Winning hundreds of tons of “heavenly windfall”, fishermen get tired of counting money

Compass Travel Vietnam
Winning hundreds of tons of “heavenly windfall”, fishermen get tired of counting money

In recent days, dozens of ships and boats of fishermen from Cam Xuyen and Ky Anh (Ha Tinh) went out to sea to exploit 200-300 tons of clams. Never before have fishermen won so much and had so much income from oysters.

On the morning of October 7, dozens of ships and boats of fishermen in Cam Linh commune (Cam Xuyen district, Ha Tinh) went out to sea about 3-6 nautical miles from shore to exploit oysters. Each ship or boat has 6-10 workers, fishing by using rake nets or diving.

By noon on the same day, many ships and boats returned to shore with their holds filled with large sacks containing oysters. On shore, many people are waiting to help transport goods to the gathering point, classify and package them, and freeze them.

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Ships and boats return to shore with holds full of sacks containing shellfish (Photo: Van Nguyen).

A large amount of these clams were bought by traders on the spot and loaded onto trucks to be taken to other provinces and cities for consumption.

According to some fishermen, in recent days, the sea has been calm and the weather has been favorable, so they went out to sea and caught a large number of clams of all kinds.

One morning, each ship or boat exploited from 7 quintals to 1.5 tons of clams, selling them to traders for 2,000-3,500 VND/kg. Minus expenses, each worker has an income of 800,000 VND to 1 million VND/day.

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People classify clams before packing them into bags to sell to traders (Photo: Van Nguyen).

Mr. Nguyen Van Ha, Vice Chairman of Cam Linh Commune People’s Committee, said that in addition to dozens of local fishing boats, a number of fishing boats belong to fishermen in Cam Loc, Cam Nhuong communes (Cam Xuyen district) and Ky Xuan commune. (Ky Anh district) also catches this type of seafood.

“In 2022, there will be few storms so oysters will reproduce more. Fishermen have been exploiting feather clams since April, and in recent days, they have achieved large yields. Local fishing boats can exploit 200-300 tons per day. “In no other year have fishermen won so much cockles like on this occasion,” Mr. Ha informed.

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Shellfish are purchased by traders and put on trucks to be transported to provinces and cities for consumption (Photo: Van Nguyen).

Scallops are nutritious seafood that is good for the body. Scallops are currently widely used in medicine, and are also raw materials to prepare many diverse and attractive dishes such as stir-frying with onions, cooking porridge, grilled with onion fat, grilled with satay, stir-fried with garlic,…

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (

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Winning hundreds of tons of “heavenly windfall”, fishermen get tired of counting money

Source: vinlove