The mystery of the magic fish in the jade-colored ancient well, the natural sweetness in the village of Diem

Compass Travel Vietnam
The mystery of the magic fish in the jade-colored ancient well, the natural sweetness in the village of Diem

Not only is the green in the jade extremely beautiful, but the water in the well is also cool and naturally sweet.

Not only known for the famous Quan Ho folk song throughout Kinh Bac, but Bac Ninh is also home to many ancient relics and landscapes with mysterious colors.

Located at the foot of the Kim Linh and Kim Son mountain ranges, there is an ancient Vietnamese village named Diem village (in Hoa Long commune, Bac Ninh city). There is a complex of Temples Cung – Gieng Ngoc which is extremely sacred, a place that attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world to visit and visit the ceremony.

The mystery of the magic fish in the jade-colored ancient well, the natural sweetness in the village of Diem - Photo 1.

Cung Temple – Ngoc Well is located in Viem Xa area, Hoa Long ward, Bac Ninh city.(Photo: will4lu)

Behind the ancient three-door gate is an open campus with many majestic ancient trees, in harmony with the moss-colored architecture. The fresh and airy space of cool trees quickly brings visitors relaxation and a feeling of peace.

The mystery of the magic fish in the jade-colored ancient well, the natural sweetness in the village of Diem - Photo 2.

Inside the temple is very airy with many shady old trees.(Photo: phankhucvu)

Located in the middle of the temple yard is Gieng Ngoc – said to be a treasure from heaven dedicated to the people of Diem village. Ngoc well has a semicircle shape about 20m2 wide, including 11 brick steps, 4 stone steps and 1 ironwood step near the edge of the well. Lying at the bottom of the well is a layer of natural laterite about 10m deep, featuring clear turquoise water.

The mystery of the magic fish in the jade-colored ancient well, the natural sweetness in the village of Diem - Photo 3.

The sacred Jade Well is located in the middle of the temple courtyard.(Photo: dat3188)

No one knows when Gieng Ngoc existed, only know that many generations of Diem villagers have been nourished and grown up by the cool and sweet water of this well.

The mystery of the magic fish in the jade-colored ancient well, the natural sweetness in the village of Diem - Photo 4.

The water at the bottom of the well is emerald green and the bottom can be seen.(Photo: thuongmitto)

The water from Gieng Ngoc can be drawn and drank directly without filtering or boiling, the taste is cool and naturally sweet. According to local people, the reason why the water in Gieng Ngoc has a unique flavor is because the water flowing from the mountain seeps through the laterite layers, creating this rare sweet and cool taste.

The mystery of the magic fish in the jade-colored ancient well, the natural sweetness in the village of Diem - Photo 5.

The water in the well has a rare sweet and cool taste.(Photo: ntt_trangggg)

The people of Diem village have used water from Gieng Ngoc for cooking and eating. Up to now, they still often take water from the well to make tea for guests, cook wine, etc. Visitors to the Cung Temple also do not forget. Drop down the steps at Well Ngoc to get some water with the wish to bring luck and fortune to the family.

The mystery of the magic fish in the jade-colored ancient well, the natural sweetness in the village of Diem - Photo 6.

Visitors must take off their shoes before entering the well to get water.(Photo: hang881991)

Besides the beautiful turquoise color and rare cool taste, this ancient well is also associated with the legend of the three-thousand-year-old “divine fish”. Legend has it that a long time ago, there were 3 fish living under Gieng Ngoc, witnessing the ups and downs of Diem village, even though the flood did not leave.

The mystery of the magic fish in the jade-colored ancient well, the natural sweetness in the village of Diem - Photo 7.

There are many mysterious stories surrounding the Jade Well, of which the best known are the three thousand-year-old “divine fish”.(Photo: Dinhquau)

The mystery of the magic fish in the jade-colored ancient well, the natural sweetness in the village of Diem - Photo 8.

Cung Temple – Ngoc Well is a place not to be missed when coming to Bac Ninh.(Photo: capricorn_tarot)

Visiting the Cung Temple, sipping the cool and sweet water at Gieng Ngoc and hearing about the true and false stories make the land of Diem village more attractive and mysterious. Not only a place to check-in, take pictures, a trip to Cung Temple – Gieng Ngoc will help visitors better understand a part of history, culture and life of a gentle corner of Bac Ninh. peace.

Photo: Internet (

The mystery of the magic fish in the jade-colored ancient well, the natural sweetness in the village of Diem

Source: vinlove