Lang Son Fairy Mountain – beautiful coordinates for a weekend picnic

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Lang Son Fairy Mountain – beautiful coordinates for a weekend picnic

Lang Son Fairy Mountain is a green destination in Lang with lush grass hills and green trees suitable for many camping and picnic activities.

Where is Lang Son Fairy Mountain?

Lang Son Fairy Mountain or Lan Luong grass hill is a green location that has been loved by many tourists recently. This destination is located in Na Tan, Lan Luong village, Thien Hoa commune, about 50km from Binh Gia district center. Blessed by nature with poetic, wild and lyrical beauty, this place has a lot of potential for tourism development. 

Where is Lang Son Fairy Mountain?Traveling to Binh Gia, visitors will come to the romantic Fairy Mountain. Photo: @dieu_linh_07

Accordingly, in the project “Tourism development in Binh Gia district to 2025, orientation to 2030”, Binh Gia district will build Nang Tien mountain to become an attractive tourist destination with a variety of activities such as wildlife. camping, eco-resort, adventure sports activities, horse racing, grass skiing,… so that visitors can have interesting experiences when coming here. 


Go up Lang Son Fairy Mountain to enjoy the charming scenery

Lang Son Fairy Mountain is an area with low mountainous terrain, blessed with fresh, cool green grass by Mother Nature. This land is about 800 meters above sea level, a combination of grass hills, shrubs and especially small limestone clusters, painting a wild, poetic and romantic picture. contributing to creating a mark for Lang Son tourism . 

Lang Son Fairy Mountain is a lyrical and beautiful sceneGreen and peaceful picture of Nang Tien Mountain. Photo: Lang Son Newspaper 

Lan Luong grass hill has an estimated area of ​​about 24 hectares, is a large green area creating a peaceful, fresh and relaxing scene. This place has a cool climate almost all year round, not much affected by tourism, and has a charming, friendly and rustic beauty. Therefore, many backpackers choose this coordinates as the destination in their journey to Lang. 

Lang Son Fairy Mountain is also known as Lan Luong grass hillThis place is covered with lush green grass. Photo: Binh Gia – Lang Son Tourism Fanpage

Coming to Lang Son Fairy Mountain , you will be lost in a land filled with green. The hills and mountains are covered with cool green lawns and shrubs, beautiful, clear, and gentle to the heart. Because the terrain is not too high, it is easy for visitors to move to the top and enjoy the vast view of heaven and earth. 

Lang Son Fairy Mountain is beautiful in any seasonThe mist hugs the romantic Fairy Mountain. Photo: Binh Gia – Lang Son Tourism

Currently, this destination in Lang is gradually becoming known to many tourists. Young people often choose this weekend or short vacation to come here to camp, picnic, breathe fresh air or simply take some virtual photos. According to statistics, from the beginning of 2021 until now, Nang Tien mountain tour has welcomed over 6,000 visitors. It is predicted that in the future, this place will be visited by more and more people. 

Lang Son Fairy Mountain has a gentle beautyThis is the ideal coordinates for camping and picnicking. Photo: Lang Son Tourism 

Because tourism has not been strongly developed, activities and experiences at Lang Son Mountain are mainly spontaneous. If you want to go camping or picnicking, you need to be fully equipped with the necessary equipment. If you want to take virtual photos, you also need to choose clothes that match the scenery of this place. 

Lang Son Fairy Mountain attracts many touristsMore and more young people are visiting Fairy Mountain. Photo: Lang Son Tourism 

Currently, Nang Tien Mountain is a great choice for tourists who like to return to nature and immerse themselves in the clear, peaceful air of remote mountain areas. So if you want to leave the city for a day, this is a suggestion worth considering. Just one day returning to nature will give you new and more interesting emotions. 

Lang Son Fairy Mountain is also the ideal coordinates for hunting cloudsYou will have wonderful experiences when exploring Nang Tien Mountain. Photo: Where are we going? 

Coming to this land, in addition to the natural beauty, you also have the opportunity to learn about the lives and customs of local people. Lan Luong village area is currently the residence of Dao ethnic people with unique and unique indigenous cultural features. Typical examples include Pao Dung singing, medicinal bathing,… 

Lang Son Fairy Mountain is also close to Dao villagesComing here, tourists remember to explore the Dao villages. Photo: Lang Son Newspaper 

Therefore, the journey back to Nang Tien Mountain is a great experience that you should do once when traveling to Lang Son. If you have a lot of time, you can spend 2 – 3 days here. If you are too busy, you only need 1 day to feel the beauty, culture, and people of this beautiful, peaceful land. 

Note when exploring Lang Son Fairy Mountain

Since Nang Tien Mountain became known to many people, Lan Luong village’s children have started registering for homestay services to serve tourists. Currently in the village, there are 10 families opening this service, meeting the needs of rest, food and especially medicinal baths of tourists inside and outside the province. Thanks to that, it brings maximum convenience to tourists when coming here to explore and explore. 

Note when exploring Lang Son Fairy MountainNang Tien Mountain is located near Dang Mo waterfall and some destinations in Binh Gia. Photo: Lang Son Tourism 

In particular, from the Nang Tien mountain area, it is also easy to connect with famous Lang Son destinations such as Dang Mo waterfall , Thang Sao waterfall,… Besides, you can also arrange your schedule to explore neighboring districts. Nearby such as Van Quan, Bac Son,… These are also tourist coordinates worth conquering in Lang country. 

Note when exploring Lang Son Fairy MountainIn this commune, there are more and more homestays serving tourists. Photo: Lang Son Newspaper 

Lang Son Fairy Mountain is one of the interesting destinations that you should visit once when traveling to Lang Son. Beautiful scenery and unique indigenous culture are important factors that bring memorable travel experiences to visitors. 

($1=24,000 VND)
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Lang Son Fairy Mountain – beautiful coordinates for a weekend picnic

Source: vinlovevietnam