Returning home to ‘hug’ 10 hectares of land, 9x youths planted all kinds of trees, generating more than 1 billion VND in revenue

Compass Travel Vietnam
Returning home to ‘hug’ 10 hectares of land, 9x youths planted all kinds of trees, generating more than 1 billion VND in revenue

Giving up his dream of going to Japan, Mr. Pham Van Phuoc (28 years old, residing in Yen Ton Thuong village, Vinh Yen commune, Vinh Loc district, Thanh Hoa) returned to his homeland to accumulate land and develop a total farm model. with a revenue of more than 50,000 $/year.

Back home to 'hug' 10 hectares of land, 9x youths planted all kinds of trees, generating more than 1 billion VND in revenue - Photo 1.

Farming combined with farming with an area of ​​​​10 hectares of Mr. Pham Van Phuoc’s family

In 2016, Mr. Phuoc’s family tendered 5 hectares of farmland in the swamp for his economic development. At that time, Mr. Phuoc’s parents spent all of their savings of 300 million dong (1 $ = 25,000 VND dong) on their son to invest. In the first year, he spent all this money on dumping land, leveling the wetlands for farming, building walls, digging ponds, releasing fish, and buying Thai banana varieties with free-range buffaloes, cows, pigs, and chickens. …

Back home to 'hug' 10 hectares of land, 9x youths planted all kinds of trees, earning more than 1 billion VND in revenue - Photo 2.

Mr. Phuoc and his family bid for 5 hectares of farmland in 2016 but suffered losses many times.

At the end of the first year, due to many shortcomings in experience, his model was at a loss. Undeterred, the family continued to borrow another 300 million dong to invest more in the farm.

In 2017, the State supported his model with 33 million VND under the program to develop plants and animals. In this year, he also expanded the model, planting more papaya trees, apples mixed with Thai bananas…

Back home to 'hug' 10 hectares of land, 9x youths planted all kinds of trees, earning more than 1 billion dong - Photo 3.

The banana tree now gives him a net profit of over 350 million VND/year

Unfortunately for him, that year, bananas were in good season but depreciated, causing heavy losses in the orchard, forcing him to sell all his banana plantations to switch to a new type of tree.

2018 marked the 2-year milestone of failing to develop his farming model combined with livestock. As a 24-year-old boy at that time, he was very skeptical of his own ability, and many times intended to quit his job.

Back home to 'hug' 10 hectares of land, 9x youths planted all kinds of trees, earning more than 1 billion VND in revenue - Photo 4.

At the end of the year, Mr. Phuoc’s farm exports a lot of pomelos to the market.

Fortunately, at the most difficult time, he still received the support of his parents. Standing up after stumbling, he changed, switching from growing Thai bananas to pepper bananas, and at the same time, combined with growing guava, growing apples, and growing grapefruit. In this year, his model made a profit, minus all costs, and the estimated income is over 300 million dong.

In 2019, he decided to bid for an additional 5 hectares of land to expand the farm. In the same year, he was supported by the State with 100 million dong for seedlings.

Returning home to 'hug' 10 hectares of land, 9x youths planted all kinds of trees, earning more than 1 billion VND in revenue - Photo 5.

At the age of 22, he chose to return to his hometown to start a business.And after 6 years, success began to come to the young man.

In the period from 2020 to 2025, his family will continue to receive 200 million VND, or 40 million VND/year, from the State to develop the model.

Up to now, on an area of ​​10 hectares, he has 4,000 guava roots (accounting for 3 hectares), 7,000 banana trees, accounting for 5 hectares), raising 30 cows and 10 buffaloes in a barn of hundreds of square meters. With guava trees, an average of 1 year produces about 40kg of fruit / tree, the current selling price is 10,000 VND / kg, minus all costs, 4,000 guava roots alone, bringing him a profit of over 400 million VND.

Back home to 'hug' 10 hectares of land, 9x youths planted all kinds of trees, earning more than 1 billion VND in revenue - Photo 6.

Parents and children are the fulcrum for Mr. Phuoc to overcome difficulties in his entrepreneurial journey.

With banana trees, the price is from 50 to 70,000 VND/room, and each year also earns over 350 million VND in profit. Together with other seasonal crops such as apples, pomelos and livestock such as cattle, pigs and chickens, it is estimated that each year, the revenue from the farm is over 1 billion dongs, minus all costs, it is also profitable. over 700 million.

“When I first made the model, I only thought about how to make the best product. When you have a good product, you have to think about consumption. Currently, their products are often sold online and sold at wholesale markets inside and outside the province. I usually export to Hai Phong, Quang Ninh, and Bac Giang …, every time a customer orders, I will send it. Now the relationships are also stable, so every time there is a product, they sell it, and there are many buyers who come directly to pick it up, “said Mr. Phuoc.

Back home to 'hug' 10 hectares of land, 9x youths planted all kinds of trees, generating more than 1 billion VND in revenue - Photo 7.

Mr. Phuoc’s guava is widely sold online with the main market being the northern provinces.

About the profit each year, Mr. Phuoc said, part of it is to pay the bank’s debt, and the rest will be smashed into gardens and livestock for reproduction. Mr. Phuoc hopes that, in the future, he will continue to be facilitated by the Commune People’s Committee to bid for more abandoned fields, thereby creating a sustainable economic development model for the family and the locality.

It is known that his farm is creating jobs for 4 workers with an average income of 4.5 million VND/person/month.

Back home to 'hug' 10 hectares of land, 9x youths planted all kinds of trees, earning more than 1 billion VND in revenue - Photo 8.

In addition to farming, his farm is also raising more than 40 buffaloes and cows.

Commenting on the above model, Mr. Nguyen Van Thuat, Vice Chairman of Vinh Yen Commune People’s Committee said: This is the largest integrated farm model in the locality and one of the most effective models in Vinh Loc district.

“Phuoc is a good youth union member with a strong will to start a business and great determination. On the commune side, we also created the best conditions for him to expand the model and rent more land to do business. When there are government policies to support households that accumulate land, we always give priority to Phuoc’s households. Hopefully, from his model, there will be more young people in the locality who dare to think, dare to do, and aspire to get rich right in their own homeland,” said Thuat.

Returning home to ‘hug’ 10 hectares of land, 9x youths planted all kinds of trees, generating more than 1 billion VND in revenue

Source: vinlove