Suggestions for ideal spring travel destinations in Bac Ninh for the new year

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Suggestions for ideal spring travel destinations in Bac Ninh for the new year

Lunar New Year is the time when people often gather at places such as pagodas and temples to wish for a peaceful and lucky new year. In the article below, Vinlove wants to introduce the famous Bac Ninh spring tourist destinations, attracting a large number of tourists in the first days of the new year.

Famous spring travel destinations in Bac Ninh

1. Dau Pagoda

  • Address: Thanh Khuong commune, Thuan Thanh district, Bac Ninh.

Dau Pagoda, also known by many names such as: Dien Ung Pagoda, Phap Van Pagoda, Ca Pagoda ; This is the oldest Buddhist temple in Vietnam. This is also considered one of the beautiful temples in Kinh Bac. The pagoda was built in the familiar “internal and foreign” style, including 4 rectangular rows of houses, surrounding three main houses: Tien Duong, Thien Huong and Thuong Dien.

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Dau PagodaPhoto: @ly.nguyenkhanh.5832

The special feature of this temple is the collection of worship statues it owns. In the middle space of the pagoda, there is a 2m high statue of Ba Dau, also known as the goddess Phap Van. On both sides there are also a pair of statues of Kim Dong and Ngoc Nu. The main festival of the pagoda takes place on the 8th day of the fourth lunar month every year, attracting a large number of tourists from all over to visit and participate in the festival. If you have the opportunity to visit Bac Ninh, do not miss the opportunity to admire this unique temple.

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Dau PagodaPhoto: @nguyenbathanh_

2. But Thap Pagoda

On your trip to Bac Ninh in the spring, you definitely cannot miss visiting the famous But Thap Pagoda in Thuan Thanh. This is an ancient pagoda located on the banks of the Duong River, still retaining its pristine and attractive beauty thanks to its unique architecture and peaceful space despite having undergone many restorations and repairs.

Spring vacation destination in Bac Ninh - But Thap PagodaPhoto: @quynhptn212

When you come here, you will admire many ancient and precious statues. Among them, the most prominent is the statue of Avalokiteśvara, a 2.35m tall wooden statue with a thousand eyes and a thousand hands, considered the largest wooden statue in Vietnam. In addition, at the pagoda there are many types of trees such as frangipani, lotus, peony and especially areca. Rows of green areca trees create a peaceful space, adding appeal and a peaceful feeling that makes many tourists unable to resist the charm of this place.

Spring vacation destination in Bac Ninh - But Thap PagodaPhoto: @ghosti191

3. Phat Tich Pagoda

  • Address: Van Phuc mountain, Phat Tich commune, Tien Du district, Bac Ninh.

This ancient temple is called Van Phuc Tu and is one of the earliest places to spread Buddhism from India to Vietnam. This Bac Ninh spring vacation destination is located about 20km from Hanoi center. Van Phuc Tu is considered a typical national cultural relic with the preservation of many major Buddhist artifacts. 

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Phat Tich PagodaPhoto: @minhtra.tramhuong2021

The temple’s space exudes purity and antiquity, making visitors feel like they have left behind all the worries of life outside. Here, you will admire many Buddha statues of different sizes. The most prominent is the Amitabha Buddha statue dating from the Ly Dynasty, crafted from monolithic green stone 1.85m high. This is considered the oldest stone Buddha statue in Northern Vietnam. 

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Phat Tich PagodaPhoto: @_iamwat_

At the top of Phat Tich mountain, you will see a 27m high statue with exquisite carvings. In addition, this famous pagoda in Bac Ninh also owns the 5 largest pairs of stone beasts in Vietnam, the burial statue of Zen master Chuyet Chuyet, as well as 32 stupas (from the 17th – 20th centuries) and many other relics.

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Phat Tich PagodaPhoto: @tuyetpham0472

4. Cung Temple – Jade Well

  • Address: Diem village, Hoa Long commune, City. Bac Ninh, Bac Ninh.

This impressive cluster of monuments has long been famous for its cool, clear water. The place preserves interesting stories about three “fish gods”, so it attracts tourists to visit when returning to Quan Ho’s hometown. The spring vacation destination in Bac Ninh is the cradle of lyrical Quan Ho folk songs, and is also the place to worship King Ba Thuy To. Quan Ho creates an interesting sightseeing spot for tourists.

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Cung Temple - Ngoc WellPhoto: @haiyena9k49

This spring vacation destination in Bac Ninh still preserves many mysterious legends, such as the story of the three “magic fish” at Ngoc well. The villagers of Viem Xa have long witnessed that the water from Ngoc well never dries up, even during the drought season. The water is always cool and clean. Folklore tells that drinking water from the Ngoc well has helped the people of Thuy To Quan Ho village have a “resonant, rumbling, deep, booming” voice that attracts people’s hearts. 

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Cung Temple - Ngoc WellPhoto: @thuongmitto

Today, many tourists who come here also get water from this well to drink. Not far from this relic is Bac Ninh Quan Ho Theater, a cultural project of great significance to the people of Quan Ho hometown, newly built and attracting many people to visit every day.

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Cung Temple - Ngoc WellPhoto: @ocsmile

5. Mausoleum of King Kinh Duong

  • Address: A Lu village, Dai Dong Thanh commune, Thuan Thanh district, Bac Ninh.

