Unique roast duck dish predicts the World Cup score in Hanoi: The price is up to half a million dong

Compass Travel Vietnam
Unique roast duck dish predicts the World Cup score in Hanoi: The price is up to half a million dong

Crispy skin, along with unique and unprecedented flavors such as the dark knight duck, quartet duck, and the latest duck that predicts the World Cup score is roasted duck dishes prepared by Hero – the owner of a roast duck restaurant. recently created and sold.

The first impression of diners with the duck dishes of this duck restaurant is the crispy skin, shiny yellow color and unprecedented unique appearance.

Unique roast duck predicts the World Cup score in Hanoi: The price is up to half a million dong - Photo 2.

Sharing with reporters, Mr. Tran Ngoc Hung (36 years old), owner of a roast duck restaurant on Tran Quang Dieu Street (Dong Da District, Hanoi) said that this roast duck dish originated from a Soc Trang resident named Truong. Ngoc An created

Unique roast duck predicts World Cup scores in Hanoi: The price is up to half a million dong - Photo 3.

The secret to creating this dish comes from 9 different ingredients: sa ba (salted radish), carpentry, onion, garlic, soy sauce and ginger…

Unique roast duck predicts the World Cup score in Hanoi: The price is up to half a million dong - Photo 4.

The type of duck chosen by the restaurant is also a gourd or butter duck, weighing from 1.6 to 2.8 kg. Depending on the needs of customers, the restaurant will bake in two sizes, the small one is enough for 2 to 4 people to eat, the big one is enough for 8 people.

Unique roast duck predicts World Cup scores in Hanoi: The price is up to half a million dong - Photo 5.

According to Mr. Hung, in the first step, the duck will be cleaned, stuffed with 9 ingredients and then sewn, creating a position for the duck to stand tall and strong. After that, the ducks are bathed twice in water, then taste and color, then grilled in a jar. The whole process above can take more than 10 hours

Unique roast duck predicts the World Cup score in Hanoi: The price is up to half a million dong - Photo 6.

In addition to roast duck dishes such as the dark knight duck, and quartet duck, recently, Hung has created a roast duck dish to predict the World Cup score.

Unique roast duck dish predicts the World Cup score in Hanoi: The price is up to half a million dong - Photo 7.

Hero uses ingredients such as bamboo charcoal starch, cream, sesame (sesame), chili powder, to “draw” on the duck’s body the name, national flag of the team or predict the score …

Unique roast duck predicts the World Cup score in Hanoi: The price is up to half a million dong - Photo 8.

The special sauce is the highlight of this dish. The restaurant owner revealed that the sauce for a grilled duck with crispy skin has two types: One is the water from the duck belly that can be dipped or sprinkled on the meat, the other is the signature soy sauce that is prepared according to the restaurant’s own secret.

The unique dish of roasted duck predicts the World Cup score in Hanoi: The price is up to half a million dong - Photo 9.

In terms of price, each roast duck ranges from VND 290,000 to VND 450,000 ($1= VND 25,000), depending on weight and taste. The price of grilled duck with World Cup motifs is not more expensive than the restaurant’s regular grilled duck

Unique roast duck predicts World Cup score in Hanoi: Price up to half a million dong - Photo 10.

“I am a big fan of the Argentina team, especially Messi, so I chose to buy a duck with the image of this national flag to enjoy with my family. I found the duck meat here very fragrant, rich in flavor, and tender meat but crispy skin. The price is a bit high but well worth it.” To Hai Ly (21 years old, Tran Thai Tong) said

Photo: Internet (vinlove.net)

Unique roast duck dish predicts the World Cup score in Hanoi: The price is up to half a million dong

Source: vinlove