The mysterious wildness of Thuong Kon Tum Hydroelectric Lake

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The mysterious wildness of Thuong Kon Tum Hydroelectric Lake

In addition to the familiar tourist attractions, coming to Mang Den, visitors can visit the upper Kon Tum hydroelectric lake, a beautiful, wild, mysterious, and enchanting landscape that captivates many people.

    Beautiful natural destinations such as Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake are becoming increasingly attractive in the eyes of travel enthusiasts, because of their wild beauty and unique charm that cannot be found anywhere else. Checking into the hydroelectric lake, visitors will enjoy a truly peaceful space, fully immersed in the vast and spacious nature of the Central Highlands. 

    Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lakeThuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake is an attractive new stop in Mang Den. Photo: Khang Luan Store

    Introduction to Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake 

    Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake is the largest hydroelectric project in the province located on Dak Snghé river, one of the branches of Dak Bla river, in Dak Tang and Ngok Tem communes, about 30km from the center of Kon Plong district.

    Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lakeThe hydroelectric lake has the largest area in Kon Tum. Photo: Thu Nga

     Upper Kon Tum hydroelectric lake has an area of ​​145.52 million m3, nearly 17km long, located between primeval forests and rolling hills. This is a semi-artificial lake whose main role is to store water for the upper Kon Tum hydroelectric project . The lake plays a very important role in the operation of the Upper Kon Tum hydroelectric project, a large project officially started in 2009 and completed in 2020 with a total capital of 9,400 billion VND. The hydroelectric plant currently has a capacity of up to 220 MW including 2 units, giving a maximum annual electricity output of 1094 KWh. 

    Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake started to store water from March 2021. In addition to its main role of storing water for hydroelectric power, this is also currently an attractive destination in the eyes of travel enthusiasts because of its beautiful natural landscape. .

    Scenery of Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lakeThe lake plays a huge role in the operation of the Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric project and the surrounding ecosystem. Photo: Le Anh Vu

    Instructions for moving to the hydroelectric lake for first-time visitors 

    To get to Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake , if starting from Mang Den town, it will take about an hour to travel with a distance of 15km. Accordingly, from the town center, follow provincial road 676 towards Mang Canh commune. On the way, ask for directions to the Dak Rve – Kon Ray ranger station, go through the long winding road and you will reach the hydroelectric lake. 

    One travel experience you need to keep in mind is that you should not rely solely on Google Maps because sometimes the instructions will not be accurate. Instead, on the way to avoid getting lost, ask people for directions to Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake and follow the directions. The travel distance is not too long but there are quite a few short slopes and turns so you need to be careful to avoid getting lost.

    How to get to Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lakeFrom the center of Mang Den town to the hydroelectric lake is only 15km. Photo: Kon Tum

    Be captivated by the mysterious beauty of the upper Kon Tum hydroelectric lake 

    Coming to Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake, the first feeling of visitors will certainly be overwhelmed by the vast space of the lake bed. Besides the vast water waves, the lake bed also has hidden, large and small islands undulating, adding to its charming beauty. 

    One very interesting thing is that the flow of the Upper Kon Tum hydroelectric lake goes back to the North because it originates from the Dak Bla river, the only river that flows backwards in the Central Highlands.

    Scenery of Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lakeThe reverse flow is very interesting at Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric reservoir. Photo: Le Anh Vu

    To explain the reverse flow of water, the indigenous people here have passed down an ancient story that in the past, there was a couple of J’rai and Bahnar people who loved each other, one of them lived upstream of the river and the other lived in the river. in the lower river. Due to their forbidden love, the couple threw themselves into the Dak Bla River. The boy’s blood went downstream to find his lover, while the girl’s blood went upstream to find the boy. When the two blood lines met in the middle of the river, according to matriarchal custom, they flowed again. back upstream. 

    The scenery of Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake seems magical and very attractive. Walking around the lake, visitors will admire different landscapes such as the pine forest on the flooded banks turning ivory white. Beautifying the mysterious and enchanting look of the lake, the local people’s small freshwater fish cages, in addition to familiar fish such as carp, perch, and snakehead, people here also raise sturgeon and salmon. fish species that only live in temperate regions. Floating on the lake, you will sometimes encounter small streams weaving through the forests pouring water into the lake, creating a wonderful picture.

    Scenery of Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lakeThe clear blue water of the hydroelectric lake adds to the charming space. Photo: Le Anh Vu

    You will also be able to see the small and peaceful villages of the Xo Dang people in Kon Tum on the mountainside or see the Ro Xia waterfall rushing with white foam in the upstream. This is a hydroelectric waterfall. After crossing 15km of the lake bed, you will encounter this waterfall. The nature of the Thuong Kon Tum hydropower reservoir will make you bewildered and captivated and then realize that this is the peaceful region you are looking for, a place full of the wild and profound beauty of the mountains combined with the beauty of nature. Magical, irresistibly attractive.

