Unspoiled mangrove forest Bau Ca Cai

Compass Travel Vietnam
Unspoiled mangrove forest Bau Ca Cai

Thanks to the beautiful and attractive Bau Ca Cai mangrove forest, tourists over the years have flocked to visit, and people living in this forest have benefited and stabilized their lives.

Bau Ca Cai mangrove forest in Binh Thuan commune, Binh Son district ( Quang Ngai ) has an area of ​​110 hectares, about 40 km from the center of Quang Ngai city to the northeast. This is a quite famous place with millions of white toad trees growing on the swamp creating unspoiled beauty. In autumn, the toad tree sheds all its leaves, leaving only the white trunk and branches that look like snow. In particular, this place is also home to many kinds of birds, storks, water ducks and some types of seafood. The strange feature has attracted many tourists to visit and experience it.

Unspoiled mangrove forest Bau Ca Cai - photo 1
The captivating beauty of Bau Ca Cai

Mr. Nguyen Khuong (55 years old, residing in Thuan Phuoc village, Binh Thuan commune , Binh Son district, Quang Ngai province) said that he has been attached to Bau Ca Cai mangrove forest for more than 30 years, this is also the fulcrum for helping his family make a living, raising 4 children to study well. Currently, Mr. Khuong is the captain of the boating team carrying tourists to visit Bau Ca Cai mangrove forest.

Visitors to Bau Ca Cai are not only domestic but also from abroad, such as India, Indonesia… Meeting guests with “cool hands”, one day boaters like Mr. Khuong earn from 400,000 to 500,000 VND.($1=24,000 VND)

Last April, 2022, Quang Ngai Fisheries Sub-Department released fish, shrimp and crabs in Bau Ca Cai mangrove forest and local authorities banned fishing here. Banned fishing, but local people all agree, because they think that the government does so to protect fishery resources and develop tourism. Thanks to that, people also benefit, life is more stable than catching shrimp and fish.

Previously, since 2014 the functional sector in Quang Ngai implemented a coastal forest restoration project, in which millions of white toad trees were planted on an area of ​​​​nearly 65 hectares around Bau Ca Cai. This project has turned Bau Ca Cai into a green, wild and mysterious mangrove forest like a miniature West in the sunny and windy Central region.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hieu, Vice Chairman of Binh Thuan Commune People’s Committee, said that in addition to being able to regenerate aquatic resources, Bau Ca Cai forest also has millions of white toad trees, so it attracts many tourists to visit and admire. Therefore, the locality is focusing on building Bau Ca Cai into a place to develop community tourism.

According to Mr. Hieu, the People’s Committee of Binh Son has coordinated with the Global Environment Fund to develop a project to support the district’s coastal livelihoods to support localities. Including Ganh Yen sites in Binh Hai commune, Bau Ca Cai mangrove forest in Binh Thuan commune; nymph forest in Binh Phuoc commune and My Thien ceramic OCOP products in Chau O town. Therefore, this is a point to stimulate tourism development for the locality to create jobs and bring income for people.

Mr. Tran Phuoc Hien, Vice Chairman of Quang Ngai Provincial People’s Committee, said that the Bau Ca Cai mangrove forest not only has the effect of protecting and breaking waves, but the locality also has a plan for this mangrove forest to open up the development direction. sustainable economy for the people such as: aquaculture, tourism development … “The People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province will work with sectors and localities, taking into account the plan to call for investment from businesses to ensure livelihoods. plan for the people, ensuring the criteria for sustainable development with the area of ​​mangroves in Bau Ca Cai”, added Mr. Hien.

According (thanhnien.vn)

Unspoiled mangrove forest Bau Ca Cai

Source: vinlove