Peacock a worker like a chicken, a farmer in the West is very profitable

Compass Travel Vietnam
Peacock a worker like a chicken, a farmer in the West is very profitable

Although only caring for and raising in captivity with the same cost as raising chickens, each peacock costs from a few million dongs to tens of millions of dongs. Thanks to that, Mr. Phuc earns hundreds of millions of dong/per year.($1=25,000 VND)

Mr. Truong Van Phuc (38 years old, living in Tan Tay commune, Go Cong Dong, Tien Giang) currently owns a peacock farm of over 100 individuals, with an estimated value of many billion dongs. The peacocks were raised by Mr. Phuc in old chicken coops and pig houses and cared for like chickens.

Mr. Phuc said that thanks to the “unlike anyone else” breeding model, there is little competition in the market. Peacocks are often sold by Mr. Phuc to well-off families and resort owners. The farming is “quite gentle”, giving Phuc’s family a stable profit of over 300 million VND per year.

“In the early 2000s, I started raising high-value poultry such as pheasants, Dong Tao chickens, and star chickens. By 2009, I gradually switched to peacocks because the market was stable and more efficient than other types of chickens. other.

I started with just 3 pairs of peacocks. Peacocks are easy to raise, care for and feed like our chickens. Birds are healthy, with less disease, each year a female peacock lays about 30 eggs, hatching about 25 chicks. When the peacocks reached over 100, I started selling them to the market and maintained the number until now,” Phuc shared.

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Peacocks are characterized by long tail feathers with beautiful dances (Photo: Nguyen Cuong).

Currently, on Mr. Phuc’s farm, there are many varieties of peacocks with colorful colors. The adult male peacock is over 70cm tall, the tail feathers are over 1.5m long and weigh over 5kg. The female peacock has short tail feathers and is about 1kg lighter than the male peacock.

In the morning, to seduce the peacock, the peacock will sing and spread its tail to dance. The dance of the peacock is characteristic and is also the “most profitable place” of this bird. The more beautiful the peacock dance, the higher the price.

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Although it is a precious bird, the peacock only needs the same care as a chicken (Photo: Nguyen Cuong).

Birds with unique feather colors such as purple, flowers or gray are the most valuable, possibly up to 50 million VND per pair. Birds with common feather colors such as blue, white, and iridescent are cheaper, but they are more than 15 million VND per pair.

Mr. Phuc said that the two-year-old peacock begins to breed, and the female lays eggs in the spring. To achieve a high hatching rate, he took bird eggs for… chickens incubated.

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Male peacocks can be tall, long tail and more valuable than female peacocks (Photo: Nguyen Cuong).

After a period of capital accumulation, Mr. Phuc is currently building a 3,000m2 tourist farm to take advantage of the available conditions to increase his income.

Mr. Dang Thanh Tai – Director of Go Cong Dong District Agricultural Service Center said that Mr. Phuc’s public camp is an effective economic model that has been maintained for many years. Over the years, this peacock farm has become one of the addresses for farmers in the area to learn how to do business.

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Thanks to the unique breeding model, Mr. Phuc easily earns a good income (Photo: Nguyen Cuong).

Photo: Internet (

Peacock a worker like a chicken, a farmer in the West is very profitable

Source: vinlove