Trekking Ngoc Le mountain, 1720m high, camping and hunting clouds in the middle of the jungle

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Trekking Ngoc Le mountain, 1720m high, camping and hunting clouds in the middle of the jungle

Trekking Ngoc Le Mountain in Kon Tum, admiring the primeval forest canopy with ancient pine trees, green prairie-like lawns and floating seas of clouds will be an invaluable experience for those who are passionate about exploring nature.

Besides Ngoc Linh, Ngoc Le Mountain is one of the very beautiful mountains in Mang Den Kon Tum , this is also a trekking mecca loved by many people. Ngoc Le mountain trekking palace is not difficult to conquer or requires a lot of physical strength and has diverse landscapes so anyone can conquer it. Traveling to Mang Den, in addition to the beautiful landscapes, taking a trekking trip on Ngoc Le mountain to explore nature, hunt clouds and camp among the mountains and forests is definitely a great experience for you to experience countless times. price.

Overview of Ngoc Le Mountain 

Ngoc Le Mountain is located in Mang Canh commune, Kon Plong district, only 10km from the center of Mang Den town and about 60km from Kon Tum city. Like Ngoc Linh peak, Ngoc Le mountain has a diverse natural landscape and rich forest ecosystem.

Trekking Ngoc Le mountainNgoc Le Mountain has a diverse ecosystem. Photo: @le_nguyen_vanluan

The forest ecosystem at Ngoc Le Mountain is similar to Chu Mom Ray forest with the main characteristics being subtropical humid evergreen forests including shrub grassland forest types, ancient fern forests, pine forests and primeval forests. born. Thanks to such ecological characteristics, when trekking Ngoc Le Mountain, visitors will admire different natural landscapes, each stop bringing a different experience. The highest peak of Ngoc Le Mountain is 1720m above sea level so the air is fresh and cool all year round.

Trekking Ngoc Le mountain to admire the sceneryThe mountain peak is 1720m high and is considered the roof of Mang Den. Photo: @justbaolc

The ideal time to trek Ngoc Le Mountain, Kon Tum 

According to locals who love trekking in Mang Den, the most ideal time to explore Ngoc Le Mountain is from December to May. At this time the weather in Mang Den is very beautiful, cool, not too much rain, favorable for activities. Exploration, especially trekking. 

The rainy season in Mang Den lasts from June to November. At this time, although the weather is not too favorable for trekking, if you choose days with good weather, you can also trek, see the vibrant nature and This is also the time to easily hunt beautiful clouds. In general, before trekking Ngoc Le Mountain, you can monitor the weather and decide the most appropriate time for a smooth trip.

Trekking Ngoc Le mountain at the timeThe ideal time to trek Mang Den is from December to May. Photo:@hngingg

Guide to Ngoc Le mountain trekking route

Ngoc Le Mountain is only 10km from Mang Den town. From the center, move in the direction of the 37-household area to enter Kon Tu Rang village. Going through this village, at the end of the road you will see a ranger guard station at the intersection, park your car here then walk down to the terraced fields in Kon Tu Rang village. This area has very beautiful scenery and is also a favorite check-in point for tourists when coming to Mang Den. You can see the endless terraced fields, the Dak Bla river, and the Kon Tu Rang suspension bridge.

Trekking Ngoc Le Mountain timeNgoc Le mountain trek lasts about 3 hours. Image:

After stopping to admire the scenery in Kon Tu Rang, you can start the trekking journey of Ngoc Le mountain with a distance of about 5km, trek time of about 3 hours. This arc is not too difficult so even if you are just starting out, you can still do it. conquer. 

Trekking Ngoc Le mountainKon Tu Rang suspension bridge is one of the attractive stops on the journey. Photo: @nguyenvy1115

Passing the Kon Tu suspension bridge, you turn left towards the trail leading to Ngoc Le mountain. You will admire the diverse forest ecosystem as you pass through towering green pine forests and ancient fern forests. , the canopy of primeval forest with diverse vegetation crosses the clear stream on Ngoc Le mountain . The closer you get to the top of the mountain, the thinner the air will be but the more beautiful the natural scenery will be. You can walk more slowly, breathe gently. When you reach the top of Ngoc Le, your reward is the beautiful view of the vast mountains and forests. From the top of the mountain, looking out into the distance you can see Kon Tu Rang village, an area of ​​37 households, endless rolling hills and mountains that are both majestic and poetic.

