Strange and unique specialty in the Central Highlands, customers dare to try it with their eyes closed

Compass Travel Vietnam
Strange and unique specialty in the Central Highlands, customers dare to try it with their eyes closed

When being introduced to enjoy the Central Highlands dish, many diners have to close their eyes to dare to taste it.

Visiting the Central Highlands in March and April every year, it is not difficult to see the scene of Ede people carrying baskets and climbing up tall trees in the fields to catch worms and pupae to make food.

Strange and unique specialties in the Central Highlands, guests dare to try with their eyes closed - 1
People climb up the cassava tree to catch worms and pupae to process food.

Muong is a plant that is grown throughout coffee and pepper fields to block the wind. Not only that, but also is intercropped throughout the field to make a pillar for pepper to cling to. At this time, on the branches, there are worms clinging everywhere, eating all the leaves.

Farmers often take advantage of a break after a tiring day of work in the fields, inviting each other to catch worms and pupae to improve their meals.

Strange and unique specialties in the Central Highlands, guests dare to try with their eyes closed - 2
This is one of the favorite dishes of the Ede people.

The caterpillars are yellow-brown, with black stripes on the sides, blue below the belly. Worms after being caught will be left for about 4-6 hours before processing so that the worms can digest themselves to clean their intestines.

The way to process the wormwood is very simple and quick. The worms are put in hot fat, sautéed with a little onion, minced garlic and gently stirred, seasoned with spices, added chili, and the fried worms are fragrant. Caterpillars can also be fried directly or soaked in flour and then deep fried with chili sauce.

In addition to the dish, the caterpillar pupa is also commented to be more fragrant, delicious and suitable for the palate. Caterpillar pupae are old worms that molt into, turquoise colored pupae that are stuck behind the foliage.

Strange and unique specialties in the Central Highlands, guests dare to try with their eyes closed - 3
Strange and unique specialties in the Central Highlands, guests dare to try with their eyes closed - 4
Caterpillars are caught and processed into many nutritious dishes.

Pupae are also simply processed, can be steamed with chopped chili sauce or sautéed with fat to add spices, sliced ​​lemon leaves, served with rice paper. The pupa when eaten has a characteristic fleshy, fatty taste mixed with spices to bring it a distinct characteristic.

For the Ede people, worms and larvae are likened to “precious gifts” given by nature. This is a dish that not only improves the meal but is also very good for health.

Strange and unique specialties in the Central Highlands, guests dare to try with their eyes closed - 5
The caterpillar pupae are green, clinging to the leaves.

Mr. Y Duy Eban (living in Buon Ma Thuot City, Dak Lak) took advantage of the day off with his wife and children to catch worm larvae. He, including his family, loves deep pupa, so this season, he doesn’t miss the “opportunity”.

According to Mr. Y Duy, the caterpillar pupa is a nutritious food, but not everyone dares to enjoy it. Some people are not suitable, eating the pupae will have a red rash like an allergy, but this is quite rare.

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The nymphs are likened to a “precious gift” and are only available in March – April in the Central Highlands.

“When we offered the larva, many people didn’t dare to eat it at first because they were afraid or found it disgusting. But once they get used to it, they will “finish” immediately, this dish will bring an unforgettable feeling for many people. diners when coming to the Central Highlands, “said Mr. Y Duy.

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Deep-fried pupa with fat served with rice paper is a favorite dish of many people

Photo: Internet (

Strange and unique specialty in the Central Highlands, customers dare to try it with their eyes closed

Source: vinlove