The check-in points in the 37-household area of ​​Mang Den are super chill and the auto has beautiful photos

Compass Travel Vietnam
The check-in points in the 37-household area of ​​Mang Den are super chill and the auto has beautiful photos 

With its charming wild beauty, the check-in points in the 37-household area of ​​Mang Den are always attractive places to stop in the eyes of travel enthusiasts, whether they want to sightsee, ‘virtual live’, or have fun and experience. Here all your needs are fully met.

    Traveling to Mang Den, visitors are no longer unfamiliar with the name 37 households area. This is one of the very attractive and famous tourist destinations with its pristine nature and many beautiful stops. The check-in points in the 37-household area of ​​Mang Den have very beautiful scenery and still retain the wild features of the mountains and forests. Where you will be immersed in nature to immerse yourself in the pristine beauty along with many fascinating experiences that are hard to find anywhere else. Area 37 is very famous on the Mang Den tourist map and the stops below will be great suggestions for you to fully explore the beauty of this place.  

    Check-in point in area 37 of Mang Den householdsArea 37 Ho Mang Den has many beautiful check-in spots that attract tourists. Photo: @nhnquinn

    Information about Mang Den Area 37 households

    The name 37 households area originates from the early period when people came to Mang Den for economic purposes. In this area, only 37 households chose to come here to live and do business, then were granted red books here. and are called the original people. Gradually this area became developed, more people came, more farms, homestays, cafes opened and the 37 households area became an attractive destination, the name 37 households also refers to people who have issued a red book and not yet issued a red book here. To get to the check-in points in the 37-household area of ​​Mang Den, visitors can travel relatively easily by motorbike. From the center, just follow the direction of Thac Pa Sy tourist area to reach the 37-household area of ​​Mang Den.

    Introducing check-in points in the 37-household area of ​​Mang DenArea 37 Households previously only had 37 households living. Photo: @sharkthuw

    space of check-in points in the 37-household area of ​​Mang DenArea 37 Ho still retains the wild beauty of the Central Highlands mountains and forests. Photo: @__junk

    Check-in points in the 37-household area of ​​Mang Den are the most beautiful 

    Compared to other locations, Mang Den 37 households area is becoming more and more famous on the tourist map of this highland because of its pristine beauty and many attractive stops that can be combined in the itinerary.

    Grass hill 37 

    Grass hill 37 is the most popular destination for young people to check-in in the 37-household area because of its poetic scenery and beautiful view, allowing you to live virtually. When you set foot at the check-in point in this 37-household area of ​​Mang Den, you will have the impression It’s like you’re lost in a steppe because the green grass spreads across the space, and the green clouds on the mountains create a wonderful natural picture. The 37-household grass hill is completely natural, so it has a pristine and charming beauty. Coming here, just relaxing in the green space, you will feel your soul light and strangely peaceful.

    Grass hill competes with check-in points in area 37 of Mang Den householdsThatched grass hill in area 37 Ho Mang Den is a super HOT check-in spot on Instagram. Photo:@hoangoanh0511

    The road to grass hill 37 is not difficult. The first time you go, you will easily get lost. From the welcome gate of Pa Sy waterfall, ride your motorbike for another 15 minutes and you will see a road to turn on with sign number 37. Continue walking and you will see A long stretch of road, continue driving to the house with many flowers at the end of the road, then park the car here to enter the lawn. The ideal time to check in to grass hill 37 is late afternoon, when sunset is near, the scenery is like a dim fairyland that is difficult to describe with pen and paper. 

    Grass hill competes with check-in points in area 37 of Mang Den householdsThe space of thatched grass hills is as beautiful as a steppe. Photo:@channnxxi.

    Pa Sy Waterfall 

    Pa Sy Waterfall is located in the Pa Sy Waterfall Cultural Ecotourism Area in Mang Canh commune, Kon Plong district, the total area here is up to 25 hectares with majestic green nature, so it is also likened to a giant garden of Eden. fascinates travelers. Going through the gate of the tourist area, tourists will encounter the mysterious primeval forest, followed by dangerous winding steps, and in the distance is the sound of a rushing waterfall.

