Top 8 delicious sticky rice restaurants in Saigon, eat once and remember

Compass Travel Vietnam
Top 8 delicious sticky rice restaurants in Saigon, eat once and remember

You can have breakfast, in the late afternoon or late at night with sticky rice, which is both delicious and cheap. So do you know where to eat the best sticky rice in Saigon? Let’s take a look at the delicious sticky rice restaurants in Saigon that are super crowded and “startling” cheap below!

Top 8 delicious sticky rice restaurants in Saigon 

Let‘s review delicious sticky rice restaurants in Saigon that are famous and crowded below:

1. Sticky Rice Ton Dan

– Address: No. 232 Ton Dan, Ward 15, District 4, Saigon

– Time: 19h – 23h

– Price: ranging from 10,000 VND to 20,000 VND / serving

Xoi Ton Dan is a famous address of many Saigon people and tourists. The shop sells many different types of sticky rice, but the most famous is sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves. A pack of sticky rice with all kinds of fried onions, sausages, quail eggs, and shrimps. In addition, Ton Dan sticky rice shop also has all kinds of sweet sticky rice, salty sticky rice such as: peanut sticky rice, charcoal sticky rice, green bean sticky rice, corn sticky rice… The shop sells until 11pm, suitable for late-night snacking. .

Delicious sticky rice restaurant in Saigon - Ton Dan sticky rice shopTon Dan sticky rice is a famous address of Saigon people and tourists

2. Binh Tien sticky rice 

– Address: No. 88 Minh Phung, Ward 5, District 6 or 254 Nguyen Van Nghi, Go Vap District and 526 Provincial Road 10, Binh Tri Dong Ward, Binh Tan District

– Opening time: 14h – 23h

– Price ranges: 15,000 VND – 30,000 VND

This delicious sticky rice restaurant in Saigon is very famous and now has many branches in all districts of Ho Chi Minh City. Binh Tien sticky rice has been in Saigon for decades and has become a favorite place for many people. The shop specializes in all kinds of sticky rice, sticky rice with charcoal, sticky rice with mixed, salty sticky rice…  

The plus point of the restaurant is that sticky rice is cooked from fragrant sticky rice and wrapped inside banana leaves, so it still retains its own unique delicious flavor. Sticky rice is considered soft and not dry. The price of a piece of sticky rice ranges from 15,000 VND and is suitable for many people from working to students.

Delicious sticky rice restaurant in Saigon - Binh Tien sticky rice shopBinh Tien sticky rice is full of all kinds of toppings

>>See more:  ‘Sweep the coordinates’ of the most popular hot pot restaurants in Saigon today

3. Number One Chicken Sticky Rice

– Address: No. 15 Nguyen Trung Truc, District 1, Saigon 

– Time: 6:15 a.m. – 8:00 p.m

– Price: ranging from 10,000 VND to 30,000 VND

If you are looking for a delicious chicken sticky rice restaurant in Saigon , Number One chicken sticky rice is a famous address that you should not miss. The shop specializes in delicious chicken sticky rice, famous near and far, with delicious chewy chicken and beautiful decoration. Sticky rice is cooked from selected glutinous rice, so it is very flexible and not dry. Chicken is shredded or left with thighs, depending on the taste of the diners. In particular, each export of chicken sticky rice has an extra layer of super delicious and greasy yellow eggs.

Delicious sticky rice restaurant in Saigon - Number One chicken sticky rice shopNumber One Chicken Sticky Rice is famously delicious

4. Miss Lan’s Chicken Sticky Rice 

– Address: No. 14B Ky Dong, Ward 9, District 3, Saigon 

– Time: 6am – 9am

– Price: From 15,000 VND

Eating delicious sticky rice in Ho Chi Minh City cannot be missed at Co Lan chicken sticky rice restaurant in District 3. The shop only sells in the morning, it’s out of stock until 9am and is very crowded. A box of chicken sticky rice is full of ingredients with sticky rice, chicken, young eggs… Chicken is marinated with spices to taste, chicken juice used to make sticky rice is delicious. Sticky sticky rice is fragrant and cooked to taste. The plus point of the restaurant is that there are many waiters so you don’t have to wait long.

