What to play in Mai Chau? Waterfall bathing, cloud hunting and unforgettable experiences

Compass Travel Vietnam
What to play in Mai Chau? Waterfall bathing, cloud hunting and unforgettable experiences

Mai Chau attracts visitors by its majestic natural scenery, friendly people and unique ethnic culture. It’s a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and relax in a peaceful setting. So what is interesting to play in Mai Chau? Here are the TOP of good suggestions you must definitely experience.

What to play in Mai Chau Hoa Binh?

1. Check in Thung Khe Pass

What to play in Mai Chau ? The first stop is to check in at Thung Khe Pass, also known as Da Trang Pass, because this is a limestone mountain. The pass is located on Highway 6, the section between Tan Lac and Mai Chau. Thung Khe Pass, although not steep, is dangerous because the early morning and evening fog can obscure the view. 

What to do in Mai Chau - check in Thung Khe passPhoto: @_14.7m

On the pass, there are more huts for you to stop for refreshments and meals. When you come here, you will be immersed in a beautiful mountain paradise, the scene is often covered with clouds, creating a beautiful scene not inferior to the European sky. When coming up here, you can admire the abyss below and feel the fresh air of the mountains. From the pass, enjoy the panoramic view of Hoa Binh homeland with traditional thatched houses and immense fields. 

What to do in Mai Chau - check in Thung Khe passPhoto: @nguyentuananh79

2. Cycling, riding a Jeep around Thai villages

Mai Chau is where the White Thai people have lived for many generations. Local people have a special way of life, costumes and farming techniques. You can bike or go by Jeep around villages such as Lac, Pom Coong, Nhot, Van to see the lovely stilt houses built in the traditional architectural style of the people. Thai tribe. Discover the authentic, honest and idyllic people’s life, enjoy rustic dishes.

what to do in Mai Chau - bike ridePhoto: @charmtravelvn

3. Exploring Thai stilt houses

Want to learn about the cultural identity of the Thai people (accounting for 55% of the population), what to play in Mai Chau ? The main answer is to visit their stilt houses. Thai people often live and build villages in places with rivers and streams, build houses on mountains and hills, in front of them are often vast fields. Their houses on stilts are usually high, about 2m above the ground, with solid wooden columns. 

what to play in Mai Chau - discover the house on stiltsPhoto: @phuotvietnam.cloudq

The roof is thatched or thatched with rattan leaves, the floor is made of bamboo. Their house has large, spacious windows that give a cool, fresh feeling. Previously there were 3 compartments but now it is more minimalist, but there is always an altar and a fire in the middle of the house. Sitting around the fire with a jar of can wine, enjoying the mountain-flavored dishes will definitely make you hard to forget. 

What to play in Mai Chau - discover Thai stilt housesPhoto: @ladislavpalan

4. Buy crafts as gifts

Wandering around the villages, you can see Thai people spinning silk and weaving brocade. Mai Chau travel experience , visit these brocade shops to learn how they weave a scarf or a shirt,… and don’t forget to find yourself a satisfactory item or a gift for friends, relatives.

what to do in Mai Chau - buy craftsPhoto: @hiking___artist

5. Go “hunting” clouds

Cloud hunting is one of the favorite activities of many young people in Mai Chau. You can watch the beautiful clouds in Hang Kia – Pa Co, the only two communes of the Mong people in the province. Here, you can immerse yourself in the sea of ​​white clouds at an altitude of 1,500m above sea level. The time for you to capture the best moments is from November to April next year. The ticket to the gate of hunting rattan is: 20,000 VND.

what to play in Mai Chau - Photo: @mhp.corner

6. Visit Pa Co phiên fair

Pa Co Market is also an interesting place to visit when asked what to eat and drink in Mai Chau . The market only opens every Sunday when the fog is still thick throughout the forest. Locals buy, sell, exchange goods and meet at the market. You’ll be amazed at the variety of goods, which sell everything from household goods to textiles, brocades to agricultural goods. 

