Walking through Vietnam for 56 days with 0 VND

Compass Travel Vietnam
Walking through Vietnam for 56 days with 0 VND

After hearing that Toan said that he would walk 50 km every day to cross Vietnam, friends and relatives almost did not believe it.

Nguyen Van Toan, who lives and runs an online business in Ho Chi Minh City, has always dreamed of walking across Vietnam. The guy born in 1993 wants to break his limit, and push himself into real situations to know how to handle the situation when it’s difficult. His plan is to walk across Vietnam in 57 days, about 50 km each day to complete the goal. When talking about this idea to friends and family, most are skeptical and don’t believe it.

Van Toan in his 56-day trek across Vietnam.
Van Toan in his 56-day trek across Vietnam.

On January 22, after a year of work arrangement and physical training, combined with strict nutrition, the young man set out on the road, starting from the landmark Dat Cape Ca Mau. Toan walked along the main road of the country, every time he went to the landmark or the greeting sign of the province, he took pictures. To record the number of kilometers he travels each day, he wears a sports watch.

In the first days of the journey, because of carrying a heavy backpack, Toan hurt all over, especially his legs. “At that time, because I was just going, I was not used to such a long road, so there were times when I wanted to give up, but I always think about why I wanted to start and get up again. The first stage is the hardest.” All share.

He called his trip “0 dongs” because he did not use money, often going to people’s houses to beg for food and shelter. According to him, that’s why he wanted to make the trip to see how he adapts and overcomes difficulties, experiences the story and the way he’s gone by talking to locals. “I will give them back by sharing business knowledge so that the store can increase sales and better market the store,” Toan explained.

Every day at 5:00 am, he posts his travel schedule on social networks. Many people follow Toan’s journey, looking forward to where he has gone. “After going for a while, people on social networks began to pay attention to my journey, many stages of which I was found by followers online, giving me food, drinks and offers to stay. “, Toan said.

Toan could not forget the memorable memories of the journey, especially in the first days of the trip. When he was 15 km away from Ca Mau city, Toan went to a man’s house to ask for food. This person did not hesitate to invite him into the house. While eating and asking questions, Toan learned that he made rice for charity and provided free medical treatment for people. The meeting touched Toan and learned the lesson “you don’t have to wait until you are rich to give to others, but you should always give, give anything: knowledge, how to…”.

After that, Toan set foot in Ca Mau city and walked all day in the sun, so he lost his strength. The city at night makes people wary. Toan could not find a place to rest and ask for food, so he went to the park to sleep. Around 11 pm, after taking a break for 20 minutes, a robber ran up to him and tried to rob him. At that time, reflexively, although he was almost exhausted, Toan hugged his backpack and ran all the way to the bottom of the bridge to escape, sleeping there. People with pain, but not used to sleeping on the street, clearly remember the feeling of mosquito bites “no room left on his body”, but at 5 am he still got up to leave, exactly as scheduled.

His favorite places on the journey are Phan Rang, Ninh Thuan and Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan because of the beautiful coastal road, white sand and clear blue water. He remembers the feeling of sleeping on the sand at night, the night is cold, but in return witnessing the sunrise by the sea is a wonderful thing.

Toan spent the night on the sand in Phan Rang, waking up was a beautiful sunrise.
Toan spent the night on the sand in Phan Rang, waking up was the dawn.

This coastal road is also a memorable memory for Toan. That day, we walked 70 km along the coast, looked at the map, and saw that there were many houses, Toan thought it was a homestay, but when he arrived, it was a tourist area, most of which were closed at this time. Loss of strength and water is gone, food is no longer available, he thought of a way to wave the car over to ask for some bread to get strength. After that, he went until 23:00 but still couldn’t find a house, so he had to sleep on the sand, and the next morning, he left to continue.

So on April 1st, one day ahead of schedule, Toan arrived at Lung Cu flagpole, Ha Giang province, completed the trip in 56 days, and was overjoyed. The trip made the young man’s face, which was originally white, turned black and crisp, covered with more frost, but he did not regret anything.

After the journey, Toan wanted to convey: “When you have an idea or want something, you need to act immediately, because only action will bring results. The barrier is created by yourself, and when you do it, you need to act. really want something that will definitely work. Nothing is impossible.”

List of things that Toan brought on his trip across Vietnam:– Good fitness (practice for a year)
– Waterproof backpack
– Sports watch with odometer, heart rate function –
Multi-function towel
– Water bag
– Flashlight
– Durable, ultra-lightweight sole shoe
– 2 phone
– One power bank
– Sports glasses
– 2 sets of super light and quick-drying sportswear
– One waterproof windbreaker
– One convenient raincoat
– Phone charger
– Ultralight survival blanket – Anti-slip
gloves sunny

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Walking through Vietnam for 56 days with 0 VND

Source: vinlove