The flower season is thick and Mu Cang Chai ‘dyes the sky and earth pink’, please check in now 

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The flower season is thick and Mu Cang Chai ‘dyes the sky and earth pink’, please check in now 

The thick season of Mu Cang Chai flowers is blooming throughout the villages, making the picture of Mu Cang Chai district sweet and poetic. What are you waiting for? Make a plan to explore right away!

Go to Mu Cang Chai to see the thick flower season 

While winter has not yet passed, the scent of spring has begun to visit the land of Mu Cang Chai. I thought this area only had the golden season of ripe rice and heritage terraced fields. But no, this place also has a season of beautiful, beautiful flowers. The peach blossom belongs to the peach blossom family, also known as wild peach blossom, and has a brilliant and romantic beauty. 

The thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai has officially bloomedMu Cang Chai is in the season of thick, picturesque flowers. Photo: @viet_prestige_travel_portugues

Every year from mid-December to the end of January, the season of Mu Cang Chai flowers will bloom, putting on a bright pink shirt for the Northwest highlands. While the peach blossoms of Da Lat, Sapa, Hanoi,… are still sleeping soundly, the peach blossoms of Mu Cang Chai forest have already “wake up early”, beautifying the picture of the highlands more beautifully.

The flower season is thick and Mu Cang Chai is brilliantly beautifulThe thick flowers ‘dye pink’ the land and sky of Mu Cang Chai. Photo: Youth

December comes, when the weather gets colder and the rain begins to drizzle, it is also the time when the thick plum blossoms sprout young buds and slowly bloom. This flower variety is originally a woody plant, growing well in valleys, mountain slopes, hillsides, etc. Therefore, when the flowers bloom at the same time, the whole land and sky of Mu Cang Chai seems to wake up.

The thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai makes tourists bewilderedThick peach blossoms are also known as wild peach blossoms. Photo: @thuyvungoc99

In recent days, people have invited each other to travel to Yen Bai to see the thick flowers, to enjoy the wild and poetic beauty of the Northwest highlands. Throughout the communes of Mu Cang Chai district, everywhere is the pink color of wild peach blossoms. If you love this flower, quickly set out to hunt for a beautiful set of photos. 

>>See more:  The beautiful flower seasons in the Northwest are so dreamy that no tourist wants to miss

Immerse yourself in the romantic beauty of the thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai  

In recent days, many tourists have been able to explore the thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai to fully experience the beauty of this flower. Many people shared that the flowers in person are even more beautiful than in the photos. Tourists who come here directly walk on the flower-filled paths and look at the bright pink color at close range, and will love the beauty of the flowers even more.

The thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai attracts many touristsMany tourists have come to Mu Cang Chai to see the thick flowers. Photo: @arcdnt

In Mu Cang Chai district, Nam Khat, Pung Luong, De Xu Phinh, Lao Chai, Khao Mang and La Pan Tan communes have the most flowers. Among them, Trong Tong village, La Pan Tan commune is considered a hot check-in coordinate in recent days. Tourists rate this as the place with the most beautiful and brightest blooming flowers. The deeper you go into the village, the more flowers bloom and the more beautiful they become, covering the village and hills with pink. 

The thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai makes the scenery more beautifulThick flowers grow everywhere in villages and mountain slopes. Photo:

In addition to La Pan Tan commune, visitors can also go to Hang Gang village – Lao Chai commune, My Hang village – Mo De commune to enjoy the thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai. Regardless of the locality, most of the flowers grow naturally, the trees are tall, their foliage is wide and they bloom at the same time, adorning the houses and villages of the Mong people with more poetry. 

The thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai signals early springLa Pan Tan commune is the place with the thickest flowers. Photo: Youth

The thick flowers are very special, they only grow well and bloom when grown at altitudes over 1000 meters. The higher you go, the lower the temperature, the more beautiful the flowers bloom. At this time, Mu Cang Chai has an average temperature of about 3 degrees Celsius, creating favorable conditions for the flowers to bloom. Millions of flowers bloom at the same time, creating a beautiful impression on the picture of the Northwest highlands. 

The flower season is thick in Mu Cang Chai, every corner is beautifulThe pink color of the flowers makes the village here more poetic. Photo: @viettuanguyen53

For local Hmong people, the thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai means signaling early spring so people can prepare for the new season. As for tourists from far away, the bright pink color of wild peach blossoms contributes to enhancing the attractive beauty of the Northwest highlands. Not only terraced fields, Mu Cang Chai heritage also has a stunningly beautiful wild peach blossom season .

The flower season is thick in Mu Cang Chai, blooming next to the terraced fieldsThick flowers bloom on the terraced fields. Photo: @dinbeo

Coming to Mu Cang Chai at this time, visitors just need to roam around the villages to take enchanting photos. Flowers grow everywhere, blooming bright pink, blending with the majestic picture of mountains, forests, clouds and sky, creating a beautiful background for visitors to pose and take many quality photos. 

The flower season is thick in Mu Cang Chai in the morning dewThe pink color of the flowers makes travelers nostalgic. Photo: @my.clara.12

In Yen Bai tourism forums, people talk enthusiastically about the coordinates for taking photos of flowers, sharing with each other tips to hunt for beautiful flower photos. If you want to have a complete trip to explore Mu Cang Chai’s thick flower season, don’t forget to “locate” in these forums to gain more useful experiences for your trip. 

Experience exploring the thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai  

If you have ever hunted peach blossom season in Sapa and Da Lat, perhaps you also have a few small tips for hunting photos of the thick peach blossom season in Yen Bai. Currently, the flower season is at its best, so quickly plan to check in before you miss it. In addition to watching flowers, this season Yen Bai is also very beautiful, there are many interesting destinations to explore.

The thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai is waiting for you to visitMy flowers are thick and at their most beautiful time, come check in now. Photo: Thanh Nien

Coming to Mu Cang Chai, visitors can freely choose their favorite costumes or rent costumes from the local Mong people, transforming into highland boys and girls. There’s nothing better than wearing a Mong brocade dress to see the flowers. Surely this is an unforgettable experience for visitors.

The thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai makes people remember foreverTraveling to Yen Bai this season, remember to go to Mu Cang Chai to see the thick flowers. Photo: @huyen.n.93

The thick flower season in Mu Cang Chai is making waves in the tourist community, making people restless because it is so beautiful and so impressive. If you also love the beauty of this flower, pack your suitcase and check in now so you don’t miss out on the captivatingly beautiful flower season. 

($1~24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (

The flower season is thick and Mu Cang Chai ‘dyes the sky and earth pink’, please check in now 
