Mother Tom’s historical relic site

Compass Travel Vietnam
Mother Tom’s historical relic site

THANH HOA – Haircut tools and crockery jars used to hold rice for poet To Huu and pre-insurrection cadres are still kept in the historical site of Mother Tom.

The historical relic of Mother Tom’s revolution is located on the inter-village road in Dong Thanh village, Da Loc commune, Hau Loc district. Currently, the traces of the old thatched house are no longer there, but have been replaced by a spacious three-room tiled house in a campus of about 500 m2 with a shady garden. According to the local government, every year the memorial area attracts a large number of people, cultural historians and tourists from all over the world.

The house is neatly arranged with an altar in the middle and mainly keeps memorabilia associated with the life of Tom’s mother and historical figures in the pre-insurrection period before the August Revolution in 1945.

Mother Tom’s real name is Nguyen Thi Quyen (1880-1953, born in Hanh Cu village, now Dong Thanh village, Da Loc commune). According to historical documents, after occupying the Ngoc Trao guerrilla area, Thach Thanh district failed, the situation was critical, so in 1942, Thanh Hoa’s provisional Provincial Party Committee had to move to Nga Son and Hau Loc areas to continue operating. The three-room thatched cottage on the deserted coastal sand dunes of the family of Tom’s mother was chosen to become a place to hide cadres, print documents, and write leaflets. This place was considered the revolutionary base of the provisional Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee at that time.

The temporary secretary of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee at that time was Mr. Le Tat Dac, then To Huu. At Tom’s mother’s house at that time, there were also Mr. Trinh Ngoc Diet, Hoang Tien Trinh, Hoang Chong Phong, Dang Hy… Here, our cadres consolidated the organization, built a connection base, continued. publishes the newspaper ” Chasing the enemy of the country ” printed in lithography (carved on stone and then printed on paper) and leaflets, banners…

In the picture is a picture of Uncle Ho and historical figures hanging in a solemn position. In the bottom middle row is a picture recording the time when poet To Huu visited Tom’s mother’s family in 1961 and cremated the famous poem of the same name.

Mr. Vu Ngoc Ro (63 years old, grandson of Tom’s mother) cherishes the memorabilia of his father that his family still keeps, the most special of which are the barber sets, crockery pots, money boxes, etc. rice fed revolutionary cadres more than 80 years ago.

Over time, the trimmer and hair cutlery have rusted but are still quite intact. “On free days or holidays, I often bring these memorabilia to clean and then arrange them neatly,” said Mr. Ro.

The family said that two sons of Tom’s mother, Vu Van So and Vu Duc Hau, had given up their farm work that day to work as a barber to earn money to support the cadres, and at the same time worked as a courier, distributing newspapers, and spreading newspapers. give application…

Tom’s mother’s house was recognized as a historical relic in 2010. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Quyen, ie Tom’s mother, was awarded the certificate “For meritorious services to the country” by the Prime Minister.

Tom’s mother and her husband’s tomb are buried in the land right in front of the house.

Overview of the memorial area for Mother Tom and the grave of nearly 1,500 m2 which has just been disguised, renovated and completed.

Ms. Dinh Thi Khuyen, social and cultural officer of Da Loc commune, said that in recent years, Tom’s mother’s relatives and local authorities have mobilized funds to complete the relic of Mother Tom in order to educate students about history. birth and attract tourists to visit.

Mother Tom’s historical relic site

Source: vinlove