The scene is like a fairy garden at the hundred-year-old lighthouse located on the Son Tra peninsula

Compass Travel Vietnam
The scene is like a fairy garden at the hundred-year-old lighthouse located on the Son Tra peninsula

Tien Sa Lighthouse was put into operation in 1902, until now, it is still a solid lighthouse that illuminates boats passing through the area.

Those who have ever traveled to Da Nang have more or less heard of the Son Tra peninsula, a beautiful road with green forests far below the vast sea stretching to the horizon.

Running around the Son Tra peninsula, there are many stops for visitors to explore this beautiful area more thoroughly, and Tien Sa lighthouse is one of them.

The scene resembles a fairy garden at the hundred-year-old lighthouse located on the Son Tra peninsula - Photo 1.

Tien Sa Lighthouse is one of the ancient lighthouses in Vietnam.(Photo: danang_wego)

Tien Sa lighthouse station, also known as Son Tra lighthouse, is located on Son Tra mountain at an altitude of 223m above sea level.

Not built too majestically, magnificently, Tien Sa lighthouse impresses with its small, lovely appearance and bright colors next to a garden filled with peaceful trees, like a fairy picture. .

The scene resembles a fairy garden at the hundred-year-old lighthouse located on the Son Tra peninsula - Photo 2.

Tien Sa Lighthouse has a height of 15.6m and a visibility of 14 nautical miles.(Photo: trannam1908)

Although possessing fresh and dynamic colors, Tien Sa lighthouse is actually not inferior to other ancient lighthouses spread throughout Vietnam.

Built and put into operation by the French in 1902, Tien Sa lighthouse has caught the sun, endured frost, and stood proudly for more than 100 years in the middle of the Son Tra mountains to illuminate the nightly ships moving in and out of the port. Tien Sa, as well as passing through the waters of Da Nang, Thua Thien Hue, and Quang Nam.

The scene is like a fairy garden at the hundred-year-old lighthouse located on the Son Tra peninsula - Photo 3.

A simple wooden sign welcomes visitors.(Photo: nhacindy_189)

The road to the ancient lighthouse crosses the winding slopes of the Son Tra peninsula and then stops in front of a simple, rustic wooden sign that welcomes visitors with a nameplate introducing the attractions.

Walking along the small sloping path under the hedges of hibiscus flowers, a peaceful scene with birds chirping, waves lapping in the distance, and then looming behind the trees gradually appeared the tower with golden color. Outstanding freshness, giving the feeling of discovering a fairy garden.

The scene resembles a fairy garden at the hundred-year-old lighthouse located on the Son Tra peninsula - Photo 4.

The lighthouse stands out with its brilliant golden color.(Photo: pixie_mar)

Tien Sa Lighthouse still retains its ancient lines with strong French architectural style, but also exudes modernity and freshness through brilliant paint.

The scene resembles a fairy garden at the hundred-year-old lighthouse located on the Son Tra peninsula - Photo 5.

Tien Sa Lighthouse appears with both classic and modern appearance.(Photo: 289.tuaha)

The entire lighthouse is 15.6m high, 2.7m wide on average, covered with brilliant yellow paint, pure white and eye-catching blue in the door frame. The extremely harmonious color scheme has helped the building become extremely unique and outstanding among the remote mountains.

The scene resembles a fairy garden at the hundred-year-old lighthouse located on the Son Tra peninsula - Photo 6.

The place has many impressive shooting angles for visitors to freely pose (Photo: nguyenkhaitrung)

Standing at the foot of the lighthouse, visitors have the opportunity to delight in creativity with countless artistic photography angles. Meanwhile, at the top of the lighthouse, visitors will have the opportunity to capture in sight a beautiful sea and lush primeval forests, a vivid picture of nature “golden forest, silver sea”. .

The scene is like a fairy garden at the hundred-year-old lighthouse located on the Son Tra peninsula - Photo 7.

The sea and sky merge into one under the lush forest from the lighthouse’s perspective.(Photo: than.thuy.mai)

Tien Sa Lighthouse over 100 hundred years ago kept the task of illuminating ships, now it has become an impressive attraction not to be missed when coming to the Son Tra peninsula.

Photo: Internet (

The scene is like a fairy garden at the hundred-year-old lighthouse located on the Son Tra peninsula

Source: vinlove