Scary species, good for men, people go to the fields to dig for half a million / day

Compass Travel Vietnam
Scary species, good for men, people go to the fields to dig for half a million / day

In the season, people in Quang Nam bring hoes to the cassava fields to catch earthworms (a kind of hardware duplication (Coleoptera)) and sell them for 50,000-60,000 VND per kilogram.($1=25,000 VND)

Soil worms are larvae living under the roots of cassava, corn, and reeds of the alluvial plains, in the moist sandy soil. 

Earthworms mature in the rainy season, from mid-August to the end of December (lunar calendar). 

Every degree to the season of worshiping the earth, the people of Quang Nam take advantage of “picking fortune” from this god-given animal. 

An adult earthworm is the size of an adult little finger and is ivory-white, bluish-white or yellow. Their heads, legs and claws are darker brown, like cockroach wings

In the past, there were many earthworms, but people only dug to feed their chickens. Recently, earthworms are purchased by restaurants and pubs at high prices to process dishes, because they have a lot of milk and fat.

They burrow into the ground a few tens of centimeters, the main food is leftover cassava tubers and grass, people keep digging in the harvested cassava beds. 

Local people revealed that just seeing peanuts, corn plants or reeds along the river with wilted leaves, there is a very high chance that the earthworm is hanging around under the tree.

The selling price per kilogram of wormwood is 50,000-60,000 VND. A person who goes to dig every day can earn half a million dong

There are countless delicious dishes made from earthworms such as boiled, roasted or minced to cast pancakes, grilled worms with salt and chili… 

Quang Nam people consider earthworms as “terrestrial sea cucumbers” not only because their taste is quite strange, both fatty and sweet, but also have the effect of nourishing the body, increasing vitality and having many healing effects. sick.

Scary species, good for men, people go to the fields to dig for half a million / day

Source: vinlove