Raising children “squatting”, working 6 months a year earns a profit of 200 million VND

Compass Travel Vietnam
Raising children “squatting”, working 6 months a year earns a profit of 200 million VND

Raising frogs from March to August every year, Mr. Thanh in Quang Nam earns a profit of more than 200 million VND. Having failed many times before succeeding, Mr. Thanh is not afraid to share his secrets.

Mr. Le Van Thanh (47 years old, residing in Dien Duong ward, Dien Ban town, Quang Nam) is currently the owner of a commercial frog farming facility and supplies large frog breeds locally.

Each year, Mr. Thanh sells more than 20 tons of commercial frogs, about 10,000-20,000 frog seeds.

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Mr. Le Van Thanh earns 200 million VND per year by raising frogs (Photo: Ngo Linh).

Mr. Thanh said that in the past he had experimented with raising freshwater fish in rice fields but it was ineffective and many times he lost everything because floods swept away the entire field. He decided to find a new direction.

In 2014, after learning about many different farming models, Mr. Thanh tried his hand at frog farming.

Initially, he imported about 1,000 frogs to raise in his garden to observe and learn. At first, without mastering the techniques and experience in caring for them, he let the frogs get sick, grow slowly, and lose a lot.

Raising children “squatting”, every year working monthly, earning 200 million VND (Video: Ngo Linh).

Undeterred, Mr. Thanh tinkered with experiences from others, drawing lessons for himself. “After many months of sleeping with frogs, I have learned many valuable lessons and achieved the expected results,” Mr. Le Van Thanh shared.

Raising frogs to eat well, Mr. Thanh gradually expanded the farm size. Up to now, he owns 21 commercial frog breeding tanks, 6 breeding frog tanks, and 4 breeding frog tanks.

To ensure the quality of the breed, Mr. Thanh raises the frog parents himself, collects the eggs, hatches them, and supplies the breed to his frog farm and frog farms in need.

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Frogs are amphibians, so only partially covered, to leave space for frogs to bask in the sun (Photo: Ngo Linh).

In order for the frogs to reproduce year-round, Mr. Thanh allowed artificial rain to be sprayed to stimulate the frogs to lay eggs.

“You should only make rain when you see that the female frog carrying eggs is old and full of dates, to avoid immature eggs, low hatching rate, and poor quality of the breed. Besides, preparing for breeding frogs needs to be supplemented. more fresh fish for eggs. Frogs can be raised for about 35 days and can be sold, priced at 1,000 VND/head”, Mr. Thanh did not hide his secret to raising frogs.

According to Mr. Thanh, frogs are easy to raise, have few diseases, quickly recover capital, investment costs are not high and farming techniques are not too difficult.

Farmers need to pay special attention to always keep the water environment clean, odor-free, and change the water twice a day. Because pond water can penetrate the frog’s skin, if the water is dirty, the frogs are susceptible to disease.

Frogs like to live in cool environments, so the aquarium needs a roof to block out direct sunlight. If the heat lasts for a long time, you need to cover it with a black net to cool the tank, but only partially cover it because frogs are amphibians and need to bask in the sun and warm up.

The environment around the pond must be quiet, avoid noise that will make the frogs panic, hide, eat less, and grow slowly.

Mr. Thanh mainly feeds the frogs bran pellets, adding fresh fish, earthworms… 2-3 times a week to help the frogs grow quickly. Before feeding frogs, you must clean the tank thoroughly to avoid letting food soak in dirty water or frogs swallowing feces and getting intestinal diseases…

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Each year, Mr. Thanh sells more than 20 tons of frog meat and about 10,000-20,000 frog seeds (Photo: Ngo Linh).

Mr. Le Van Thanh only raises frogs from March to August every year. During the rainy season, Mr. Thanh takes a break from raising frogs because this season the frogs grow slowly.

With 21 tanks, each year he sells more than 20 tons of commercial frogs, priced at 50,000-70,000 VND/kg, after deducting costs, the profit is more than 200 million VND.

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Mr. Thanh breeds frogs himself to ensure quality (Photo: Ngo Linh).

Mr. Nguyen Van Tuan – Vice Chairman of Dien Duong ward – said that Mr. Le Van Thanh’s farm is the first frog farming model in the locality. This is also a place to visit and learn for many young people who want to start a business in this profession.

Mr. Thanh is always ready to exchange and impart experience to people in need. He is also an example of a farmer doing good business and production for many years in the locality.

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (Vinlove.net)

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Raising children “squatting”, working 6 months a year earns a profit of 200 million VND

Source: vinlove