    Pa Sy waterfall check-in point is at area 37 Ho Mang DenPa Sy Waterfall is a super HOT check-in spot in the 37 degree zone. Photo: @phuongtali_2709

    Coming to the waterfall, visitors will be immersed in the majestic beauty of the waterfall. From the top of the 40m high mountain, the white water flows rushing like a stream of ravishingly beautiful hair. Stopping here, visitors will have the feeling like I am extremely small before the wildness of pristine nature. Combined with Pa Sy waterfall, visitors can visit Kon Tu Rang to immerse themselves in the rustic life of indigenous people, stroll through real houses, and watch Mo Nam girls wearing brocade dresses next to the looms. . 

    Pa Sy waterfall check-in point is at area 37 Ho Mang DenThe pristine waterfall is as beautiful as a fairy tale land. Photo: @linhhy1508

    37 Ho cafe 

    Traveling to Mang Den, one of the pleasures that many people enjoy is enjoying coffee with a strong Central Highlands flavor and 37 Ho cafe is one of the check-in points in the 37 households Mang Den area, ideal for you to stop by. 

    The space of this cafe is very simple and simple, giving visitors a feeling of peace and closeness to the wooden house, old decor items, wooden tables and chairs facing the garden, fresh atmosphere. cold. Especially from the rooftop of the cafe, visitors can catch a beautiful view of the mountains and forests of the Central Highlands. The shop’s grounds are also adorned with beautiful flowers, a paradise for you to capture beautiful moments.

    Cafe 37 Ho check-in point in area 37 Ho Mang Den37 Ho cafe is famous for its rustic space. Photo: This is Hi Newspaper

    Cafe 37 Ho also attracts customers because of its attractive drinks that are not fussy in preparation or appearance. All of the shop’s drinks have a simple, gentle look but suit the taste of the majority of diners. It is known that the shop owner used to be a bartender with many years of experience, so the drinks here also have unique flavor highlights. Visit 37 Ho cafe and you can enjoy coffee, tea dishes, smoothies or cocktails, tea… Another thing that makes many people like 37 Ho cafe is the friendliness of the cafe’s staff. You will always be welcomed by friendliness and warmth when stopping here. 

    Cafe 37 Ho check-in point in area 37 Ho Mang Den

    The cafe has many beautiful check-in corners for you to relax. Photo: This is Hi Newspaper

    Mareeba Orchard Mang Den 

    Speaking of  check-in points in the 37-household area of ​​Mang Den that attract tourists, Mareeba Orchard Mang Den is definitely indispensable, this is the largest orange farm in the area currently. Not only does it have a beautiful, peaceful space, but Mareeba Orchard Mang Den also has a fairy garden with ripe, golden oranges.

    Mareeba Orchard Mang Den check-in point is at area 37 Ho Mang DenMareeba Orchard Mang Den owns a beautiful orange garden like a fairy tale. Photo: Kontumtrip

    The oranges here are cultivated naturally, without the use of fertilizers, juices or chemicals, ensuring the oranges ripen naturally, are clean, fragrant and have a beautiful color. Tourists visiting Mareeba Orchard Mang Den, in addition to visiting the orange garden and enjoying the fresh nature, can also experience harvesting oranges and enjoy the sweet fruits right at the tree. The ideal time to hunt the yellow orange season in Mang Den is around February to March every year. 

    Mareeba Orchard Mang Den check-in point is at area 37 Ho Mang DenOrange season at Mareeba Orchard Mang Den starts from February to March. Photo: kontumtrip

    In addition to the above suggestions, visitors can also refer to many other attractive stops in the area such as Hung Ly Garden specializes in growing cherry tomatoes and natural strawberries with a romantic garden or Tam An Organic Farm where There is the famous white jade melon dish. 

    farm check-in point at area 37 Ho Mang DenArea 37 Ho has many beautiful farms for tourists to check-in. Photo: @mayahuyenvu

    Traveling and exploring the check-in points in the 37-household area of ​​Mang Den is a great journey for you to touch the wild beauty of the vast land with beautiful nature, fresh air and bold simplicity. highland quality. Area 37 Ho still has many interesting things waiting for you to stop and explore, so when traveling to Mang Den, remember to visit this special destination. 

    ($1=24,000 VND)
    Photo,Video: Internet (

    The post The check-in points in the 37-household area of ​​Mang Den are super chill and the auto has beautiful photos  first appeared on Compass Travel Vietnam.

    The check-in points in the 37-household area of ​​Mang Den are super chill and the auto has beautiful photos 

    Source: vinlove