How to make traditional stir-fried pork sausage, Northern style

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How to make traditional stir-fried pork sausage, Northern style

Stir-fried pork sausage is white and crispy from the ears, greasy from the cheeks, light pink from the leg meat, shiny black from the wood ear mushrooms, speckled with spicy pepper. This is a delicious dish often found in traditional Tet feasts in the North.


( 8 )

  • 1 pig ear (400 gr)
  • 1/2 pig cheek (500 gr)
  • 1/2 pork leg meat (400 gr)
  • 30 grams of dried wood ear mushrooms
  • 2 dried onions
  • Banana leaf rice cake or spring roll mold
  • La Giang is thin
  • Spices: Fish sauce, MSG, crushed northern pepper


  1. Pig ears, pig cheeks, and leg meat are scraped clean, then rubbed with lemon and deodorized with salt, washed several times to clean. 
  2. In the past, before Tet in Northern villages, there were often pig fighting events and sharing them to make sausages and stir-fried sausages. Cleanly raised pork should be sliced ​​directly to make stir-fried pork sausage, it will be crispy and delicious. Currently, when buying pork, before making it, you should blanch the ears, cheeks, and leg meat with a little crushed onion and salt to remove impurities and make the meat more fragrant. Take it out, wash it, drain it, then slice it thinly. Marinate all meat with 1.5 – 2 tablespoons of delicious 35% protein fish sauce, 3 teaspoons of crushed fragrant roasted northern pepper, 1 teaspoon of MSG (optional) and leave for at least 30 minutes to marinate. flavorful ingredients. 
  3. Soak wood ear mushrooms, wash, and cut into pieces about 0.5cm thick. 
  4. Fry the dried onions, initially over medium heat, add the ears, cheeks, and pork and stir-fry. Stir continuously for about 5 minutes over low heat to keep the meat from sticking to the pan. When the meat is firm, increase the heat and stir well to drain. 
  5. Pour in the wood ear mushrooms and continue stirring for a few minutes. Adjust seasoning to taste. Stir continuously, stir-fry thoroughly until the plastic from the pork skin melts just enough to create adhesion, the bottom of the pan is slightly browned and fragrant. 
  6. Banana leaves, choose the type of rice cake, heat it lightly, wash it, and dry it. Place a few layers of banana leaves, then scoop the meat in, roll it tightly and tie it with rice paper, wrap it round like wrapping banh tet. After wrapping, press with a heavy object to remove the fat. In the past, mothers used to press down on bamboo poles to shape the sausage and make it firmer. In the cold winter weather around Tet, sausages can be used after being wrapped for half a day. Nowadays, to make it more convenient, you can put it in the refrigerator to quickly bond into a firm block. 
  7. If making a lot and don’t have many banana leaves, use molds to press the sausage, but inside should also be lined with a layer of banana leaves that have been heated over the fire to create the characteristic aroma of stir-fried sausage. 
  8. Finished product: Each piece of fried sausage is whole, sliced ​​smoothly. When eating, you can clearly feel the crunchy taste from the ears, the greasy taste from the cheeks, the aroma of delicious fish sauce, the spiciness from the pepper, and the faint fragrance of the rustic from the banana leaves. This is a delicious dish often found in traditional Tet feasts in the North. 


  • This dish has 2 names: According to the processing method (stir-frying the ingredients ) it is called fried sausage. Based on the ingredients (mainly the pig’s head meat such as ears, cheeks, tongue) it is called pork sausage.
  • Depending on your taste, adjust the ingredients accordingly: If you like crunchy texture, add pig ears, if the meat is greasy add pig cheeks, if you like lean and fat, add pork leg meat.
  • You should choose banh te banana leaves because they are soft and easy to wrap. You need to heat them over fire to reduce the smell of banana resin when wrapping the rolls to make them more fragrant.
  • You need to stir-fry the ingredients thoroughly, stirring well until the slightly sticky sap comes out from the skin, the meat is firm and the surface of the pan is slightly browned and fragrant, then when you wrap the stir-fried sausage, it will be delicious.
  • The sausage should be wrapped after stir-frying and left for a while to let the heat evaporate, because if it’s too hot , the sausage will steam and spoil quickly, and if it cools too much, the package will no longer be sticky, making it difficult to form a solid mold.

 ( According to vnexpress )

How to make traditional stir-fried pork sausage, Northern style
