Nam Dinh specialties, lovers just wait for the only occasion of the year to buy

Compass Travel Vietnam
Nam Dinh specialties, lovers just wait for the only occasion of the year to buy

If you have the opportunity to come to Nam Dinh at the end of this year, do not forget to buy this specialty as a gift.

Referring to Nam Dinh, the specialty that most tourists remember will definitely be beef noodle soup. However, that is not the end of the cuisine of this land.

In recent years, thanks to the communities and groups on social networks, there is a “country gift” of Nam Dinh that is known and loved by many people, and that is the Zizania latifolia.

Nam Dinh Zizania latifolia- a specialty that only has 1 occasion a year

In Nam Dinh, Zizania latifolia is a type of tuber that grows wild, near water areas, swamps, pond corners or riversides. However, there are also many families who grow crops to sell in the harvest season and earn extra income.

Tourists from all over the world in general as well as those who like to eat bamboo shoots said that all year they only wait until a single occasion in the year to buy Nam Dinh bulbs. That is at the end of October to November as now. It is because of this seasonality that the tuber is considered a “hot” item in the gourmet world.

At first glance, the Zizania latifolia is quite similar in appearance to the lemongrass tuber, so many people are mistaken. However, the bulb is larger, dark brown near the base and green at the top, the body is enlarged.

Nam Dinh specialties, lovers only wait for the only occasion of the year to buy - Photo 1.

The appearance of the Zizania latifolia is quite similar to that of lemongrass. (Photo Esheep Kitchen)

Nam Dinh specialties, lovers only wait for the only occasion of the year to buy - Photo 2.

Ms. Nguyen Kim Anh (45 years old, Hanoi, a native of Nam Dinh) said that at the time of the rainy season, in Nam Dinh, every time it is a rainy season, people are busy selling at local markets or along the roadsides.

Neem tubers are usually sold in bundles, each bunch has 10 or more bulbs, the price in local markets is usually 8,000 – 12,000 VND (0,5$)/bundle.

However, as mentioned above, in recent years, tubers have gradually become more known through communities and groups on social networks. Tourists in all regions can easily buy bamboo shoots anywhere, but the price when buying online will be more expensive than buying directly.

Specifically, according to a survey on some groups, online forums, 1 bunch of 10 bulbs, fluctuates in the range of 30,000 – 40,000 VND. At the beginning of the season, the price is cheaper, but at the end of the season, because the supply is scarcer, the price is also more expensive.

Nam Dinh specialties, lovers only wait for the only occasion of the year to buy - Photo 3.

Noodles sold on online groups and communities will be more expensive than when purchased directly, due to the shipping cost.(Screenshots)

Turmeric is loved not only for its affordable price, delicious taste but also for its nutritional value for health. This tuber is rich in vitamins and minerals, has cool properties, can help clear heat, clear milk, and diuretic.

Modern medicine has also shown that turmeric has many benefits in supporting health in people suffering from hypertension or cirrhosis of the liver.

Delicious dishes made with shiitake Zizania latifolia

There are two types of gooseberries, which are white and purple. Purple gooseberries usually have small, thick, fibrous bulbs, so they are rarely used; white Zizania latifolia is slightly spongy, soft, rich in protein, high in starch, can be eaten raw or processed with many attractive dishes.

To process bamboo shoots, users will operate similarly to making bamboo shoots. First, you need to wash it and let it dry. The next step is to peel off the outer shell, the white, chubby part of the nip will appear.

Nam Dinh specialties, lovers just wait for the only occasion of the year to buy - Photo 4.

The tubers after being washed and peeled.

When ripe, it has a sweet and fragrant taste. The most famous dish made with nectarine is sliced ​​beef stir-fry. The combination of these two ingredients gives a delicious and nutritious dish, especially suitable for the autumn and winter weather. In addition, the Zizania latifolia can also be stir-fried with radish, pork, eggs or cooked in soup.

The Zizania latifolia can also be eaten raw or boiled with salt and pepper, for those who do not like or limit their intake of fat. No matter how it is processed, the Zizania latifolia is still sweet, fleshy, fragrant, a very unique flavor that no other vegetable has.

Nam Dinh specialties, lovers only wait for the only occasion of the year to buy - Photo 5.

Stir-fried beef with beef is the most popular and famous dish with this ingredient.(Photo by

Nam Dinh specialties, lovers only wait for the only occasion of the year to buy - Photo 6.

Stir fried eggs.

Some small business owners also shared their experiences in choosing the most delicious bamboo shoots. The bigger and fatter the tuber, the more delicious it will be. The young bulbs will be white, with fewer brownish or greenish leaves. Older bulbs will often appear as tiny black dots.

If you have the opportunity to visit Nam Dinh this season, you should definitely not miss the opportunity to buy a few bundles of bamboo as a gift.

In addition to the famous and delicious local specialties, visitors to Nam Dinh can choose to buy other gifts. These can be mentioned as Gai cake, Suu Chau candy, longan cake, spring rolls or banh xiu pao…

Nam Dinh specialties, lovers just wait for the only occasion of the year to buy

Source: vinlove