Students, and unemployed workers “cut leaves, break flower buds” to earn millions to spend on Tet

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Students, and unemployed workers “cut leaves, break flower buds” to earn millions to spend on Tet

In the last days of the year, many unemployed students and workers in Da Nang took advantage of “cutting leaves, breaking flower buds” for chrysanthemum gardens. This seasonal job helps them earn millions and have more money to return home to celebrate Tet.

From the beginning of December (lunar calendar) until now, many gardeners growing chrysanthemums in Da Nang hire a large number of workers to take care of Tet flowers.

According to gardeners, the purpose of cutting chrysanthemum buds in the leaf axils is so that the plant can concentrate nutrients on the main buds. Cut off buds in time, flowers will bloom more evenly, branching density is also better, and the commercial value of flower branches is higher.

In addition, the workers will trim the branches, cut off the bamboo sticks to fix the flowers, and refinish the flower pots to prepare for the market.

Unemployed students and workers

These days, at Tet flower gardens in Da Nang, many working people are busy picking leaves and breaking buds so that chrysanthemums bloom right at the beginning of the new year.

Students, unemployed workers

“Light work, high salary”, so the job of cutting chrysanthemum buds, although old, has never been less attractive.

Students and unemployed workers
Unemployed students and workers

Most of the people who work as apricot leaf pickers are women.

Unemployed students and workers

Each bud is cut off from 3-4 flowers, leaving only one female flower (the largest one).

This year, the profession of “cutting flowers, breaking buds” continues to become a job that attracts many students and unemployed workers. With this job, they can earn from 200,000 to 300,000 VND per day. Wages are paid by the garden owned by the day or by the week, depending on the wishes of each person. During the whole Tet season, each worker earns a few million VND more.($1=24,000 VND)

In recent days, “cutting leaves and breaking buds” has become busier and busier, because only a few days are left to start selling flowers to serve people playing Tet.

Unemployed students and workers

The atmosphere in Duong Son flower village (Da Nang) in the last days of the year becomes more bustling because of the laughter of workers who “cut leaves, break buds”, accompanied by the hope of a day of reunion with many jams. make Tet so close.

Unemployed students and workers

At this time, chrysanthemum flowers have many buds, but too thick flowers will limit the size of the flower.Therefore, the gardener must prune the branch flowers, leaving only the female flower so that the flowers bloom large and evenly.

Unemployed students and workers

Although the work is light and not difficult, it requires the worker to be careful and meticulous so as not to break the female bud.

Unemployed students and workers

Those who break flower buds also need to work hard because they have to stand for hours in heavy rain and cold.

As noted by PV, at Duong Son flower village (Hoa Chau commune, Hoa Vang district, Da Nang) every day always attracts dozens of workers.

Her hand quickly removed the excess flower buds, Ms. Le Thi Thu (45 years old, from Quang Ngai province) said that she had just stopped working at a garment company in November, while she was worried about unemployment. lucky to find a temporary job to make ends meet in the last days of the year, which is pruning leaves, cutting buds for flowers.

“This job is also quite light, the income is calculated by working days. On average, I break buds for about 8 hours a day and get a lunch bag with an income of 300,000 VND/day. Whoever works harder will finish this area, “Running numbers” to another area to work, or working hard in the evening shift, you can earn 450,000 VND/day.Each break lasts about 10 days, so if you work continuously, you can earn about 3 million VND/day. This money can help us have more money to buy Tet for our family,” Ms. Thu shared.($1=24,000 VND)

Unemployed students and workers

This job is quite light, salary is taken by the day, so most gardeners give priority to unemployed students and female workers.

Students, unemployed workers

The profession of “picking flowers, picking buds” to earn money during Tet attracts students.

Unemployed students and workers

The students shared their joy and excitement because this job helps to have more income to buy bus tickets to their hometown and Tet gifts for their parents.

Unemployed students and workers

After pruning, the round flower buds are revealed, promising to bloom in time for the Lunar New Year 2023.

Unemployed students and workers

On average, each working day will be paid 250,000 – 300,000 VND for 8 working hours and receive money right after each shift.($1=24,000 VND)

Unemployed students and workers

The “cutting leaves, breaking buds” helps workers who have lost their jobs in the past time have the opportunity to earn more income and cover their lives when the 2023 Lunar New Year is approaching.

For more than a week now, knowing that gardeners are recruiting seasonal workers to take care of flowers, Le Minh Thuy Tien (21 years old, native of Quang Binh, a student at the Da Nang University of Education) and a group of friends registered to work in the garden. chrysanthemum.

“This job is not stressful or hard at all, the most important thing is to be careful to avoid breaking the main bud and work hard in the middle of the sky. Doing seasonal work like this helps me have more money to buy Tet clothes, The money for the car to go back to my hometown helps me to ask my parents, “Thuy Tien excitedly shared.

Thanks to the Tet flower crop, in the last days of the year, flower growers earn a good amount of money after selling flowers. In addition, freelance workers also have extra income to buy Tet items for their families.

Photo: Internet (

Students, and unemployed workers “cut leaves, break flower buds” to earn millions to spend on Tet

Source: vinlove