Raising “difficult” animals, the mountain boy earns 200 million VND per year

Viet Nam is not a war, Viet Nam is the country
Raising “difficult” animals, the mountain boy earns 200 million VND per year

From a worker, Mr. Ha Minh Tuan Anh switched to raising New Zealand rabbits with a start-up capital of 10 million VND. After 6 years, he owned a large-scale rabbit farm, earning 200 million VND each year.

The commercial rabbit farm (New Zealand rabbit) of Mr. Ha Minh Tuan Anh’s family (34 years old) is at the end of the field in Xuan Quang neighborhood, Thuong Xuan town, Thuong Xuan district, Thanh Hoa province.

The farm owner said that he came to rabbit farming because of his passion for agriculture. In 2017, while working as a worker, I happened to look online and saw that the rabbit farming model brought high economic efficiency. Considering that there were many favorable conditions in the locality, suitable for raising rabbits, I loved it. farming so he decided to change direction.

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Thanks to raising rabbits, Mr. Tuan Anh earns 200 million VND each year (Photo: Thanh Tung).

When he started his business, the young man only had 10 million VND in hand. He borrowed 70 million VND from the bank and then took advantage of the land behind his house to build a barn and raise 20 sows.

When he started raising rabbits, because he did not have much experience, he taught himself farming techniques through books, newspapers and going to different places to refer to models. He said, during the first 2 years he only focused on multiplying the herd, from the initial 20 animals to more than 500 animals.

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Rabbits can be sold for 3 months after being raised (Photo: Thanh Tung).

To date, his family’s commercial rabbit farm has a scale of nearly 3,000 rabbits. Every month he sells about 1 ton of rabbits, with a selling price of 90,000-100,000 VND/kg, minus costs, he earns a profit of 18-20 million VND/month.

Mr. Tuan Anh said that raising rabbits is not too difficult. Every day he feeds the rabbits 3 times and cleans the cage. Rabbit food is mainly bran pellets. On average, rabbits give birth to 8 to 9 litters each year, each litter has 4-5 babies. It takes about 3 months to raise rabbits to reach a weight of 2-3kg, at which point they can be sold.  

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The automatic drinking water system for rabbits was installed at the farm by Mr. Tuan Anh (Photo: Thanh Tung).

Talking about rabbit raising techniques, Mr. Tuan Anh said, the rabbit cage must be cool in the summer and warm in the winter. This animal likes to be clean, so it is necessary to clean the cage every day. In addition, rabbits must be regularly vaccinated against disease.

“Raising rabbits is not difficult, but requires farmers to master techniques, especially knowing how to diagnose diseases. Rabbits are “difficult” species, susceptible to flatulence and bloating. If not monitored, If discovered in time, the rabbit will die very quickly,” the farm owner said.

The farm owner shared that in 6 years of raising rabbits, he experienced many failures. In 2022, to save on food costs, Mr. Tuan Anh taught himself how to press bran pellets. However, due to not ensuring technical factors, nearly 300 rabbits died overnight from flatulence.

Planning for the future, Mr. Tuan Anh said that in the coming time, he will increase the scale of the barn, establish a rabbit farming cooperative, and link with local people to develop the model.

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Rabbit farms must be airy and clean (Photo: Thanh Tung).

Mr. Do Viet Thiep, Chairman of Thuong Xuan Town Farmers’ Association, said that Ha Minh Tuan Anh’s family’s commercial rabbit farming model is quite new and highly effective in the locality.

“Mr. Tuan Anh is a typical economic example in the locality. During the process of raising rabbits, a number of times Mr. Tuan Anh encountered many difficulties in the consumer market, however up to this point he has temporarily stabilized, bringing has high economic efficiency. Currently, we are encouraging people to refer to and develop this model,” Mr. Thiep added.

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet

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Raising “difficult” animals, the mountain boy earns 200 million VND per year

Source: vinlove