“The person who came back from the dead” and the desire to plant forests for precious mushrooms

Compass Travel Vietnam
“The person who came back from the dead” and the desire to plant forests for precious mushrooms

For fear that tomorrow the forests will lose the rare and precious green iron, Mr. Nguyen Dinh Hoa (resident in Tien Phuoc district, Quang Nam province) has accepted to destroy many hectares of melaleuca and fruit trees to grow ironwood. green for mushrooms.

Kingdom of lime green

For many years, anyone passing through Tien Hiep commune (Tien Phuoc district, Quang Nam) must be surprised and amazed at the immense green lim forest. It is the ironwood forest of Mr. Nguyen Dinh Hoa – who is considered as a pioneer in planting ironwood forest for mushrooms in Tien Phuoc.

The story of Mr. Hoa’s “kingdom of green iron” originated many years ago. At that time, he had a very serious liver disease and thanks to the forest, he found a fungus growing on the green ironwood tree and brought it home to cook to drink water to escape death.

Since then, many people from all over the world have flocked to Tien Phuoc to find him to inquire about the matter, to share this fungus to cure diseases. He also went with a group of friends in the village to pick mushrooms to share with everyone.

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Mr. Nguyen Dinh Hoa is a pioneer in planting ironwood forests for mushrooms.

Gradually, people looking for mushrooms increased day by day, while the forest was cut bare by loggers. He lamented and said to himself: “I owe it to the forest all my life, so I must by all means save this precious tree.

By 2010, Mr. Hoa had spent hundreds of millions of dong to buy more than 20,000 seedlings of ironwood from Son Ha Forest Enterprise (Quang Ngai province) to plant on the hilly land behind his house. Having seedlings, he decided to completely cut down 8 hectares of acacia acacia and fruit trees in the garden to replace green iron. This is an unprecedented job in mountainous localities.

Looking at the scene where Mr. Hoa brought forest trees to his home garden, many people said that he was sick, so he was “crazy” seriously. Despite the people talking, he was still determined not to give up. “At first, I was quite disappointed when I saw that the tree was attacked by worms, destroying the leaves. For many months, I hired workers to shine lights to catch each worm for the tree. Then in the end, the land did not let people love, The trees gradually turned green again,’ Mr. Hoa recalled.

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Because he wanted to pay the “forest debt”, Mr. Hoa was determined to preserve this precious tree.

Rich from the forest

After 12 years, the ironwood forest has covered an 8-hectare hill. Each tree has a diameter of 15-25cm. The canopy has 3 layers, the young leaves on the top layer are red, the middle leaves are green and the bottom layer is dark green. The iron tree in the season does not shed all its leaves, but instead is scattered, so it is always green.

With the current market price of ironwood, each cubic meter is from 20-50 million VND. With 8 hectares, Mr. Hoa’s green ironwood forest is worth billions of dong.

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Currently, he has an ironwood forest covering an 8-hectare hill.

However, Mr. Hoa still insists that his dream is not to become a forest billionaire but to have a rare medicinal mushroom source to help people. This green ironwood forest, he will keep for future descendants, not sell. In the future, he will build a facility to transplant green reishi from the branches of the green reishi that have been ground into powder.

According to Mr. Hoa’s experience, based on the location of the fungus growing on the ironwood tree, people are divided into two types of green reishi mushrooms: those that grow from the roots and those that grow from the trunk.

Green reishi never grows on living trees, but only on dead roots, so it’s more difficult to find. To find the dead ironwood tree, the worker must follow the paths in the forest.

In addition, some branches of green ironwood trees were cut down by storms and rain, and over time, natural mushrooms have sprouted. This further affirms that Mr. Hoa’s planting of green ironwood is correct so far.

“The season of reishi mushrooms usually falls from March to June every year. On average, a year, from the ironwood forest, about 100 kg of mushrooms can be harvested. Deducting all costs, I earn more than 500 million dong in profit,” said Mr. Hoa. speak.

Ganoderma lucidum, the scientific name is Ganoderma lucidum Karst or Polyporum lucidus W. Curt, belongs to the reishi mushroom family, is an endemic reishi mushroom, which usually grows and develops on green reishi trees living in primeval forests.

According to the research of the late Professor Do Tat Loi – a famous Vietnamese traditional medicine and herbal medicine researcher, this medicinal herb can inhibit the development of some cancers.

Some pictures of Mr. Hoa’s green reishi mushroom forest:

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Each rare ironwood tree on the hill has a diameter of 10-25cm.
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The iron tree in season does not shed all its leaves, but rather scattered, so Mr. Hoa’s hill is always green.
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According to Mr. Hoa, green reishi mushrooms only grow on dead iron roots.
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In addition, some branches of green ironwood were cut down by rainstorms, over time also naturally grew mushrooms.
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An iron tree fell, Mr. Hoa sawed for wood and waited for the mushrooms at the sawed root.
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On average, Mr. Hoa can harvest about 100 kg of reishi mushrooms a year.
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Green reishi mushrooms are collected by him and sold to the market for a few million dong per kilogram

Photo: Internet (Vinlove.net)

The post “The person who came back from the dead” and the desire to plant forests for precious mushrooms first appeared on Compass Travel Vietnam.

“The person who came back from the dead” and the desire to plant forests for precious mushrooms

Source: vinlove