Delicious sticky rice restaurant in Saigon - Co Lan sticky rice shopMiss Lan’s chicken sticky rice makes me crave it

5. Sidewalk sticky rice shop 513 Nguyen Tri Phuong

– Address: Sidewalk 513 Nguyen Tri Phuong, Ward 8. District 10, Saigon

– Time: 6am – 10pm

– Price: 10,000 VND – 25,000 VND

This is a delicious sticky rice restaurant in Saigon that sells a lot of customers at night and is a familiar address for night owls who come home from work late at night. The shop specializes in serving all kinds of savory sticky rice with full toppings including: spring rolls, pate, cotton balls, shrimp paste, onions… In addition, the shop also serves super delicious dumplings, meatloaf and popcorn. Nguyen Tri Phuong’s sidewalk sticky rice shop sells from 9 pm until the next morning, suitable for dinner at night.

Delicious sticky rice restaurant in Saigon - Nguyen Tri Phuong sidewalk sticky rice shopSidewalk sticky rice shop 513 Nguyen Tri Phuong

6. Hanoi sticky rice Nguyen Bieu 

– Address: 63/38 Nguyen Bieu, Ward 1, District 5, Saigon 

– Time: 8am – 8pm 

– Price: ranging from 15,000 VND – 40,000 VND

This Northern sticky rice restaurant in Saigon is famous for its sticky rice dish and is a familiar address for many of you who want to enjoy the capital’s specialty sticky rice. A portion of sticky rice at the shop has all kinds of dishes served with chicken, cotton balls, shumai, pate… The sticky rice is cooked very flexible, the meat is marinated with flavor, and the green beans are greasy. In addition, the shop also serves peanut sticky rice and Gac sticky rice. The price of each piece of sticky rice ranges from 15,000 VND – 30,000 VND / depending on the taste of each customer.

Delicious sticky rice restaurant in Saigon - Hanoi sticky rice shopHanoi Nguyen Bieu sticky rice is delicious, mouth watering

7. Tan Binh lotus leaf sticky rice 

– Address: No. 35 Ngo Thi Thu Minh, Ward 2, Tan Binh District, Saigon 

– Time: 6:30am – 9:00am

– Price ranges: 10,000 VND – 20000 VND

Tan Binh lotus leaf sticky rice is always in the top of delicious sticky rice restaurants in crowded Saigon . The shop only sells in the morning and is very popular. Sticky rice at the restaurant is a favorite with sticky rice cooked from yellow-flowered glutinous rice imported from the North, each grain of rice is stretchy and round. In particular, sticky rice wrapped in lotus leaves is very beautiful and retains its own distinctive scent, ensuring health safety. The menu of sticky rice dishes at the restaurant is very diverse, including: sticky rice with corn, sticky rice with rice, sticky rice with gac, and sticky rice with corn… 

Delicious sticky rice restaurant in Saigon - La Sen sticky rice shopTan Binh lotus leaf sticky rice wrapped in lotus leaf is both delicious and beautiful

8. Sticky Rice Morgue

– Address: No. 405 Tran Phu, District 5, Saigon

– Time: 6am – 9pm

– Price: From 10,000 VND

The name Nha Xa sticky rice restaurant sounds a bit creepy, but it is very famous for its irresistible delicious sticky rice. The reason it is called Nha Xa sticky rice is because the restaurant is located close to the funeral home in District 5. The shop has more than 50 years of experience specializing in selling salty sticky rice and has become a famous brand in Saigon. The package of sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves is both beautiful and safe. Each set of sticky rice is full of ingredients with sausage, pate, onion fat, sesame salt and soy sauce.

Delicious sticky rice restaurant in Saigon - Nha Xa's sticky rice shopSaigon’s famous delicious sticky rice mortuary

Let’s save delicious sticky rice restaurants in Saigon: Address, opening time and price above to have a delicious and cheap breakfast, lunch, afternoon or dinner! In addition, you can refer to: Saigon travel experience for useful information for your upcoming trip!

Photo: Internet

Top 8 delicious sticky rice restaurants in Saigon, eat once and remember

Source: vinlove