What to do in Mai Chau - Pa Co marketPhoto: @neiah_2408

Here, you can choose souvenirs from brocade items while surrounded by the vivid colors of ethnic clothing. The handmade items have vibrant designs and harmonious colors, very lovely. In addition, do not forget to buy some specialties and enjoy the rustic dishes of the market to fill your hungry stomach. 

What to do in Mai Chau - Pa Co marketPhoto: @doublecrown

7. Explore the caves

– Mo Luong Cave : located in Pu Kha mountain, there are 4 main caves, each famous for its impressive stalactite system. During the resistance war against the French, Mo Luong cave was used as an important base of the Vietnamese army. Hoa Binh travel experience , you can only visit 2 out of 4 caves. It also often takes place many interesting music events.

what to do in Mai Chau - explore Mo Luong cavePhoto: @colinluong

– Chieu Cave : Another famous cave is also very popular here, it is formed from stalactites atop the Pu Kha limestone mountain range. The reason for the name is that when the afternoon comes, the sun shines directly into the cave. The rays of light shine on the stalactites magnificently, creating a beautiful sight.

what to do in Mai Chau - explore Chieu cavePhoto: @maichauecolodge

8. Watch the sunset at Ba Khan Lake

Ba Khan is a small commune of Mai Chau located on the banks of Hoa Binh hydroelectric lake. This location is a great spot to watch the sunset in the afternoon. The last rays of the sun through the mountains, stretching down to the sparkling lake will give you memorable  playing experiences in Mai Chau .

what to do in Mai Chau - watch the sunset of Ba KhanPhoto: @pvc0304

Ba Khan is also the watershed area of ​​the hydroelectric lake, where you can rent a boat to go around the lake. Boat rental price ranges from 300,000 VND to 350,000 VND/hour. If you have more time when you come to Mai Chau stay at Hideaway Lake Resort for a pleasant experience. The resort has beautiful lake views, friendly staff and quiet surroundings.

what to play in Mai Chau - Ba Khan sunsetPhoto: @julieangl

9. Waterfall bathing 

Mai Chau has beautiful and charming waterfalls, go there to feel the peaceful atmosphere of the mountains and immerse yourself in the clear water. The famous waterfalls here can be mentioned as:

– Go Lao Mai Chau Waterfall : is a beautiful waterfall about 15 km from the town center. You will pass by beautiful natural scenery and lovely small houses of Muong people on the way. This place consists of 2 small waterfalls, flowing from a height of about 15m. At the foot of the waterfall is a flat, airy space, an ideal place to organize a picnic. It will be quite slippery if you go in the rainy season. You can stroll down to the falls after leaving your bike at a nearby homestay.

what to do in Mai Chau - go to Go Lao waterfallPhoto: @kweinacht

– Pung Waterfall : in Pieng Ve commune is a little-known wild place located about 30km from Lac village. To come here you have to conquer the steep mountain road, the waterfall has a height of 50m but the water rushing down through the mossy patches creates an extremely attractive scene. 

what to do in Mai Chau - check in Pung waterfallPhoto: @Gody

10. Enjoy local food

Trying local dishes is also one of the dining experiences in Mai Chau that you should not miss. Some dishes of Thai and Hmong people such as: lam rice, grilled pork, grilled stream fish, fried bamboo shoots,… In addition, you can order hot pot in advance from the homestay owner, which is very suitable for when going to school. It’s cold.

what to do in Mai Chau - enjoy specialtiesPhoto: @hanhmeo1682

Mai Chau is loved by its peaceful and fresh beauty. Learning about the typical culture of the Northwest and delicious cuisine here is a memorable experience for what to do in Mai Chau to be able to explore all the high mountains “first place” of this Hoa Binh province. 

Photo: Internet (Vinlove.net)

The post What to play in Mai Chau? Waterfall bathing, cloud hunting and unforgettable experiences first appeared on Compass Travel Vietnam.

What to play in Mai Chau? Waterfall bathing, cloud hunting and unforgettable experiences

Source: vinlove