The woman raised more than 300 cats and dogs, costing 2500$/month

Compass Travel Vietnam
The woman raised more than 300 cats and dogs, costing 2500$/month

How much money Phuong made, she put all her money into raising more than 300 dogs. At night, she did not come home but slept with them in a hammock.

How much money Phuong made, she put all her money into raising more than 300 dogs. At night, she did not come home but slept with them in a hammock.

Bringing more than 300 “wandering” dogs to take care of

In a small area of ​​​​land in Ben Cat, Binh Duong, right next to the Thi Tinh river, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Phuong is taking care of more than 300 dogs and a few dozen cats. These dogs and cats, according to Phuong, all came from “the corner of the street”, was bought by her from the slaughterhouse, rescued when she accidentally saw them on the road, or were sick and discarded by the old owner.

The woman raised more than 300 cats and dogs, costing 60 million/month - Photo 1.

“Shelter” where Phuong is living with more than 300 cats and dogs seen from above.

Loving them, she gathered them in a “home” (built on her father’s land), took care of them, and called them “baby”. Seeing strangers coming, they will be excited, barking loudly; but when it comes to Phuong or the extra caretaker, they are very attached, rushing out to play with them, jumping up and down as if showing their affection.

” If you don’t go to the street, then go out to see people carrying dogs to sell, I’m obsessed, I have to run after begging to buy and bring back “, Phuong revealed. Her “home” was started a few years ago. At that time, she was raising two dogs as pets. But one of the herd got lost, Phuong wandered around for a few days looking for it but couldn’t find it.

Phuong took care of a large group of dogs, more than 300 dogs and dozens of cats.

She recalls: “ I went to the slaughterhouse to look for him, but he was nowhere to be found. But inside, seeing other children waiting for their turn to be slaughtered, I have moved again. That time, I bought 60 babies, costing nearly 2000$. I have to convince the abattoir owner a lot, in fact, they don’t want to sell, but begged a lot, for example, if they sell slowly, it will take a long time, and even sell me all the herd at once, out of extremes.

At that time, when I brought back 60 children, I couldn’t imagine anything, nor did I prepare in advance, thinking that if I raised two or more children, it would be the same. Before here, there was only a fence around the land, the children were strange, so they ran up and down, I had to build a fence and roof around. The barn was small and small before, and then had to make a large cage because of extra production.

The woman raised more than 300 cats and dogs, costing 60 million/month - Photo 2.
The woman raised more than 300 cats and dogs, costing 60 million/month - Photo 3.

Just like that, I don’t know what fate is, but now I have raised more than 300 children. My parents strongly objected because I was still young and still had a job; but if I bring them back, I can’t give them to others or return them, I’ll just try. But if I get yelled at, I don’t go home anymore, I work hard, my parents are bored, it’s okay! “.

Every month it costs 2500$ to raise a dog

Currently, at night, Phuong does not go home with her family, but always sleeps in the “home”. She is confident that she is very safe here, partly because this attractive land is far from the center, far from the road, the entrance is deserted and difficult to go, so no one dares to enter; Partly because “the children are so fierce”, they protect the owner very fiercely.

The woman raised more than 300 cats and dogs, costing 60 million/month - Photo 4.

In the evening, Phuong’s 4-legged friends will be bedded and covered with blankets to sleep, while Phuong stretches out a hammock right next to her. Because of taking care of the dogs from afternoon to night, only the next morning someone changed the shift, Phuong honestly admitted: “They take care of them a lot, cook rice and feed them, so the clothes they wear are not clean “.

Phuong works in beauty care, so during the day, when someone calls, she goes, and in the afternoon she comes back with the dogs. She was married but has been “off” for ten years. Phuong’s daughter lives at her grandparents’ house.

As for her part, Phuong does not have much time to communicate with outsiders, nor does she intend to date, mainly spending time taking care of “baby” four legs.

“ I have never had a decent night’s sleep, sometimes just a small sound is enough to make me sleep all night. Sometimes it’s too hard, I just wish the children knew how to clean their own sleeping place (laughs) “, Phuong said wittily.

How much money does Phuong make in exchange for raising dogs? But sometimes there is a shortage, she goes to Facebook to ask for donations, and her friends also each give a little support. The current cost of raising Phuong’s dogs is about 2500$/month, the rent for an extra caretaker is 11 million VND, the rest is for food and medicine.

Dogs are fed 2 meals a day, breakfast is dry food, seeds for dogs, Phuong cooks rice in the afternoon. Every day, about 50kg of rice, 30-40kg of green vegetables, or 40-50kg of fruits and vegetables (such as squash, chayote, radish…), 6kg of meat. Those who are seriously ill, weak or small dogs will be nourished with chicken porridge, bone porridge …

The woman raised more than 300 cats and dogs, costing 60 million/month - Photo 5.
The woman raised more than 300 cats and dogs, costing 60 million/month - Photo 6.

Vegetables for dogs to eat every day up to tens of kilograms.

The cost of medicine and medical examination for the dogs is also very expensive. All dogs raised by Phuong are neutered to prevent the herd from expanding. They are also vaccinated, examined and treated. “ Some big veterinary hospitals and clinics know that they have to work hard to raise babies, so they also give loans, gradually pay the hospital fees, it is also difficult when they are stuck, I have to shout out to the online community for more help.

I try to raise them the best I can, taking good care of them to give them a chance to live a second life. There are also people who want to give me the children they are raising but are old, sick or they are bored, I also have to make it clear that I do not accept. I hope whoever has raised the children will love and take care of them, not abandon them, so poor! “.

The woman raised more than 300 cats and dogs, costing 60 million/month - Photo 7.
The woman raised more than 300 cats and dogs, costing 60 million/month - Photo 8.

Although it was hard, Phuong was still happy.

The woman raised more than 300 cats and dogs, costing 2500$/month

Source: vinlove