    Scenery of Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake

    The charming, attractive scene of the hydroelectric lake in the early morning. Photo: Mang Den Discovery

    What should you experience when visiting Thuong Kon Tum Hydropower Lake? 

    Excursions to the lake 

    The scenery in the Upper Kon Tum hydropower reservoir area is very beautiful with vast water waves, surrounded by primary forests and planted forests creating endless green color, when the climate is cool and fresh. Traveling around the lake, visitors will admire the beautiful waterfalls and admire the impressive scenery created by the forests of trees rising straight from the lake bed, creating a scene that is both wild and beautiful.

    Breaking the waves on boats traveling around the lake will bring visitors a feeling of comfort and excitement. The maximum cost to rent a boat or canoe around the hydroelectric lake is only about 300,000 VND/10 guests, relatively cheap compared to the experience.

    Excursions to Upper Kon Tum hydroelectric lakeExcursing to the Upper Kon Tum hydroelectric lake, visitors will be ecstatic by the wonderful scenery. Photo: Khang Luan Store

    Go fishing 

    Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake has very rich aquatic resources with natural fish and fish raised by people. Coming here, visitors can experience fishing themselves or experience catching seafood with local people, to prepare delicious dishes in the local style and enjoy.

    Canoeing sup

    This activity is gradually becoming a trend to attract tourists at the hydroelectric lake. In certain areas of the lake, the water is calm and the natural scenery is beautiful. Visitors can ride on boats to enjoy the cool breeze and admire the scenery. beautiful colors and moments of leisurely, peaceful peace.

    Rowing at Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake

    Thuy Dien Lake is one of the most beautiful places for rowing in Mang Den. Photo: Kon Tum Outdoor


    In the middle of the Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake , there are very beautiful and poetic small islands. Stop at these islands and camp to enjoy wonderful nature with green lawns, pine forests or colorful flowers. Beautiful and will be an unforgettable experience for anyone. 

    camping at Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lakeThere are small islands on the lake suitable for camping. Photo: Phan Van Cuong

    Suggested itinerary to explore the upper Kon Tum hydropower plant during the day

    Depending on your time, you can enjoy the journey to explore Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake with different schedules. However, to fully enjoy the beauty of this place, you should incorporate attractive destinations around the area into your itinerary. 

    In the morning, moving from Mang Den town to the hydroelectric lake area, you will see the beautiful Mang Den – Viring road with lush green forests, villages and rice fields.

    camping at Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lakeThe scenery on the way to the hydroelectric lake is very impressive. Photo: tuyenthutrinh

    Arriving at the hydroelectric lake, stopping at the boat wharf to begin the journey around the lake, admiring impressive scenery such as Vi Ro Theo waterfall, Ro Xia, and beautiful small islands. 

    At noon, stop to rest at an island on the lake and enjoy local delicacies, especially seafood caught from the lake. In the afternoon, you can continue your journey to explore the flora and fauna around Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake , row and enjoy peaceful moments.

    camping at Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lakeTravel around the lake to admire the scenery to feel the peace. Photo: Kon Tum newspaperIn the late afternoon, come to Vi Ring village and admire the poetic sunset of the Central Highlands mountains and forests before returning to Mang Den town and ending the journey to discover the beauty of the upstream region of the beautiful hydroelectric lake. . If you have time, you can visit other places on this road such as Kon Nang craft village, H29 district party base…

    Notes to remember when exploring Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lake 

    Thuong Kon Tum Hydroelectric Lake is a fairly new destination for travelers, so if you don’t have experience exploring first, hire a tour guide or experienced local people. Currently in Mang Den, there is also a company providing tours to explore hydroelectric lakes at quite reasonable prices, from 1.5 million/person.

    Pay attention when going to Thuong Kon Tum hydroelectric lakeIf you do not have experience, choose tours with local tour guides at the hydroelectric lake. Photo: Mang Den Discovery

    During the exploration process, please pay attention to maintaining the hygiene and natural appearance of the landscape, do not bring illegal items or homemade fishing tools that affect the ecosystem. Do not play, run or jump on the boat or on the edge of the small island to avoid slipping. If camping on an island in the middle of the lake, please clean up trash before leaving to preserve the natural ecosystem. 

    Excursing to the Upper Kon Tum hydroelectric lake to see the poetic and mysterious Mang Den from afar will be a wonderful journey with countless interesting things waiting for you, where you just need to reach out and touch it. The wild and seductive beauty of the majestic Central Highlands. 

    ($1=24,000 VND)
    Photo,Video: Internet (

    The mysterious wildness of Thuong Kon Tum Hydroelectric Lake
