Paragliding to see Chu Dang Ya volcano

Compass Travel Vietnam
Paragliding to see Chu Dang Ya volcano

GIA LAI – During the seven days of the wild sunflower festival, visitors can participate in paragliding to see Chu Dang Ya volcano from above.

“Chu Dang Ya – Volcano Wildflower Week” takes place from 11 to 17 November in the volcanic area and some locations in the two communes of Chu Dang Ya and Nghia Hung, Chu Pan district. The main venue of this annual flower festival is mainly concentrated in the Chu Dang Ya volcanic area, where paragliding activities take place.

Participating in paragliding activities are athletes from 4 paragliding clubs Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Nha Trang. Professional athletes brought to Chu Dang Ya 45 parachutes, including doubles and singles. In particular, a number of double parachutes are used to serve guests who need to fly.

To attend the event, the athletes of Son Tra Club, Da Nang arrived a day before, on November 10, to make preparations. That night, they camped at Tea Hill, about 2 km from the place of flight for convenient transportation on the opening day of 11/11.

In the evening, there are other activities in the area such as a campfire, barbecue…

Mr. Le Phuoc Binh, 44 years old, vice president of Son Tra Paragliding Club, Da Nang said that visitors who want to fly will register using the application form posted on the club’s fanpage. Before flying, guests need to sign a commitment to disclaim liability, as well as provide relevant documents such as health certificate, citizen identification …

The price of a flight is 1.2 million VND, including insurance for guests and shuttle bus from the foot of Chu Dang Ya mountain to the flight location. There are about 50 passengers registered to fly.

Athletes flying with guests are licensed by the General Department of Sports.

The event took place for 4 days, but according to Mr. Binh, only the first two days were able to carry out the parachute operation. “The first two days the weather was fine, so we could fly safely. The next two days had to be delayed because of the rain.”

Wild sunflower festival is an annual event to attract tourists of the province. 2022 is the first year visitors can participate in the experience of paragliding to see the volcano from above. In 2017, paragliding activities also took place here, but all performed by athletes, no tourists.

Chu Dang Ya volcano has ceased to function and has long been a tourist attraction of the province, It is about 20 km from Bien Ho and 30 km from Pleiku city center. In the language of the J’rai people, Chu Dang Ya means “tough ginger”.

Photo: Nguyen Hong Huy (

    Paragliding to see Chu Dang Ya volcano

    Source: vinlove