Every year, when Tet comes, millions of children of the Hong and Lac families from all regions return to the temple relics and tombs of Kinh Duong Vuong, Lac Long Quan and Au Co. This Thuan Thanh Bac Ninh tourist destination is a place to pay tribute and worship the nation’s ancestors who made great contributions in opening up the country. Kinh Duong Vuong, whose last name is Loc Tuc (2919 BC – 2792 BC), is the third grandson of Than Nong and is considered the ancestor of the Bach Viet people.

Spring vacation destination in Bac Ninh - King Kinh Duong Vuong's mausoleumPhoto: @cinandmira

He is said to have formed the first primitive state in the year of Nham Tuat (2879 BC) with the name Xich Quy, passing the throne to his son Lac Long Quan. Lac Long Quan married U Co and they gave birth to hundreds of eggs, which hatched into hundreds of children; Their 50 children went up the mountain with their mother and founded the Van Lang state, calling themselves Hung Vuong and the Hung Vuong dynasty passed down to 18 generations. Therefore, if Hung Vuong is considered the Ancestor, then Kinh Duong Vuong is considered the Ancestor.

Spring vacation destination in Bac Ninh - King Kinh Duong Vuong's mausoleumPhoto: @buivietcuong01

The famous Bac Ninh spring vacation destination is located on a large alluvial ground, near the southern bank of the Duong River and surrounded by ancient forests. Kinh Duong Vuong Mausoleum and Temple in Bac Ninh have been classified as shrines to the past Emperors of Vietnam. Every time there is a National Holiday, the soldiers come to worship and the people solemnly worship here.

Spring vacation destination in Bac Ninh - King Kinh Duong Vuong's mausoleumPhoto: @ruong. Kinhbac

6. Dam Pagoda

  • Address: Nam Son commune, City. Bac Ninh, Bac Ninh province.

Dam Pagoda, also known by other names such as: Ram Pagoda, Ba Tam Pagoda, Cao Pagoda, Tram Gian Pagoda or Lam Son Pagoda and has the literal name Dai Lam Than Quang Tu. Located on a vast piece of land in the middle of the peaceful Duong River, in front is the gentle Duong River, behind is the majestic Dam mountain range. This is also the highest mountain in Bac Ninh and has the highest feng shui significance in Kinh Bac. 

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Dam PagodaPhoto: @0983justin

For that reason, Nguyen Phi Ỷ Lan directed his son Ly Nhan Tong to build the largest pagoda of that period here. Dam Pagoda is considered one of the oldest Buddhist relics in Vietnam, marking the mysterious and majestic traces of the Ly Dynasty in worshiping Buddhism. With more than 1,000 years of history, Dam Pagoda is now a spiritual destination not to be missed for Buddhists and tourists coming to Bac Ninh .

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Dam PagodaPhoto: @bacninhtv

During the resistance war against the French in 1946, Dam pagoda was burned by the French army, destroying 4 levels of land and severely destroying works, items, and ancient relics. Only two statues of Nguyen Concubine Ỷ Lan and the statue of King Ly Nhan Tong were promptly sent by people to nearby Ham Long Pagoda. Since 2015, Bac Ninh province has begun the restoration of Dam Pagoda on an area of ​​198 hectares.

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Dam PagodaPhoto: SCOV

Rebuild Dam Pagoda to become a large and majestic religious center for Buddhists both at home and abroad. This will create a notable tourist attraction in the Quan Ho area. Since being restored, many local people as well as tourists from all over have come to this Bac Ninh spring vacation destination to pray for peace and worship Buddha. They also enjoy the beautiful scenery of the highest mountain in Bac Ninh, watching the panoramic view of the fields and residents at the foot of the mountain.

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Dam PagodaPhoto: @bacninhtv

7. Temple of Poinsettia Le Van Thinh

  • Address: Bao Thap village, Dong Cuu, Gia Binh, Bac Ninh.

The first Poinsettia Temple, Le Van Thinh, is located on the southern slope of Thien Thai Mountain, a place to worship and commemorate an outstanding celebrity of the Ly Dynasty who made great contributions to the dynasty at that time as well as to our country. . Le Van Thinh Temple is ranked as a National Historical and Cultural Monument and is one of 14 tourist destinations in the province. 

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Le Van Thinh templePhoto: @Tran An

Experience of traveling to Bac Ninh : In the spring, many families bring young children to visit the temple, hoping that their children will have educational achievements and moral training like Grand Master Le Van Thinh. The temple has existed for a long time and is located next to Thien Thu Pagoda, on the land that was once the Grand Master’s private home. At the same time, many artifacts and documents about his life and career are preserved here.

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Le Van Thinh templePhoto: @thcslevanthinh.bacninh

In this cluster of relics, there are many precious ancient artifacts such as stone slabs, stone stele dated Canh Hung 32, bronze bells and especially unique snake statues. This statue is carved from sandy yellow monolithic sandstone, weighs nearly 3 tons, and has a unique shape of “half dragon, half snake”. The statue’s pose like “mouth biting body, legs tearing body” is very unique and rare so it was recognized by the Prime Minister as a “National Treasure”.

Bac Ninh spring vacation destination - Le Van Thinh templePhoto: @vietnamnet

This land is also home to many pagodas and temples related to many legends, mystical stories and famous historical and cultural figures of Bac Ninh people, who have played an important role in the nation’s history and culture. . Bac Ninh spring travel destinations are not only loved by locals but also tourists during this new year.

($1~24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (

    Suggestions for ideal spring travel destinations in Bac Ninh for the new year
