Trekking Hoang Nguu Son to conquer the roof of Nha Trang beach

Viet Nam is not a war, Viet Nam is the country
Trekking Hoang Nguu Son to conquer the roof of Nha Trang beach

A trekking trip to Hoang Nguu Son with exciting experiences will be a great choice for those who like to climb mountains and try new destinations with the beautiful scenery of Nha Trang beach.

    When traveling to Nha Trang , many people will immediately think of the beautiful beaches and islands typical of the coastal country, but Nha Trang has many more things for you to discover than those very familiar destinations, notably Hoang Nguu Son, considered the roof of Nha Trang. Trekking Hoang Nguu Son to cross the forest and cross the stream to reach the beautiful, wild and new nature will be an attractive activity to experience a truly different, captivating and majestic Nha Trang.

    Introducing Hoang Nguu Son Nha Trang 

    Hoang Nguu Son is a beautiful mountain range in the former Dong Bo war zone, in Phuoc Dong commune, Nha Trang city, so it is also known as Dong Bo mountain. The name of the mountain is specifically related to its shape because when viewed from a distance, Hoang Nguu Son looks like a buffalo stretching towards the sea.

    Trekking Hoang Nguu SonHoang Nguu Son is the highest mountain peak in Nha Trang. Photo: @nghiatrann15

    The mountain range forms a chain hundreds of miles long from Dien Khanh district to Nha Trang city and Cam Ranh district. Although the mountains here are not too high, the terrain is rugged and runs out to the sea. The highest area of ​​this peak reaches 972m. Hoang Nguu Son peak is known as one of the highest mountains in Nha Trang, so it is also considered the roof of the sea. From the top of this mountain, you can admire the whole Cam Lam plain and Nha Trang city. Gorgeous page. Trekking Hoang Nguu Son is a favorite experience of many tourists not only because of the wonderful scenery but also because this place is relatively close to the city, only 7km from Nha Trang center.

    Trekking Hoang Nguu SonThe mountain peak is considered the roof of Nha Trang because it is 972m above sea level. Photo: Blue_Eye_Camping

    Trekking Hoang Nguu Son, a memorable journey to conquer the roof of the coastal country 

    Trekking to the top of Nguu Hoang Son at an altitude of 972m above sea level is the perfect experience to climb mountains to hunt clouds and immerse yourself in the wild scenery of the majestic tower. Hoang Nguu Son trekking palace is not too high but the terrain is complex so it also requires endurance. You can start this trekking route at many different locations, the most familiar being the Hundred Eggs tourist area or Nha Trang station.

    starting point of Hoang Nguu Son TrekkingYou can choose the starting point at the most convenient location. Photo: Nguyen Duc Hieu

    On the first leg of the journey you will be quite tired because of the rugged terrain and many obstacles. After about 2 hours of traveling, you will reach a beautiful wild stream. This is a popular resting place for backpackers to regain strength. The stream is quite shallow in the dry season, but in the rainy season it has steep slopes and rocky rapids. relatively high, it will turn into a majestic waterfall with rushing water. At the stream you can watch small schools of fish swimming close to the bottom, soak your feet in the cool water to relax and gain strength for the next journey.

    Hoang Nguu Son trekking journeyThe road up the mountain is not too high but dangerous. Photo: FB/ Nguu Hoang Son – Nha Trang

    Trekking Hoang Nguu Son to see the reed grass fieldsImmense reed grass fields on the Hoang Nguu Son trek. Photo: Blue_Eye_Camping

    The second leg of the Hoang Nguu Son trekking journey is quite pleasant because the terrain is not too steep and the scenery is very beautiful. This section has a beautiful reed lawn, white flowers bloom, the gentle breeze makes the flowers flutter. winding like a wave. This is the ideal place to stop, admire the flowers, and take romantic photos. Especially from this height, you can see a very impressive corner of Nha Trang city from above. One difficult thing about this trekking leg is that the grass is quite high, there are many turns and trails, so it’s easy to get lost if you don’t stick close to the guide.

    trekking Hoang Nguu Son terrainAfter only 2-3 hours of trekking, you can see Nha Trang from above. Photo: @pihung

    From the reed meadow, move a little further and you will reach another stream to stop before entering the third trekking stage of Hoang Nguu Son peak . The final stretch of terrain is quite steep, with dangerous sections that require you to hold firmly to trees and cliffs to climb up. The natural color scheme in this stage also has its own color with large rocks and large ancient trees rising resiliently among the rock layers. After about 4 hours of trekking, you will reach the top of Hoang Nguu Son at an altitude of 972m above sea level.

