Sapa Hau Chu Ngu Village – a beautiful village embraced by a sea of ​​clouds all year round

Viet Nam is not a war, Viet Nam is the country
Sapa Hau Chu Ngu Village – a beautiful village embraced by a sea of ​​clouds all year round

Sapa Hau Chu Ngai Village is a destination for those who love the beautiful scenery of the Northwest and want to find a beautiful and peaceful place but not too strongly developed in tourism.

    Return to Sapa to visit Hau Chu Nga village 

    Hau Chu Ngai Sapa village is a beautiful village in Hau Thao commune, Sapa town. From the town center, visitors move southeast about 10 km to reach this village. With a location about 1,700 meters above sea level, this is a destination with impressive beauty and great views from every corner. 

    Where is Sapa Marquis Village?Hau Chu Ngai village belongs to Hau Thao commune, Sapa. Photo: @cutthings080895

    You can go in the direction of Ta Van, Lao Chai for about 3 km, then turn left to Hau Thao commune and then gradually reach Hau Chu Ngai village. Although the road to this village is somewhat difficult, you will never be disappointed with the beautiful scenery here. It’s the same Sapa with its mountains, forests, rice fields, and houses, but everything here is much more peaceful than other places that have developed tourism. 

    Hau Chu Ngai Sapa village is about 10 km from the town centerComing here, tourists can visit a peaceful and gentle village. Photo: @cutthings080895

    Sapa has long been famous for its romantic and poetic villages. Among them, Hau Chu Sir is a favorite coordinate for its wild and simple nature. This village is not known to many people so it still retains all the most natural and primitive things. If you want to find a truly peaceful place, this place is a suggestion worth considering. 

    Sapa Hau Chu Chu village is beautiful, peaceful and peaceful

    Sapa Hau Chu Ngu Village is considered a land with many beautiful scenes for tourists to enjoy. Coming here, you will be treated to a rustic picture of majestic hills, mountains, and challenging winding roads. Along with that are the specialties of clouds and fog, bearing the mark of the majestic and beautiful Northwest region. 

    Sapa's Marquis Village is gentle and simpleMost of you appear with the typical beauty of the Northwest sky and earth. Photo: @_nguyenqphuong

    This village has high humidity and low temperature almost all year round, so when you come here, you always feel cool and comfortable. This condition also contributes to creating beautiful seas of white clouds every morning. Therefore, people whisper that this is one of the most beautiful coordinates for hunting clouds in the Northwest. 

    The hamlet of Sapa is peaceful and lovelyChildren in Hau Chu Ngai village in Sapa. Photo: @cutthings080895

    Hau Chu Ngu Village in Sapa is the ideal place for you to experience a slow lifestyle, temporarily away from the pressures and chaos of life. Returning to the village, you can watch the clouds, sky, mountains and forests blend together. The green of the forests, the bright yellow of the rice fields, and the white of the flying clouds contribute to painting a captivatingly beautiful picture of Sapa. 

    The hamlet of Lord Sapa is embraced by clouds and dewThe dreamy, magical beauty of the Marquis. Photo: @donna.lambb

    Visiting this beautiful village in Sapa , visitors should take the time to walk around the village, wander around the winding roads and stop at the most beautiful place to admire the scenery, take beautiful photos, and save many memories. beautiful and memorable youthful moments. Besides, you can discover more about the culture of the indigenous Mong people. 

    Sapa Hau Chu Sir village with a picturesque sea of ​​cloudsThe sea of ​​floating clouds in Lord Sapa. Photo: @khahph

    Take a walk around the village, you will see simple wooden houses surrounded by stone fences of indigenous people. In the yard are shady plum and pear trees, on the porch are children laughing innocently… The scene here is so peaceful and pleasant. Anyone who visits this village once will fall in love with it. 

    Hau Chu Ngai village in Sapa has beautiful homestays with views of the sea of ​​cloudsCloud hunting in the morning at Hau Chu Sir is an interesting experience. Photo: @long.haii09.1

    One of the most attractive activities in Hau Chu Ngai village in Sapa is cloud hunting in the early morning. Have you ever experienced the feeling of waking up and going out to your porch and being able to see a sea of ​​white clouds surrounding you? If not, come to this place once to see the picturesque ocean of clouds appear first. 

    Hau Chu Ngu village in Sapa is also an ideal place for campingMany young people choose to camp at Hau Chu Sir. Photo: @yeye.yan21

    Spring is the time when there is a sea of ​​clouds that is most beautiful and easy to hunt for tourists. You can follow travel forums in Sapa to know exactly when the weather is cloudy and come here to experience it. At Hau Chu Ngai, visitors do not need to work hard to climb the mountain but can still easily capture the full view of beautiful white clouds. 

    Hau Chu Ngai village in Sapa has several homestays for tourists to stayThere’s nothing better than watching the scene from bed like this. Photo: @leksupaa

    Coming here in the spring, visitors also have the opportunity to see pear flowers and plum flowers blooming white in the sky. The scenery in the first days of the year is beautiful, cool, pleasant and fresh, promising to bring a memorable trip to Sapa for visitors. There is no need to rush to check in at famous coordinates, just return to a peaceful place like this and you will have countless unforgettable experiences. 

    A small note when exploring Hau Chu Ngai village in Sapa

    Which season should you go to Hau Chu Ngai village in Sapa? You can come here to travel in spring or fall, these are the two times when the village is most beautiful. In spring there is a sea of ​​clouds, there are apricot and plum blossoms blooming, and in autumn the village is filled with the golden color of terraced fields, as beautiful as any village in Sapa.

    Note when coming to Hau Chu Ngai village in SapaRock Garden Homestay in Hau Chu Sir is picturesque in cloudy season. Photo: @__phuongthao22

    Although tourism in this village is not yet developed, there are still many quality accommodations for tourists to choose from. You can rest at May Village Sapa, Rock Garden Homestay,… These are well-invested accommodation areas, professional services and especially prime locations for visitors to hunt for clouds on the spot. It’s best to make a reservation before coming here to avoid being booked out during peak season. 

    Note when coming to Hau Chu Ngai village in SapaMay Village Sapa is also a lovely homestay in Hau Chu Ngai. Photo: @mayvillagesapa

    Sapa Hau Chu Ngu Village is a popular destination in Sapa because of its natural beauty, freshness and peacefulness. Coming here, visitors also have the opportunity to hunt clouds, experience many impressive landscapes and enjoy a memorable trip to Sapa. 

    Photo: Instagram

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    Sapa Hau Chu Ngu Village – a beautiful village embraced by a sea of ​​clouds all year round

    Source: vinlove