Leaving the city to go to the island, the girl spends less than 250$/ per month, eating and drinking with strangers

Compass Travel Vietnam
Leaving the city to go to the island, the girl spends less than 250$/ per month, eating and drinking with strangers

Watching the sunrise in the morning, diving in the afternoon, gathering around a tray of rice with strangers – every day on this girl’s island happens like that. Sounds idyllic and peaceful but also very interesting, right?

Have you ever felt that the work you are doing is too suffocating, and restrictive and want to give up?

Have you ever dreamed of a trip alone, lying on the beach watching the clouds, enjoying exploring nature, and being free to take care of yourself?

Or have you ever planned to go somewhere for just a few days and then suddenly want to stay for a few months?

If you are still hesitating, everything still stops at thoughts or dreams, try entering this friend’s world, maybe you will change and make bold, exciting decisions for yourself. more taste.

Ha Pham, also known as Ha Mo, is a freelance in UI/UX design. When asked to introduce herself, she briefly said: “I love nature, I like swimming, diving, sports activities and experiential travel”. Just hearing that is enough to understand how liberal Ha Mo is.

With this same personality, 2 years ago, she decided to quit her job at a large corporation in Vietnam to work as a freelancer. Until now, Ha Mo still feels this is the right thing to do and that life is fine even though she doesn’t work in an office.

Leaving the city to the island, the girl spends less than 5 million / month, eating and drinking

Ha Pham (Ha Mo) – a girl who lives alone on Phu Quy island for 4 months is being interested by many young people

Recently, Ha Mo has been interested by many young people by sharing clips about their travel experiences on Phu Quy island. However, these are not clips of sharing beautiful, normal places to eat, but how she, alone, lived on a remote island for 4 months.

If you spend less than 5 million per month on house, car, food, etc

Talking about deciding to live on Phu Quy island, Ha Mo said it was not the original plan because she herself is not the type of person to live according to the plan. “I love the sea, I’m too lazy to move, so from a 4-day 3-night trip, I stayed for 1 week, 2 weeks, … and many more weeks. But the more I live, the more friends I make, both nature and people here treat me very well, everything is so peaceful, so I stay forever, not counting the day of return ,” Ha Mo said.

Specifically, her trip is divided into 2 phases. The first time I set foot on Phu Quy island was on the 8th of Tet this year. Feeling that she had just touched this land with one foot, Ha Mo said she had thought about staying here for a long time. Said to be done, on the second day of the trip, she canceled her plane ticket to Hanoi and started her journey to survive here alone.

Leaving the street to the island, the girl spends less than 5 million / month, eating and drinking
Leaving the street to the island, the girl spends less than 5 million / month, eating and drinking

From the planned 4 days and 3 nights, the trip was extended to 4 months

Ha Mo said: “I didn’t bring a lot of things, so after canceling my plane ticket, I asked my friends to send more things from Hanoi. In addition, I also bought some necessary items on the island. My difficulty in the first days was finding a place to stay, I had to stay in a hotel for a few days. But fortunately, when I went on a scuba diving tour, I met very good guides, asked to help me rent a place, and enthusiastically took me to see the house.

So the house and motorbike were rented, and I started living like a local. My biological clock has also completely changed. I woke up at 4am to watch the sunrise, at the latest at 10am I went to bed. The air on the island is so fresh that it makes me work harder to carry my walking shoes. In general, I have changed very positively . ”

According to Ha Mo, because she works as a freelancer, she always carries her laptop with her. Except when there are things that need to be solved, the rest of the time, she leaves her soul completely to nature and the sea.

“The sea is right around so I can swim and dive as much as I want. In my free time, I often follow the guides, many days even support people to pick up guests and dive tours. My life was like that for 2 months, then I returned to the mainland. But when I returned, I missed the island so much, I also found myself in the city not as healthy and full of energy as when I was in harmony with nature, so I carried my backpack to the island for the next 2 months” , Ha Mo shared. shall.

