Traveling to Ngoc Hoi border crossing to see the charming beauty of the border region

Compass Travel Vietnam
Traveling to Ngoc Hoi border crossing to see the charming beauty of the border region 

Located in the northernmost land of the Central Highlands, Ngoc Hoi border crossing, the intersection of Vietnam – Laos – Cambodia with the beauty of wild mountains and forests and a special location that still transmits many cultural values ​​enough to make the souls of many passionate hearts flutter.

Ngoc Hoi border junction, Kon Tum province is a familiar place for those who love backpacking and have experienced the sunny and windy Central Highlands road. This place is most remembered with the familiar saying “a rooster crows in three countries to listen”. Previously, when tourism at the Ngoc Hoi border crossing was not developed, this place was only known as a wild and deserted border land. However, today, Ngoc Hoi border crossing has become an attractive destination especially attracting young people who are passionate about traveling and exploring the wild and thorny lands of the great thousand. 

Traveling to Ngoc Hoi border junction

The land of Ngoc Hoi border crossing is an attractive destination for people on the move. Photo: @__liinh.dann

Where is the Ngoc Hoi border junction located? 

Ngoc Hoi border junction is the common name of the Indochina junction border area in the territory of Ngoc Hoi district, Kon Tum province. This area is located in the North of the Central Highlands and is the confluence of three Indochinese countries, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, so it is often called the Indochina confluence. This site is located 60km from the center of Kon Tum city to the northwest. 

Ngoc Hoi border junction tourism locationThis border junction is located in the north of Kon Tum province. Photo: Le Duong Bao Lam

To check-in the Ngoc Hoi border junction, visitors can depart in the two most familiar directions, which is the direction of Da Nang – Quang Nam to Ngoc Hoi along the Ho Chi Minh road through Lo Xo pass or the direction of Gia Lai – Kon Tum. Tum to Ngoc Hoi along Highway 14. Usually, the devotees will choose to explore the Ngoc Hoi border junction by motorbike in the form of backpacking. In addition, the road to Ngoc Hoi border crossing is also very beautiful, so you can choose to travel by car if you have the conditions.

>> See more:  How beautiful is Toong Dam Kon Tum lake!

Experience not to be missed when coming to Ngoc Hoi border junction 

Traveling to Ngoc Hoi border crossing, you can not only see the typical unspoiled nature of the borderland, but also enjoy a lot of unique experiences with the very own identity of this beautiful land. 

Travel to Ngoc Hoi crossroads to exploreYou can explore many interesting destinations in this land. Photo: @_hthu206_

Check-in the Indochina junction landmark

This is the most favorite check-in place when traveling to the Ngoc Hoi border crossing . The Indochina junction landmark is located in Bo Y commune, built in 2007 on the top of a mountain 1086m above sea level. In 2009, this work was officially completed. The border marker is made of granite, a triangular cylinder with three sides representing the names and national emblems of the three countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia towards the three countries.

Tourism at Ngoc Hoi border crossing, Indochina landmarkIndochina Landmark is an iconic destination in Ngoc Hoi. Photo: @aloha.nguyen

To conquer this place, visitors just need to follow Highway 14E, then stop at the border checkpoint, present documents, go another 10km around the hill to reach the foot of the landmark and then walk up the lofty stairs to reach the destination. with the sacred landmark of the country. From the border crossing milestone, you will be able to see the wild space of the hills, the green carpets mixed with the red-brown color of the basalt soil of the great land. 

Tourism at Ngoc Hoi border crossing, Indochina landmarkA symbolic landmark for the friendship of the three Indochinese countries. Photo: @lyna_nguyen88_

Hanging out at Bo Y border gate and “going abroad” to Laos 

Bo Y International Border Gate is a check-in place not to be missed when traveling at the Ngoc Hoi border crossing The border gate is located in Bo Y commune of Ngoc Hoi district, located near the Indochina junction. This place is bordered by Attapeu province of Laos and Ratanakiri province of Cambodia. At this border gate area, you can check-in and explore the shops here. In particular, you can also make a short trip to Laos or Cambodia with very simple procedures. 

Tourism at Ngoc Hoi border crossing, border gate yBo Y border gate is a familiar check-in point for backpackers. Photo: @yunavn

Visit historical sites 

The area of ​​​​Ngoc Hoi border junction today is also a place to keep the heroic evidence of his father. You can visit famous historical sites and destinations here such as the National-ranked Plei Kan Victory Historic Site, the Ben Het base area, the memorial to Truong Son heroes and martyrs. … These are attractive check-in points with historical significance and symbolism in the hearts of locals as well as tourists from all over the world. 

Traveling to Ngoc Hoi border crossing, a historical destinationNgoc Hoi has many historical destinations. Photo: Le Luan

Experience the unique culture of ethnic minorities 

Traveling to the Ngoc Hoi border crossing , you will have the opportunity to experience the very unique indigenous culture of the ethnic minorities here. Ngoc Hoi is home to 17 ethnic groups such as Gie – Trieng, Xo Dang, Brau with many unique indigenous cultures being developed and preserved such as stilt house culture, communal house festival. , new rice festival, buffalo stabbing festival… The place to visit is Dak Rang village, Dak Me village of Bo Y commune. 

Tourism at the crossroads of cultural Ngoc Hoi borderIndigenous culture in Ngoc Hoi has its own unique imprint. Photo: congthongtinngochoi.j

Enjoy delicious local dishes 

Although not a strongly developed area for tourism, Ngoc Hoi border crossing is also home to a very typical local culinary culture. In addition to the dishes that are too familiar when it comes to tourism in the Central Highlands in general or Kon Tum in particular, such as lam rice, grilled chicken, and wine, traveling to Ngoc Hoi border crossing you will experience typical dishes. of the indigenous Gie Trieng people such as grilled dry rat meat, sour chicken, salamander eggs, leaf cake or porcupine cooked with giant umbrella. 

Tourism at the crossroads of Ngoc Hoi cuisineDried grilled rat meat is a unique specialty in Ngoc Hoi. Photo: Kontumgov

Traveling to Ngoc Hoi border crossing with grilled porcupineGrilled porcupine, famous specialty of Ngoc Hoi. Photo: kontumgov

The land of border crossings with attractive check-in points, unspoiled landscapes, rich indigenous culture and unique cuisine will be a great stop on your journey back to the land of thousands of people. Let‘s travel to the Ngoc Hoi border crossing to immerse in the beauty of wild mountains and forests 

Photo: Internet 

Traveling to Ngoc Hoi border crossing to see the charming beauty of the border region 

Source: vinlove