images of mountains, valleys, rice fields and houses intertwined, drawing a beautiful picture stretching endlessly. 

This journey to discover this destination in Muong La is not only an opportunity for visitors to immerse themselves in the poetic natural picture. But when you come here to travel, you can also enjoy specialties such as sticky rice, cat cabbage, grilled stream fish, … processed with the bold flavor of the Mong people.

Cat Linh village is a beautiful destination in Muong LaThe village will have many memorable memories when traveling to Muong La. Photo: @loantracy

The destinations in Muong La mentioned above are the most beautiful and outstanding tourist coordinates of the district, representing the beauty of the unspoiled natural scenery, the famous works, and the cultural beauty of Vietnam. ethnic minorities. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to travel to Son La, remember to add Muong La to your discovery journey. 

Photo: Instagram

You have to go to all these destinations in Muong La to have a “foot” when traveling to Son La 

Source: vinlove