Leaving the street to the island, the girl spends less than 5 million / month, eating and drinking
Leaving the city to the island, the girl spends less than 5 million / month, eating and drinking

Leaving the city to go to the island, the girl spends less than 5 million / month, eating and drinking with strangers - Photo 6.

Her friend is extremely passionate about scuba diving, while living on the island, she also assisted as a scuba diving guide

During the period of living on the island, each month, Ha Mo will spend about 4 million VND for fixed costs of 2.5 million/per month for the house and 1.5 million/per month for a motorbike. For other expenses such as food, entertainment, entertainment or gas, Ha Mo frankly said that it is only zero or very little, insignificant, so she does not need to calculate.

Ha Mo said: “The island is very small, you can go a little bit to get there, so gas is not expensive. Eating and drinking is also very cheap, besides, because I’m close to everyone here, I often “eat” too. Going with the local guides, you will be “eaten” for the group’s leader, and when you go home, the host will give you food. Not to mention, some friends who are seafarers who catch fish also give them to cook for themselves. Having said that, I think I’m pretty cool. As for entertainment activities… there’s nothing like the city on the island, so it doesn’t cost a penny. Moreover, I still work, it’s like changing the environment, so I don’t have economic difficulties . “

Not having a plan, not setting any milestones is also a good thing

Knowing about Ha Mo’s trip, many people expressed their admiration but were also curious, about what it would be like to go away alone in a strange place, especially for girls. Sharing about this, Ha Mo openly said: “Going alone is always something very interesting, just thinking about it makes me excited” .

Leaving the street to the island, the girl spends less than 5 million / month, eating and drinking
Leaving the street to the island, the girl spends less than 5 million / month, eating and drinking

Traveling alone has many interesting things, the freedom to explore nature, do what you like

“Going in a group is fun, but I feel like things will happen a bit too quickly. Besides going with friends, I will also focus on them rather than having the opportunity to interact with the people around me. I am fortunate to have a lot of people to help me, not because I am weak and need to be protected. But every time a stranger I don’t know suddenly helps me with something, smiles friendly and gives each other small acts of kindness, making me feel more in love with life. I always find peace in my soul when I lie alone on the sand, listening to the sound of the waves and the gentle wind blowing. There are times when I feel lonely, but I enjoy that loneliness and feel completely fine ,” Ha Mo added.

Regarding the economic issue when traveling alone, Ha Mo said that there are expensive ones and cheap ones. For example, rent or car rental will only be paid for by yourself. But in general, her friend said that staying on the island for a long time is not much more expensive than a short trip. Also partly because the place she lives is on the island, the expenses are not as expensive as in the big city. However, if there is a strong financial support, she thinks that it will be more comfortable and easy to enjoy everything.

Leaving the street to the island, the girl spends less than 5 million / month, eating and drinking

“But if people ask me if I plan to move to the island, the answer will be no. When I parted with everyone, I also cried a lot because I was determined not to come back again, I don’t know when I will see you again. Love the island, love the people on the island very much, but I do not have a specific answer for living here completely. It’s just that I feel that the 4-month experience is enough and complete ,” Ha Mo expressed.

When she learned that she was praised by many young people on social networks for her recklessness, admired by her bold decision and not afraid to explore her limits, Ha Mo said that she did not dare to accept those beautiful words. .

“There are times when I feel uncertain, weak or don’t know what to do next, feel inadequate. But one thing I know for sure is that the journeys I went through when traveling alone will disappear very quickly and all I think about is that if I try, I can do anything. I am strong, I can succeed, and I am very happy, very lucky . ”

Leaving the city to the island, the girl spends less than 5 million / month, eating and drinking

As a lover of the free life, Ha Mo also said that she wants to enjoy more single time. Because, she said getting married is not a “need” to do, but a “want” to do. And as usual, even in this case, she didn’t come up with a plan.

“It is okay to go alone, with more people to love. I don’t have a timeline or anything, when I find the right person, life will automatically turn in a different direction. People can choose whatever they want, as long as they feel good about themselves in life ,” Ha Mo shared.

Photo: @mo.dilac

Leaving the city to go to the island, the girl spends less than 250$/ per month, eating and drinking with strangers

Source: vinlove