The disabled man turns inanimate rice grains into million-dong paintings

Compass Travel Vietnam
The disabled man turns inanimate rice grains into million-dong paintings

An unexpected accident robbed Mr. Giang of a healthy body, but with artistic talent and relentless efforts, he tried, researched, started a business, experimented with many creative works…

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Mr. Le Truong Giang (born 1980, residing in Le Ky 1 ​​village, Vinh Ninh commune, Quang Ninh district, Quang Binh) was admired by many people for his extraordinary energy. Despite his disability, he overcame his fate and always “burned” with his passion for art.

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Mr. Giang shared, when he was 9 years old, while tending buffaloes, he unfortunately encountered landmines left over from the war, seriously injured. After a long time of treatment, Mr. Giang was able to save his life, but he was severely injured and partially paralyzed.

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After the accident, his body was weak and sick all year round, so he could not do heavy work. Looking at his parents getting old, gray hair, and more hunched back, Mr. Giang didn’t want to be a burden for his loved ones forever, so he told himself that he had to try to do something meaningful so that he could be “crippled but not disabled”.

Possessing a special talent and passion for art, he has researched and created products to both satisfy his passion and earn an income to cover his life and reduce the burden on his family. parents.

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With talented hands, Mr. Giang has tinkered with, learned and practiced persistently to create his own works. At first, he taught himself to make stone statues and ceramic statues and also achieved some unexpected results when he was able to create products of various shapes and sizes.

Encouraged by many people, Mr. Giang is even more motivated to continue to explore and create, he learns to draw, learn to sculpt, and then to make handicraft products…

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One of the successes of Mr. Le Truong Giang up to this point is to turn inanimate grains of rice into valuable art paintings that are noticed and loved by many people.

Mr. Giang knew about the profession of making pictures from rice about 8 years ago and was determined to learn and practice. With hard work and skillful hands, Giang’s rice paintings gradually took shape, becoming more and more beautiful and of better quality.

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“Making rice paintings requires meticulous, careful and persistent. Making this rice painting also helps me a lot in training my mind. I do it for my passion and partly to earn extra income. I’m glad everyone loves my paintings, but I don’t even dare to claim to be an artist,” said Mr. Giang modestly.

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In order to have raw materials for making rice paintings, Mr. Giang went to the market, chose to buy suitable rice varieties, and screened the seeds with intact shape and quality. When there are enough materials, he will sketch the desired picture on hard paper or plywood, then carefully pick up each grain of rice and attach it to the background of the painting that has been coated with milk glue, and finally spray PU paint to preserve the painting better. .

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It sounds easy, but according to Mr. Giang, making rice paintings requires meticulousness, feats and experience. The disabled man’s efforts were well rewarded when his paintings were liked and appreciated by many people. The orders also kept getting more and more, until they sold out.

From proving that he can do meaningful things, Mr. Giang also has more income to support his family. Each painting Mr. Giang usually does in a period of 10-15 days depending on the size, the selling price ranges from 2-6 million VND depending on the type. Besides rice, Mr. Giang also paints colorful art and landscape paintings.

“On average, I can make 3-5 rice paintings every month. Income is a part, but the important thing is that a product that is loved by many people is a great motivation for me”, Mr. Giang shared.

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At first, when few people knew about it, the output of Mr. Giang’s products was quite precarious, but gradually, through social networks, his paintings became more widely known and easier to consume. After a long time with making paintings from rice, he has made and sold nearly 500 hundred paintings so far. Many people who buy paintings and pay high prices also partly support and admire the energy of this disabled man.

Not only helping himself, Giang’s family also hopes to someday support and train many people in the same situation so that they can have more income and more meaningful lives.

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According to Mr. Do Muoi, Chairman of Vinh Ninh Commune People’s Committee, Mr. Giang is a typical member of this commune’s Association of People with Disabilities. As a victim of landmines and UXO, suffering from severe sequelae, Mr. Giang has never surrendered to fate, is always optimistic, and strives to rise up in life.

“In the past time, the government has paid great attention to creating livelihoods for people with disabilities like Mr. Giang. Mr. Giang himself is an artistic thinker and gifted in painting, so he has created products. Especially, many people are interested, we also always support introducing Mr. Giang’s rice paintings to more people so that he can have more income from his labor “, Mr. Muoi said.

With his efforts to overcome difficulties and rise in labor, Mr. Le Truong Giang was awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Minister of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs.

The disabled man turns inanimate rice grains into million-dong paintings

Source: vinlove