Northern winter rice tray

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Northern winter rice tray

Warm dishes such as fish braised with green bananas, boiled cabbage dipped in broken egg sauce, and tofu in tomato sauce are typical for winter meals in the North.

A. Raw materials:

Braised fish with banana

– 500 carp

– 3 to 4 green bananas

– Galangal, ginger, dried onions, dried chili, lemongrass

– Fish sauce, salt, sugar, MSG, pepper, stock, soy sauce (braised fish according to old flavor)

Boiled cabbage dipped in egg and fish sauce

– 1/3 cabbage

– 1 egg

– 1 small branch of ginger

– Fish sauce

Tofu in tomato sauce

– 4 pieces of tofu

– 3 to 4 ripe tomatoes

– Scallions, dried onions, cooking oil

Salted roasted peanuts : 150 grams of dried peanuts, fine salt (or soup powder)

Sweet and sour pickled bamboo shoots or pickled sauerkraut (homemade)

Northern winter rice tray

B. Implementation:

Braised fish with green banana h

A pot of braised fish with rich meat, chewy bananas, and astringent, spicy flavors of galangal and ginger help warm the heart on a cold day. This is a rustic dish commonly found in the Northern winter. In particular, fish braised with bananas over heat (reheated over and over) becomes more flavorful and fragrant, consuming more rice. If you have a lot of stock, divide it into meals to save costs.

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– Clean the fish, scrape off all the black film and blood in the stomach, rub lemon with salt and then wash with rice water to help effectively remove fishy fish. Toss the fish with a little salt to make the fish firmer and more flavorful.

– Peel green bananas and cut them into bite-sized pieces, soak them in cold water mixed with a little lemon and then wash. Some places keep the shell intact when braising, which also creates its own aftertaste.

– Sliced ​​galangal and ginger. Wash the dried onions and keep the skin to line the bottom of the pot when braising. Wash dried chili. Lemongrass cut into pieces and crushed.

– Marinate the fish with fish sauce, fish sauce, soy sauce, a little sugar to soften the taste, pepper, MSG… Some places add a little lemon juice because the acidity helps the fish soften quickly and effectively removes the fishy taste. Add a little chopped pork belly to prevent the fish from drying out and make the color more attractive.

– Line the bottom of the pot with galangal, ginger, lemongrass and dried onion skins so that when braised the fish does not stick to the pot. Next, arrange the fish alternating with green bananas and pork belly, then pour in all the marinade. Fish braised in the traditional way at least twice over fire is best. Step 1: Turn on the stove to high heat and let the fish and marinade boil for a few minutes so that the fish meat expands and absorbs all the flavor. Add boiling water to cover the surface and boil until the sauce covers the surface evenly. After that, lower the heat to low and open the lid to simmer, seasoning accordingly. After 40-45 minutes, turn off the stove and let it cool to help the fish meat “regenerate” and become more flexible and firm. 2nd time braised fish: Continue to braise fish over low heat, open the lid. Occasionally tilt and shake or use a spoon to scoop out the stock and sprinkle it evenly. Pay attention to the stock, if it’s almost gone, add more boiling water to continue braising. Braise the fish for about 2 – 3 hours until it becomes flavorful and firm enough to eat.

Boiled cabbage dipped in crushed egg sauce

A simple yet familiar winter flavor is boiled cabbage dipped in egg sauce. Sweet cabbage with a bit of the warm aroma of ginger balances yin and yang and retains body heat, and the rich egg sauce stimulates the taste buds.

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– Remove the old and dark outer sheaths from the cabbage, if any. Use a knife to cut into bite-sized pieces, then wash and drain.

– Boil a pot of water, add washed and crushed ginger branches and a little salt. According to Oriental medicine, ginger has a spicy and warm taste that helps balance the cold properties of cabbage.

– Add the cabbage and use chopsticks to press it down. When boiling, open the lid to keep the cabbage green.

– Depending on your taste, take it out crispy or soft. Season the boiled water with spices to taste to make soup.

– The traditional boiled cabbage dipping sauce that many people love is: Take pure fish sauce, add a little cabbage broth to soften the taste, then grate a boiled egg and dip it together very deliciously.

Tofu in tomato sauce

Tofu in tomato sauce is soft, has a harmonious sweet and sour taste, eye-catching color, low cost, and simple recipe.

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– Bought tofu, pat it dry so it doesn’t splash with oil when frying, cut it into bite-sized pieces, fry until crispy golden brown, take it out and set aside.

– Chopped tomatoes. Fry the onions, add tomatoes, salt, and a little water and stir-fry until the tomatoes are soft.

– Pour in the fried tofu, stir well, season to taste, braise for a while until the tofu is absorbed and the tomatoes cover all sides. Finally, sprinkle green onions and pepper (optional) and scoop out to enjoy hot.

Roasted peanuts with salt

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– Depending on taste, using white peanuts or roasted red chrysanthemum peanuts with salt are both delicious. Select peanuts evenly, pick out moldy seeds if any.

– Traditionally, roast peanuts in a pan over low heat with a little cooking oil until golden and fragrant. However, the roasting time is quite long.

– To save time, you can roast in the microwave: Spread the peanuts evenly on a ceramic plate, add a little cooking oil and put in the microwave for 3 minutes and 30 seconds (pay attention to opening the peanuts every 1 minute and using chopsticks to stir). evenly), continue spinning until the end of time. Leave for a while until the peanuts are evenly cooked and crispy, take them out, sprinkle some soup powder (fine salt) and lightly cover them in a thin layer just enough.

– You can make it in advance and put it in a jar with a tight lid and eat later.

Sweet and sour pickled bamboo shoots

In the cold winter weather, a jar of pickled chili bamboo shoots is delicious, crispy, and slightly spicy, eaten with white rice, instant noodles, or pho noodles. You should make it in advance, take a small amount each time you eat.


– Purchased bamboo shoots, peel off the hard part at the base, cut into wedges or thinly slice as desired. After that, boil the bamboo shoots 2-3 times with a little salt, open the lid to remove the toxins.

– Prepare a bowl of boiling water to cool, add clean ice. When the bamboo shoots are done boiling, take them out and soak them. Heat shock is the secret to making bamboo shoots crispy when soaked. When the bamboo shoots cool, take them out and put them in a clean basket to drain.

– Cook sweet and sour fish sauce for soaking bamboo shoots including fish sauce, sugar, vinegar, a little salt for flavor and filtered water. Season to taste. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, stir well until sugar dissolves, skim off foam if any. Turn off the stove, let cool.

– Garlic and chili divided into 2 parts: One part is crushed to release fragrant oil, the other part is sliced ​​beautifully. Adjust spiciness according to taste.

– Put the bamboo shoots in a clean glass jar, interspersed with garlic and chili, use a bamboo stick or plastic bag filled with clean water to seal and insert on top. Then, pour the sweet and sour fish sauce into the bamboo shoots. Close the lid and leave the jar of bamboo shoots in a cool place. After 1 day, you can take it out and eat it. If you want the bamboo shoots to be crispier, keep them in the refrigerator for later use.

Photo,Video: Internet

Northern winter rice tray
