Seafood species in Vietnam are scarce, little known, and a popular specialty in the city

Compass Travel Vietnam
Seafood species in Vietnam are scarce, little known, and a popular specialty in the city

This species of snail is found in the southern sea, very scarce, so it is not easy to buy.

The scientific name is Articulate harp shell, because the shape of the shell looks very similar to that of star fruit, so they are named as star fruit.

This snail lives and grows in warm tropical seas

In Vietnam, star fruit occurs in the sea from Binh Dinh back to Vung Tau.

Their largest size is about the size of an adult’s fist

The shell has many beautiful notches, the shell is bulging and has a cone at the top, similar to the garlic snail but much larger. 

The star fruit shell looks very beautiful, so the artisans also collect the shell to create works of art, souvenir and decorative products.

Snail meat is delicious, crispy, and contains a lot of protein and healthy fats

For a long time, star apple snail has become a favorite dish in popular sea snail restaurants with many different ways of processing to suit the preferences of diners: grilled with pepper, grilled with onion fat, grilled with cheese, fried with spicy butter, Stir-fried lemongrass and chili, stir-fried water spinach…

This snail species is scarce, the number is very small, so it is not always possible to order. Refer to some sites selling fresh seafood, star fruit is sold for 150,000-170,000 VND($5)/kg

In Oriental Medicine, star fruit has a sweet taste, and can be used to treat jaundice, liver disease, hemorrhoids, heat in the body, etc.

Photo: Internet (

Seafood species in Vietnam are scarce, little known, and a popular specialty in the city

Source: vinlove