The whole village neighborhood gathered to ‘rescue’ the farm of 4,000 chickens that was submerged by the flood

Compass Travel Vietnam
The whole village neighborhood gathered to ‘rescue’ the farm of 4,000 chickens that was submerged by the flood

The flood engulfed the chicken farm, killing more than 4,000 chickens. So dozens of people in the neighborhood came together to help the farm owner pick up chickens, make meat, and sell them to save some capital.

The image of dozens of people in Nghe An gathering in the neighborhood’s cultural yard together to pluck and butcher more than 4,000 chickens that died due to flooding, in order to help farm owners salvage some capital, touched netizens.

The whole neighborhood gathered together to 'rescue' the farm of 4,000 chickens that was submerged by floods - photo 1
Each person has a job, the whole village of Bau Xuan helps Mr. The to make chicken to save some capitalCTV

This image was taken in Bau Xuan hamlet (Dien Doai commune, Dien Chau district, Nghe An province) on rainy days . Due to the influence of the circulation of Cyclone Noru (typhoon No. 4), from September 28 in Nghe An , there was heavy rain, causing many localities to be flooded. In Dien Doai commune, floods flooded many houses, including the chicken farm of Mr. Nguyen Duc The (40 years old).

Empty hands after a rainy night

Talking to Thanh Nien , Mr. The said that when it rained heavily for a long time, he was wary of rising water, so he tried to raise the barn. On the evening of September 29, flood water began to creep in outside of his more than 500 m2 chicken farm . There have been 5 years of raising livestock in this area, so he hopes the flood water will only be at the bottom level like every year, not high.

The whole neighborhood gathered together to 'rescue' the farm of 4,000 chickens that was submerged by floods - Photo 2

That night until the morning of September 30, Mr. The did not dare to sleep, he kept pacing back and forth hoping that the rain would stop and the water would not rise. But by dawn the next morning, the entire chicken farm of more than 4,000 chickens was submerged in flood water, before the helplessness of him and his family. This is a litter of chickens that have been raised for 2.5 months and are about to be sold. All with an investment of about 350 million VND, he poured into chickens, and now it is considered lost.

Heartwarming village and village

An official of the Dien Doai Commune People’s Committee said that after the commune officials entered Mr. The’s farm to check and determine that the chickens had just died from asphyxiation, the local government agreed to let him sell meat for cheap and salvage it. little capital.

Fortunately, knowing that his family’s chicken farm was damaged by floods, an eco-tourism area in H.Dien Chau agreed to buy all the dead chickens to make food for tigers raised in the ecological area. provided the chicken is cleaned. Due to the number of more than 4,000 chickens, Mr. The alone could not do it, many people in the neighborhood heard that despite the flood water, they still waded through the water to find the farm to support Mr. chicken, and moved to the village culture house. Here, dozens of old and young people bring pots, pans, gas stoves, knives … to cook water, and make chicken for Mr. The.

One person per person, on the same day all dead chickens were processed and transferred to the ecological area where chickens were ordered. Mr. The said that he was very touched when his neighbors came to share in the tribulation. Everyone’s love helped him relieve his sadness when his assets of hundreds of millions of dong were submerged by flood water.

Photo: Internet

The whole village neighborhood gathered to ‘rescue’ the farm of 4,000 chickens that was submerged by the flood

Source: vinlove