Plants that once grew wild were brought back to be planted, and seeds sold for hundreds of millions of dong/kg

Compass Travel Vietnam
Plants that once grew wild were brought back to be planted, and seeds sold for hundreds of millions of dong/kg

This type of seed is red, with a black top, very similar to licorice seeds.

This is a special moisture-loving herbaceous plant, with a lifespan of up to 100 years, rather slow growth and found at an altitude of 1,200-2,000m above sea level.

This plant was discovered by scientists in 1973 and officially announced in 1985 with the name Vietnamese ginseng, a completely new type of ginseng in the scientific world.

They are found in the mountainous districts of Ngoc Linh in Dak To (Kon Tum) and Nam Tra My (Quang Nam), so they are called Ngoc Linh Ginseng.

This species of ginseng is considered extremely rare and is one of the 5 best ginseng varieties in the world.

Ngoc Linh ginseng root is one of the ginsengs with the highest Sapoin content in the world, so their price ranges from 90-300 million VND/kg.($1=25,000 VND)

Ngoc Linh ginseng leaves also contain up to 16 Saponin compounds, 17 amino acids and 20 trace minerals, so the price is from 10-12 million VND/kg fresh leaves, and 150 million VND/kg dry leaves.

Seeds of Ngoc Linh ginseng are also sought after by gardeners to breed with the price of 100-120 thousand VND/seed.

Calculating, about 2,000 seeds will be about 1kg.

Therefore, the price of 1kg of Ngoc Linh ginseng seeds ranges from 200-240 million VND.

Gardeners buy Ngoc Linh ginseng seeds to incubate seedlings. Each seedling costs from 250-300 thousand VND.

The price of Ngoc Linh ginseng seeds is quite expensive, but each year, Ngoc Linh ginseng only blooms once.

Each tree shows 1 branch, each branch has only 1 flower, each flower only produces a few seeds to a few dozen seeds.

Licorice seeds look quite similar to Ngoc Linh ginseng seeds, so many online sellers have taken to label Ngoc Linh ginseng seeds and sell them at a cheap price, only from 5-10 thousand VND/seed.

With a price of 200-240 million VND ($1=25,000 VND)/kg, Ngoc Linh ginseng seeds are “as expensive as gold”, so they are considered the most expensive seeds in Vietnam.

Photo: Internet (

Plants that once grew wild were brought back to be planted, and seeds sold for hundreds of millions of dong/kg

Source: vinlove