The tree that once evoked poverty now helps people earn hundreds of billions of dong

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The tree that once evoked poverty now helps people earn hundreds of billions of dong

With nearly 3,000 hectares of cassava, the entire Muong Lat district is estimated to earn 100 billion VND. This is unprecedented in the border district of Thanh.

Early in the morning on the hillsides in Xa Lung village, Muong Ly commune, Muong Lat district, Thanh Hoa province, there was a bustling atmosphere of enthusiastic work . Dozens of people hoe the ground, pull cassava, and then carry the cassava to transport it to the gathering point and weigh it for sale to traders.

Carrying a sack of cassava over steep hillsides, Thao A Pao was drenched in sweat and said: “I’m tired, but after so many years of growing cassava, this year I have a good harvest and a good price. Pao is happy and forgets his fatigue.”

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Cassava has a good harvest and good price, people in the border area are excited and happy (Photo: Hanh Linh).

A Pao’s family planted 2 hectares of cassava, harvested 1 hectare, yielding 20 tons. With a selling price of 2,100 VND/kg, A Pao’s family earned more than 40 million VND. On the family’s hill there are about 20 tons of unharvested cassava.

According to A Pao, this year the cassava crop is good and the price is higher. It is estimated that Pao’s family will have 40 tons of cassava roots and earn more than 80 million VND.

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White sacks full of cassava on hillsides in the border district of Muong Lat (Photo: Hanh Linh).

“The cassava season is good, the price is high, A Pao’s family has money to go to the fields from selling cassava, meals include meat, Pao’s wife goes to the market to buy warm clothes for the children. This year’s Tet, Pao’s family will be more prosperous than the previous Tet , ” A Pao laughed happily.

Mr. Sung Seo Senh, Secretary and Head of Xa Lung village, said that Xa Lung people are very happy when the price of cassava has doubled compared to previous years.

Xa Lung village has 60 households and most of the households grow cassava. Cassava is a perennial crop, bringing a stable source of income for households.

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Thanks to the suitable soil and climate, cassava in Muong Lat has large, starchy roots (Photo: Hanh Linh).

According to Mr. Senh, the Mong people in Xa Lung plant cassava seeds in February and March and begin harvesting in the October and November of the lunar calendar. Cassava is an easy plant to grow and does not require much effort or maintenance costs.

“The cassava harvest is good, the price is high, people are happy like Tet. With this momentum, soon the Mong people in Xa Lung will escape poverty, have food to eat and savings,” Mr. Senh said happily.

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Many young people in border areas boldly change ineffective crops to growing cassava (Photo: Hanh Linh).

Looking at the white sacks stacked in piles on the hillsides, Mr. Ha Van Tuan, Chairman of Muong Ly Commune People’s Committee, said that the commune has nearly 1,000 hectares of cassava, of which about 400 hectares are planted with high-quality cassava.

The cassava plant is suited to the soil and climate, and properly cared for with proper techniques, so it produces large tubers, many tubers, and a large amount of starch, so it always fetches good prices.

The current price of cassava is 2,100 VND/kg. If cassava has a large amount of starch, it costs 2,200-2,500 VND/kg. It is estimated that local revenue from cassava reaches tens of billions of VND.

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Cassava is gradually becoming a key crop in Muong Lat (Photo: Hanh Linh).

Mr. Tuan said, from the beginning of the season until now, traders from all over have come here to buy cassava. Trucks weave into each village to purchase, gather and then transport for sale or to processing factories.

Mr. Nguyen Van Binh, Chairman of Muong Lat District People’s Committee, said that the whole district has nearly 3,000 hectares of cassava, on average 1 hectare of cassava will yield 18 tons, with selling prices ranging from 2,100 VND to 2,600 VND/kg. about 110 billion VND in cassava.

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Traders bring cars to the village to buy cassava (Photo: Hoang Trung).

According to Mr. Binh, this is the first year that cassava has been mass grown in the Muong Lat district. The local government coordinated with Phuc Thinh Agricultural, Forestry and Agricultural Materials Production and Processing Joint Stock Company to purchase and purchase cassava at the gathering point.

“Cassava produces high yields and good prices. The District People’s Committee recommends that people not burn or destroy natural forests to grow cassava. And always comply with the contract and binding terms signed with the company,” Mr. Binh said.

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (

The tree that once evoked poverty now helps people earn hundreds of billions of dong
