Western broken rice restaurant only sells 7 hours a day, more than 700 servings in Hanoi

Compass Travel Vietnam
Western broken rice restaurant only sells 7 hours a day, more than 700 servings in Hanoi

The broken rice restaurant located on Thuy Khue Street (Tay Ho, Hanoi) is only open for sale for about 7 hours a day but can run out of 600-700 servings.

Western broken rice restaurant only sells 7 hours a day, more than 700 servings in Hanoi - 1
Broken rice is a famous dish of the people of the South, then gradually popularized throughout the country with many different names, but still retains the traditional flavor. In Hanoi, there is a broken rice restaurant that only sells for about 7 hours a day but can run out of 600-700 servings. During rush hour, diners and delivery people line up in front of the restaurant.
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According to research, the shop has been open for about 10 years. The shop is located next to a collective area, the entrance is quite small but the inside is spacious for guests to eat. Although selling many dishes, the main dish chosen by many guests here is still broken rice – a rice dish cooked in the style of Soc Trang people with hot rice served with grilled ribs, meat – braised eggs, sour soup.
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The owner of the restaurant is Mr. Vu Ngoc Toan (38 years old). Mr. Toan has lived in the West for more than 20 years. Later, when he got married and had children, he moved to the North to settle down. “My wife cooks very well, especially Western dishes, so we tried to open them for sale. At first, there were very few customers, but after many times changing flavors and spices to suit, customers gradually increased,” said Toan. To share.
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“My restaurant grills ribs with charcoal, does not use machines like many other places. Every day, the restaurant consumes more than 100kg including cutlets, ribs and pork belly. In which, bacon and ribs are sold. most,” added Toan.
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The meat and ribs here are marinated to the mouth, eye-catching colors, soft, sweet and hot. Served with broken rib rice is a variety of pickles, onion fat with crispy, greasy fat.
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At Mr. Toan’s restaurant, ribs and meat are grilled to where customers eat, not grilled first. Due to the charcoal grill just arrived, the meat and ribs have a beautiful color of cockroach wings.
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The restaurant has 14 staff to serve, so diners do not have to wait long. Anh Viet (Tay Ho, Hanoi) – a regular customer shared: “I’ve been eating here for a few years now, the ribs and meat here are quite fresh, the taste is not too sweet. A portion of rice has enough meat and vegetables. , melon, eat well, the price is also affordable, not as expensive as the broken rice shop in the old town.”
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The restaurant has a diverse menu: pork ribs, grilled ribs, omelette ribs, ribs, braised tuna, bacon, broken rice … but the most popular and most called by diners is the rice plate. rib sheet.
Western broken rice restaurant only sells 7 hours a day, more than 700 servings in Hanoi - 9
Each meal costs from 45,000 to 70,000 VND (2-3$), diners using more soy milk will be charged 8,000 VND more.
Western broken rice restaurant only sells 7 hours a day, more than 700 servings in Hanoi - 10
Due to the large number of customers, the restaurant often prepares some things such as fish sauce and canned soup in advance to serve customers to take home. According to Toan, the restaurant sells about 700 servings of broken rice every day on average.
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The restaurant is most crowded at lunchtime. At this time, the shop is often in a full position, the owner has to arrange more tables and chairs for customers to sit on the sidewalk.
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Khoi – a 2nd year student who went to a broken rice restaurant shared: “I often go to this restaurant for lunch and then go to school. For me, a meal of broken rice here has quite a lot of meat and vegetables to eat, but the rice portion is not. too little. I always have to order another bowl of rice to be full.”
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Mr. Phuc, a technology motorbike taxi driver, said: “At noon, I usually run delivery around the area. In only 2 hours, I can complete 4-5 orders. The shop is crowded but the waiting time is not too long”.

Photo: Internet

Western broken rice restaurant only sells 7 hours a day, more than 700 servings in Hanoi

Source: vinlove