Planting trees for shade suddenly brings in hundreds of millions of dong in revenue

Compass Travel Vietnam
Planting trees for shade suddenly brings in hundreds of millions of dong in revenue

People in Yen Du (Ha Tinh) used to grow persimmons just for shade and to eat for fun. However, this fruit suddenly became a valuable commodity, generating an income of several hundred million dongs per crop.

Early in the morning of the last day of September, Mr. Nguyen Van Hoan (68 years old, Yen Du village, Duc Linh commune, Vu Quang district, Ha Tinh) brought a plastic bag and a pole about 2 meters long with an iron hook, to his family’s hill garden. picking persimmons.

The big trees are 8-10m high, he has to use a ladder to climb up and turn over each branch to pick the fruit. Mr. Hoan’s family garden is located at the foot of the hill and has more than 300 rose trees, from 1 year old to more than 70 years old. This year there are more than 80 trees for harvest.

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Mr. Hoan carries persimmon harvesting tools (Photo: Duong Nguyen).

According to Mr. Hoan, the older the persimmon tree is, the more fruit it will produce. Ten-year-old persimmon roots will yield over 3 quintals of fruit, while new 5-year-old trees will yield about 5-6kg of fruit.

“Last year, my family picked and sold over 4 tons of persimmons. The price that traders bought at the garden was 35,000-40,000 VND/kg. This year’s persimmon crop was fruitful, my family earned about 200 million VND,” Mr. Hoan said excitedly. speak.

These days, Ms. Nguyen Hai Yen (32 years old) is also busy picking persimmons to sell.

Ms. Yen said that in the past 10 years, Yen Du persimmons have become a sought-after specialty with high prices. Traders come to place to order, growers just pick and then they come to pick up.

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The persimmon tree was previously planted only for shade, but now it has become a tree for Yen Du people to earn high income (Photo: Duong Nguyen).

“Harvesting fruit is very difficult, so men are usually in charge. But when my husband is away, I do it. With trees over 8 meters high, I have to wear a protective belt to avoid falling and causing injury.” , Ms. Yen shared.

Newly picked persimmons have an astringent taste. To be edible, after picking, Ms. Yen brought the fruit home and soaked it for two days and one night in cold water to remove the resin inside.

When ripe, persimmons are still green but when cut open, the inside is orange-red. Yen Du persimmon has a unique sweet taste, is especially crunchy and has no seeds. 

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Persimmons have become a precious gift to help people have a stable annual income (Photo: Duong Nguyen).

According to many people, persimmons were grown on Yen Du hills more than 100 years ago. However, in the past, people only planted 1-2 trees per household for shade. The fruits were only used as food for fun, but no one thought about economic development.

In recent years, persimmon trees have been purchased by traders, bringing high economic value, so people are gradually expanding their area. The climate and soil of Yen Du land are suitable so persimmon trees grow well.

Roses are easy to grow and don’t take much time to care for. Every year after harvesting, people apply manure to each root. In February, this plant flowers, and harvests in September.

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After harvesting, people bring persimmons home and soak them in cold water to remove the astringent taste (Photo: Duong Nguyen).

According to the leader of Duc Linh Commune People’s Committee, the entire Yen Du village has 80 households growing roses with an area of ​​about 40 hectares.

This year, despite the unfavorable weather, persimmons still produced many fruits, with a total output of over 45 tons. Each household has an income of 100-200 million VND, households with large planting areas reach 300 million VND per crop.

Hong Yen Du is currently recognized as meeting 3-star OCOP standards (each commune has a strong product program), favored by customers in many provinces and cities across the country.

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (

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Planting trees for shade suddenly brings in hundreds of millions of dong in revenue

Source: vinlove