Trekking Ngoc Le mountain, mountain forestsYou will go through many different types of terrain and forest ecosystems. Photo: @le_nguyen_vanluan

Trekking Ngoc Le mountain and rocky streamCross the amazing rocky stream. Photo:@josselynloves

Trekking Ngoc Le mountain, mountain forestsThe higher you go, the thinner the air becomes. Photo: @kirbyrio1901

Experiences not to be missed when trekking Ngoc Le 

Explore wild nature 

Trekking Ngoc Le Mountain, the most attractive experience for travel enthusiasts is to enjoy the exciting journey, crossing steep roads in the middle of the forest, dangerous but extremely beautiful. The ecosystem at Ngoc Le Mountain is very diverse, primeval forests with flora and fauna species add to the wild and majestic features. With this route, you will admire many beautiful landscapes, immerse yourself in nature to enjoy comfortable and relaxing moments.

Trekking Ngoc Le mountain to see natureThe nature of Ngoc Le Mountain will leave you overwhelmed. Photo: @hydukyvn

Camp overnight 

With Ngoc Le mountain trekking, the time to go up and down the mountain is only about 3 hours if you can return during the day. However, if you want to enjoy the evenings gathering around the campfire in the middle of the forest, listening to the sounds of the mountains and forests echoing together, watching the starry sky, sipping a glass of spicy wine and delicious local dishes. wilderness of the mountains and forests, you definitely should not miss the experience of camping in the mountains. On Ngoc Le peak, there are many flat and spacious areas that are very suitable for camping.

Trekking Ngoc Le mountain and campingOn Ngoc Le peak, there are many beautiful camping areas. Photo: Tien Dang

Cloud hunting 

Ngoc Le Mountain is one of the most beautiful cloud hunting locations in Mang Den. At the moment of dawn, you can admire the sea of ​​clouds floating in the garden around the top of the mountain, forming a pure white cotton carpet that adorns the majestic nature with a romantic and poetic look. The moment you watch the white clouds floating across space will make you feel like you are lost in a real-life fairyland.

Trekking Ngoc Le mountain to hunt cloudsCloud hunting is a great experience when trekking Ngoc Le. Photo: dulicmangden

Gain useful experience conquering Ngoc Le mountain 

Trekking Ngoc Le Mountain is a short journey, but also full of challenges with many interesting things waiting for you. To make your journey to conquer Ngoc Le peak safe and complete, before the trip, please note and pocket some useful experiences. 

You should prepare adequate protective gear and appropriate trekking clothes because the route is mainly forest and dangerous roads. In particular, the forests in Mang Den often contain sand and salt, so apply insect repellant throughout the trip. 

You should prepare all the necessary equipment if you want to camp overnight such as a tent, food, water, flashlight… If you go home during the day, you should still prepare enough drinking water and snacks to recharge your energy. for body.

Trekking Ngoc Le mountain noteYou should prepare carefully before your trekking trip. Photo: Chino Homestay

If you go on your own, it is best to hire an experienced guide to ensure safety. Please complete all procedures such as parking your vehicle, going through the Ranger Station, and asking for permission from the station before starting trekking Ngoc Le Mountain. If you want full support, going on a tour will be a more perfect choice. During the itinerary, do not arbitrarily separate from the group, always stick close to be ready to support each other when needed. 

The forest in Mang Den is still very wild, so when trekking, please follow the regulations to protect the environment, do not litter or negatively impact the forest ecosystem.

Don’t miss other attractive trekking routes in Mang Den 

In addition to trekking Ngoc Le Mountain , on Mang Den you can conquer other treks to enjoy beautiful nature, fresh air and enjoy peace of mind. Most trekking routes in Mang Den are relatively short, the journey is not too short but there are many things to conquer and explore. 

Chu Mom Ray National Park 

Compared to Ngoc Le Mountain, trekking at Chu Mom Ray National Park is more challenging, the path is dangerous, but because of that, there are many interesting and attractive things that are not found here. Chu Mom Ray peak is 1800m high, you will have to overcome dangerous slopes, high waterfalls, steep rocky slopes, and admire the dense forest space with large trees, rhododendron forests, and birds and animals. wild. On the top of the mountain you can also visit many ancient American bunkers that have now been abandoned due to the traces of time.

chumomray trekking Ngoc Le mountainChu Mom Ray National Park has a very unique forest ecosystem. Photo: @veryngonhomewares

Trekking the cable-stayed bridge and Falling Cay waterfall 

This is simply a short but very interesting trek for you to stop at. You can drive straight to the Cable Stayed Bridge, then leave the car on the bridge and start walking along a small path leading to the wooden hut. You can stop here and then continue following the trail to reach Cay Do waterfall. 

In addition, you can also trek to Pa Sy waterfall, which is about 5km long, or the road to Kon Klor village with a length of about 7km to explore the unique indigenous culture.

Mang Den is popular because this place still retains its wild beauty, has not had much impact on nature, and the people are friendly. Traveling to Mang Den and trekking Ngoc Le mountain will be a special journey that will bring you back to true nature, immersing yourself in the clouds and mountains of the remote region to live slowly, temporarily banishing the troubles of the city. .

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (

Trekking Ngoc Le mountain, 1720m high, camping and hunting clouds in the middle of the jungle