    Trekking Hoang Nguu Son, a dense pathThe road up the mountain is quite bumpy but there are also many beautiful views. Photo: FB/ Hoang Nguu Son – Nha Trang

    Standing on the top of the mountain, enjoying the wind blowing, admiring the beautiful city of Nha Trang, the blue bay, and the rolling mountains will make you feel like all the fatigue of the past journey has disappeared. . For those who love trekking, the feeling of conquering Hoang Nguu Son is extremely wonderful because the result after 4 hours of hard work will be a picture of nature, sea, sky, mountains and forests blending beautifully like a dream.

    Trekking Hoang Nguu Son with scenic viewThe lofty mountain peak with a beautiful view of the sea and sky is a worthy reward. Photo: Blue_Eye_Camping

    At the top of Nguu Hoang Son, you can enjoy lunch amid the vast mountains and forests and admire the beautiful scenery or camp overnight to watch the dreamy sunset and sunrise before descending the mountain.

    trekking Hoang Nguu Son campingCamping overnight on the top of Nguu Hoang Son is a wonderful experience. Photo: @huythanhoffical

    Some experiences trekking Hoang Nguu Son peak

    Time and cost 

    The most ideal time to trek Hoang Nguu Son is from January to June every year because this is the time when the temperature is not too high and there is little rain, which is favorable for trekking and sightseeing. If you want to hunt for clouds, you can choose the end of the year, when it is easy to admire the sea of ​​clouds floating from the top of the mountain. 

    The cost of trekking to Hoang Ngu Son peak is relatively cheap, with current tours costing less than 1 million VND including guide, porter, tent, BBQ… In addition, additional travel costs from the center to the area may arise. trekking area. You should contact in advance to estimate the most accurate costs.

    trekking Hoang Nguu Son costThe cost of tours to conquer Hoang Nguu Son is very cheap. Photo: Huynh Thi To Nhu

    What to prepare? 

    The first thing to prepare when wanting to trek Hoang Nguu Son Nha Trang is physical strength. Although the journey is not too long, only about 4 hours, because of the rugged mountain terrain, it will be very tiring, so before the trip, prepare a good physical foundation to fully enjoy the trip. 

    Luggage for trekking should be as light as possible, prepare a phone, backup charger, flashlight, camera, clothes should be comfortable and sweat-absorbent and climbing shoes should fit your feet well. be most comfortable.

    Trekking Hoang Nguu Son prepareYou should prepare light and complete luggage for the most complete trip. Photo: @trinhvuog

    If you rent a guided tour, you will be fully supported with equipment, camping gear, and food. However, if you are self-sufficient, you will need to prepare more and your luggage up the mountain will also be heavier, so be careful. prompt. One item that you should prepare is a climbing stick because it not only helps you climb the mountain more easily and can be used to remove weeds or forest trees. After finishing the Hoang Nguu Son trekking leg , before Going down the mountain, please clean up everything to return nature to its true wildness for the next journey. 

    Trekking Hoang Nguu Son is an exciting journey when you will be immersed in the “vast nature” of the sea, hunt for clouds that obscure the sun and enjoy the wonderful natural picture from the top of the mountain. If you are a trekking fan, then coming to Nha Trang, you should definitely not miss this beautiful Hoang Nguu Son peak. 

    Photo,Video: Internet (

    The post Trekking Hoang Nguu Son to conquer the roof of Nha Trang beach first appeared on Viet Nam is not a war, Viet Nam is the country.

    Trekking Hoang Nguu Son to conquer the roof of Nha Trang beach

    Source: vinlove