Hunting for fish in Phan Thiet sea

Compass Travel Vietnam
Hunting for fish in Phan Thiet sea

BINH THUAN – When fish come close to shore, Phan Thiet fishermen use nets to catch them, bring them back to eat or sell them at the wharf for 80,000-100,000 VND per kg.

At the end of September, Phan Thiet beach has calm waves, many schools of fish swim into the gentle sand coves near the shore to look for food. In the early morning, when the sunlight glimmered through the coconut trees in front of the fishing village, Mr. Truong Quang Tan, 60 years old, in Ham Tien ward, and his friend carried a net from Rang village back to Mui Ne to catch fish.

Mr. Truong Quang Tan (left) and his fishing partner brought the newly caught fish to the shore of Mui Ne fishing village, Phan Thiet City, Photo: Viet Quoc
Mr. Truong Quang Tan (left) and his fishing partner with the fish they just caught. Photo: Viet Quoc

Looking out into the distance, the two fishermen saw ripples of water behind the floof (sea shrimp) that had just moved past. “Duoi is coming in, go quickly and circle the net,” Mr. Tan said and then he and his fishing partner rushed into the sea.

They waded out to a position 15-20 m from the shore and cast a net more than 100 m long in an arc. A few minutes later, the two quickly pulled and gathered the net, the inside was full of fish. Mr. Tan and his friend removed each fish from the net, then put them in a basket, then went to the sea to surround the net to continue fishing.

In the morning, Mr. Tan’s group released 5 nets and caught more than 15 kg of fish. On the shore, a number of local people and tourists waited to ask to buy on the spot, priced at 80,000 VND per kilogram. He sold a little, and brought the rest back to a familiar restaurant.

On Mui Ne beach, within a radius of about one kilometer, not only Mr. Tan’s group but also more than a dozen fishermen were hunting for fish. For each net released, fishermen collect 5-20 kg of fish. After catching them, they sell them at the market for 80,000-100,000 VND, depending on the size of the fish.

Fishermen go to Mui Ne beach (Phan Thiet City) to catch fish, late September 2023. Photo: Viet Quoc
Fishermen go to Mui Ne beach (Phan Thiet city) to catch fish. Photo: Viet Quoc

However, not everyone can catch a lot of fish. Mr. Nguyen Tuan’s group, a resident of Mui Ne ward, came out late so they only caught about 3 kg. “On the day I catch a lot, I will sell it. The few remaining brothers share it together to make salad to eat,” Mr. Tuan said.

The fish has a slim body, a pointed mouth with a red tip, and a light yellow tail. The fish’s body has sparse scales, gray back, white belly, and long blue stripes on both sides. Adult fish are larger than a thumb, 25-26 cm long. When the sea is calm, especially before tropical depressions, fish swim in groups close to shore to eat shrimp.

Mr. Nguyen Van Bay, from Mui Ne fishing village, said that fish is a specialty of the sea. Fish meat is fragrant, delicious, very healthy to eat, cooked in many dishes such as: tomato soup, pepper stew, crispy fried. However, fish salad is best when made into salad, considered the “best fish salad” in Phan Thiet seaside, better than herring and apricot salad.

Fresh fish has just been removed from the net by fishermen on the beach of Mui Ne, Phan Thiet City.  Photo: Viet Quoc
Fresh fish has just been removed from the net by fishermen. Photo: Viet Quoc

After removing the head of the fish, scale it, wash it, cut it into small pieces of meat, then squeeze it with lemon juice, add fresh chili, roasted peanuts, mix with onions, green onions and herbs. like basil, cilantro…

“Selfish salad eaten with grilled rice paper or rolled with dew-dried rice paper with raw vegetables and dipped in sauce is impeccable,” Mr. Bay said, noting that it is a delicious dish but fish is not always available. make salad. Gourmets must wait until the fish come ashore to place an order to enjoy this delicious dish.

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (

The post Hunting for fish in Phan Thiet sea first appeared on Compass Travel Vietnam.

Hunting for fish in Phan Thiet sea

Source: vinlove