“Million views” virtual living corner in school: A place to see planes, a place to capture the whole autumn of Hanoi!

Compass Travel Vietnam
“Million views” virtual living corner in school: A place to see planes, a place to capture the whole autumn of Hanoi!

Which school has many virtual living corners, it seems like students work very hard to study!

Getting into the school you love is truly a wonderful thing. However, it would be even more wonderful if that school had a classy, ​​luxurious learning environment, modern facilities and of course lovely nooks and crannies to indulge in “virtual living”… Here It is the pride of students to “flex” at night with their peers. It can be a unique architectural work or simply a brightly beautiful flower trellis, but it stands out, especially compared to all other places, making it impossible not to recognize it. 

Let’s take a look at the cool virtual living corners of universities!

1. “The Road of Love” on the campus of Hanoi University of Education

Students of the University of Education and neighboring schools are certainly no strangers to the most romantic “love path” located right on campus. Just over 100m long, this road is covered with sesame trees. The season of sesame seeds changing leaves creates a romantic setting like in Korean dramas. Just cleverly choose the shooting angle, then confidently pose, and you’ll have given yourself thousands of “virtual life” photos!

Virtual living corners
“The Road of Love” in the legend of Hanoi University of Education

It’s not Korea, this is just a corner of the Pedagogical campus

Virtual living corners
The whole autumn sky of Hanoi is contained here!

2. Project of French Department, University of Foreign Languages ​​- Hanoi National University

No longer unfamiliar to young people, the French Faculty Construction Area of ​​the University of Foreign Languages ​​- Hanoi National University is like an “outdoor studio” with billions of super virtual “picture” angles. Of course, just hearing the word “Faculty of French” makes us automatically imagine constructions imbued with French architecture with extremely poetic decorative lines. This is a favorite destination for those who like peace and taking yearbook photos.

17 1-0-2 facts about the school that is good at foreign languages, has many pretty female students and the campus is also incredibly beautiful - Photo 3.

The Faculty of French is one of the architectural symbols of the University of Foreign Languages

3. The most “cool” virtual living corner in Vietnam of Maritime University

The photo taken from below to the sky right when the plane was passing by Vietnam Maritime University once made people panic because it was so beautiful and so awesome. It is known that this view is right in the middle of the school yard, just look up and you will see the clear sky.

Virtual living corners
Can any school pass this “virtual living” view!

In addition, the canteen of the Maritime University is also very interesting

4. Letter staircase at Foreign Trade University 

Recently appearing on the fanpage of Foreign Trade University is a picture of the stairs in block A decorated with extremely eye-catching motivational slogans. It immediately caused a stir on social networks. It is known that this is a special gift that the School gives to new students K62. Surely with such positive slogans, you will all go to school no matter what.

Brand new letter staircase at Foreign Trade University

Previously, Foreign Trade University also caused a stir when it created an entire “pink” space in block D, including traditional rooms and event halls for student clubs. Anyone who doesn’t know would think this is any art exhibition space!

Virtual living corners
Virtual living corners
Beautiful color, do you all love it?

5. Canteen is like a luxury restaurant of Yersin University

Entering the canteen and feeling like you’re lost in a luxurious European-class restaurant is what you feel when you come to the canteen of Yersin University, Da Lat. Using yellow as the main tone, it seems that except for the window edges, every corner, including the ground, has only one bright yellow color. The canteen door is designed in a European-style arch shape, and the tables and chairs are painted in white-blue tones to help soften the seemingly “bright” color of the room.

Virtual living corners

The university canteen feels like a movie set

6. The “legendary” yellow wall of the National Economics University

Forget about the yellow wall that is making waves in Da Lat, the National Economics University (NEU) also owns a genuine “homegrown” yellow wall for students to freely live virtually. In contrast to the modern design of the A2 century building, the “youth wall” located right in front of the Youth Union office of the National Economics University brings a nostalgic but equally youthful look. year. It can be said that this is the starting place and also the place where the most wonderful things are kept – it is called “Youth”.

If you are an NEU student, you must check-in here once

Virtual living corners
Even Miss Do Ha loves this wall!

 7. Virtual living corner like European heaven at Dalat College of Education 

If you make a list of the most popular destinations for young people, Da Lat is always the top name. Not only does it have a cool climate and poetic scenery, but it also has a series of enchanting check-in locations. One of them is Da Lat Pedagogical College with impeccably beautiful photography backgrounds. Just hold up your camera and you’ll have photos like you’re in Europe! 

Virtual living corners
Virtual living corners
Just hold up the camera to take beautiful photos

Photo,Video: Internet (Vinlove.net)

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“Million views” virtual living corner in school: A place to see planes, a place to capture the whole autumn of Hanoi!

Source: vinlove