Raising children to “swim like a fish, fly like a butterfly, smell like cinnamon” earns tens of millions of dong/per month

Compass Travel Vietnam
Raising children to “swim like a fish, fly like a butterfly, smell like cinnamon” earns tens of millions of dong/per month

Belostomatidae (Lethocerus indicus) is an insect that can live both in water and on land. Belostomatidae, which is in danger of becoming extinct in the wild, is currently being raised by Mr. Nguyen Duc Thuan to make special dishes.

Eating and sleeping with strange insects

Belostomatidae (Lethocerus indicus) has a body like a cockroach but live in the water, they can fly and have essential oils that emit a characteristic aroma like cinnamon. Due to the affected habitat, Belostomatidae is at risk of extinction in the wild.

Raising children to swim like fish, fly like butterflies, smell like cinnamon collects tens of millions of dong/month - 1
The habitat is polluted, so Belostomatidae is in danger of extinction in the wild (Photo: Thai Ba).

Mr. Nguyen Duc Thuan (32 years old, from Ninh Hoa commune, Hoa Lu district, Ninh Binh) said that when he was young, he had seen many Belostomatidae in fields, ditches, or ponds. However, for more than a decade, he has not seen this insect appear as before.

Having gone to work abroad in Korea, when he returned home, with a little capital, Mr. Thuan turned around enough jobs to make a living. When he saw a friend raising Belostomatidae very strange, he researched and learned that this special insect has now become a “rare and hard to find” specialty dish.

Raising children to swim like a fish, fly like a butterfly, smell like cinnamon collects tens of millions of dong/month - 2
Going to work abroad, Mr. Thuan found many livelihoods, then chose to raise Belostomatidae to get rich (Photo: Thai Ba).

After studying with friends, he decided to invest capital to start a business with this little-known insect. “At first, I bought 20 of my parents to try and raise them in a tarpaulin. I didn’t understand how to take care of them, so most of them died. Determined to conquer this strange insect, I continued to spend money. buy more seeds to raise” – Mr. Thuan said.

After many months of eating and sleeping with Belostomatidae, Mr. Thuan finally understood the behavior of insects that live in the water, live in the water at night, can fly like butterflies and especially eat other animals like scorpions. this.

Raising children to swim like fish, fly like butterflies, smell like cinnamon collects tens of millions of dong/month - 3
Belostomatidae are insects that can live both in water and on land, they can swim, dive and fly (Photo: Thai Ba).

“In order to feed and reproduce, the aquarium water must be clean. The food for them is small shrimp, fish, crickets, tadpoles, and live grasshoppers. These foods need to be released into the same tank. Belostomatidae will kill its prey, then use its trunk (mouth) to suck up all the meat inside, leaving the outer shell” – Mr. Thuan said.

The owner of the farm further shared, after mating with the male, the female eggplant will produce an egg sac (like a yellow snail’s egg) with an ivory color. After 5-7 days the eggs hatch into larvae. Larvae through 5 molts in about 45 days will become adults.

Raising children to swim like a fish, fly like a butterfly, smell like cinnamon earns tens of millions of dong/month - 4
Raising children to swim like a fish, fly like a butterfly, smell like cinnamon earns tens of millions of dong/month - 5
Belostomatidae eggs are like yellow snail eggs, but they are ivory-white (Photo: Thai Ba).

According to Mr. Thuan, the most difficult is the breeding process, because hatching eggs and raising larvae is very difficult. At this stage, in order for the eggs to hatch, the temperature and humidity must be ensured, or when the larvae are small, the amount of food provided must be appropriate, and the water source must be clean.

“Belostomatidae spawns all year round, the strongest is in March to October of the solar calendar. This species reproduces quickly, in large numbers, and the life cycle of each individual is more than a year. During that process, the female is born. about 5 litters. They don’t have any diseases, so they don’t have many difficulties when raising them,” said Mr. Thuan.

Sitting and drinking water also “makes money”

After nearly a year of successfully raising strange insects, now, nearly a dozen tanks of Mr. Thuan’s family have hundreds of pairs of Belostomatidae parents.

Raising children to swim like a fish, fly like a butterfly, smell like cinnamon collects tens of millions of dong/month - 6
Raising children to swim like a fish, fly like a butterfly, smell like cinnamon earns tens of millions of dong/month - 7
After about 45 days with 5 molting times, Belostomatidae will mature and reproduce (Photo: Thai Ba).

The 9X guy revealed when successfully raising Belostomatidae, the income from selling eggs and selling commercial Belostomatidae is not low. He calculated each egg nest costs 200,000 VND. With 200 pairs of eggplant laying eggs, he earns about 10 million VND/per month.($1=25,000 VND)

Not to mention, Mr. Thuan also provides seed Belostomatidae, the price from 200-250,000 VND / breeding pair depending on the time, and commercial Belostomatidae, priced from 50,000-70,000 VND / head. The special thing about this insect is that the male Belostomatidae has 2 packs of cinnamon-scented essential oil, which is popular with many customers.

Raising children to swim like fish, fly like butterflies, smell like cinnamon collects tens of millions of dong/month - 8
The tanks for Belostomatidae farming were built solidly by Mr. Thuan, with a circulating clean water system, inside the tanks were stocked with duckweed and other animals for food, with a net on the top (Photo: Thai Ba).

“Since ancient times, Belostomatidae has been a traditional dish because the meat and eggs of this species contain a lot of protein, lipids and vitamins. Belostomatidae essential oil is lighter than water, and faintly smells like cinnamon. That’s why. Although male Belostomatidae are smaller, the selling price is usually twice as high as that of females,” said Mr.

There are few seeds left, so Mr. Thuan often lacks goods to export to the market, especially commercial Belostomatidae . His main income now is from selling eggs and breeding stock. “After deducting all costs, the profit on each Belostomatidae is 50%. On average, I earn about 20 million VND per month” – Mr. Thuan said.

Raising children to swim like fish, fly like butterflies, smell like cinnamon collects tens of millions of dong/month - 9
Every month, Mr. Thuan earns tens of millions of VND in profit from raising Belostomatidae (Photo: Thai Ba).

Belostomatidae farm owner revealed the secret of starting a business, when starting to try farming, farmers do not need to invest in a solid tank right away, but can take advantage of Styrofoam boxes, raised in tarpaulins to save costs.

“The most important thing is to control and ensure that the water source is always clean, completely away from pesticides, and to ensure the coolness of the rearing environment. The hatchery tanks, commercial culture tanks, and egg collection tanks are clearly separated. to avoid destroying each other’s eggs” – Anh Thuan said.

Photo: Internet (vinlove.net)

Raising children to “swim like a fish, fly like a butterfly, smell like cinnamon” earns tens of millions of dong/per month

Source: vinlove