Rushing to catch giant fish to earn millions at the foot of Tri An dam

Compass Travel Vietnam
Rushing to catch giant fish to earn millions at the foot of Tri An dam

DONG NAI – Many large catfish, catfish, and sesame were sold for up to 4 million VND each when the Tri An hydroelectric dam closed to release floods.

Rushing to catch fish at the foot of Tri An dam

Scene of people catching “huge” fish at the foot of Tri An lake dam. Video: Phuoc Tuan

At 8:00 a.m. on October 10, Tri An hydroelectric lake closed its dam after more than a month of flooding, nearly 1,000 people from many places flocked to catch “huge” fish. On the shore, many people stood watching, taking out their phones to take pictures and videos of catching fish.

Many fish hunters gather in the grassy area because there are often many big fish hiding here, and the water is not too deep so it is easy to wade out to catch them.

After an hour of casting the net, Mr. Nguyen An caught silver carp (left) and oiled fish weighing about 7 kg, selling for more than one million VND. “My house is close by, so I go out to catch fish every year. This time the lake has been released for a long time, so there are many big fish. After catching them, people always buy them,” said the 40-year-old man.

Mr. Hoang Tuan Tien went to the middle of the dam and continuously threw his net. After about 45 minutes, he caught 4 kg of fish.

In deep water, people use floats to cast nets, but this area is mainly filled with small fish.

The man pulled a catfish weighing about 8 kg to shore after getting caught in the net. The price of large catfish ranges from 150,000 to 200,000 VND per kilogram.

A man’s “trophy” was loaded onto the boat after more than an hour of fishing. The main types of fish at the foot of the dam are sesame, lentils, teal, oil, slices…

Mr. Ngoc was lucky enough to catch a fish weighing about 10 kg, which at the market price could be sold for 4 million VND. “I go fishing every year, but this year I only see such large silverfish instead of silver carp, silver carp, and climbing fish. Because the water takes a long time to drain, this is also part of the reason why large fish appear in the area. hey,” Mr. Ngoc said.

Near the foot of the dam, many traders buy and resell to make a profit. Some people who specialize in hunting giant fish for restaurants are also present to buy, causing the price of fish here to increase by 100-200% compared to the market price.

Mr. Ba Trong, 34 years old, living in Vinh Cuu district (left), bought a catfish for more than 2 million VND to celebrate with friends and relatives. “The price of the fish here is high, but it is natural so the meat is firm, especially the big ones. Every time the dam closes, I buy it,” Mr. Trong said.

Right at the foot of the dam, Mr. Thuan Nguyen, living in Trang Bom district, bought 5 kg of grilled fish on the spot with a group of 10 friends. “The atmosphere of catching fish is as fun as going to a festival. The space here is very cool so it is convenient for camping,” Mr. Thuan said.

Panorama of catching fish at the foot of Tri An lake dam.

Tri An hydroelectric lake is 323 km2 wide, located on Dong Nai river in Dinh Quan and Vinh Cuu districts. In addition to the purpose of producing electricity for the national grid, the project also ensures water for domestic use, agriculture, reduces salinity and regulates floods for the downstream area. This year, to ensure dam safety and flood regulation, the lake started releasing water from September 28.

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (

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    Rushing to catch giant fish to earn millions at the foot of Tri An dam

    Source: vinlove