How to make braised beef Vietnamese-style

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How to make braised beef Vietnamese-style

The beef is kept intact and has a greasy taste from the fat and a little crunch from the tendons, the sauce is beautifully smooth and has an attractive aroma from cinnamon, anise, and lemongrass. This dish is delicious served with white rice, bread, and vermicelli.


( 11 )

  • 1 kg of beef (or beef shank, beef tendon…)
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 fresh coconut for juice
  • 1 onion
  • 1 package of braised beef seasoning
  • 30 ml apricot cinnamon wine (optional)
  • Garlic, ginger, lemongrass
  • Spices: Soy sauce, salt, rock sugar, seasoning powder, chili sauce, ketchup, star anise, cinnamon
  • Herbs: coriander, basil, coriander
  • Cashew oil
  • Cornstarch or tapioca starch for thickening (optional)


1. Preliminary processing

Wash beef with a little white wine and crushed ginger to deodorize and make the meat more fragrant. Then, cut into bite-sized pieces. 

  • Peel garlic and chop finely. Chopped ginger. Lemongrass is crushed and cut into pieces. Cinnamon and fragrant roasted star anise. Slice onions thinly, soak in ice water.
  •  Peel the carrots, wash them, use a knife to trim them and cut them into pieces.

2. Marinate

  • Marinate the beef with 30ml apricot cinnamon wine, 1 packet of braised beef seasoning, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons cashew oil, 1 tablespoon rock sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon seasoning powder, 1/2 teaspoon of pepper, 1/2 amount of onion, garlic, onion, minced ginger and 2 star anise petals, 2 cinnamon branches, stir well. Marinate for at least 30 minutes to absorb flavors.

3. Processing

  • Sauté the onions, garlic, and ginger, then add the marinated beef and stir-fry for 7-8 minutes.
  • Pour 1 liter of fresh coconut water into the stir-fried beef, add chopped lemongrass and crush it. Boil, skim off foam, season to taste. Lower the heat and simmer until soft, then remove the cinnamon, star anise and add carrots and continue cooking until desired softness. If you want the sauce to be a little thicker, mix a little cornstarch (or tapioca starch) with a little water and slowly add it, stir well to create the desired consistency and cook. Turn off the stove, scoop into a bowl, add herbs, onions and enjoy hot.

4. Finished product requirements

  • The beef is kept intact, has a greasy taste from the fat and a little crunch from the tendons, the braised beef sauce is thick, has a beautiful reddish brown color, and has an attractive aroma from cinnamon, anise, and lemongrass. This dish is delicious served with white rice, bread, and vermicelli.


  • You should choose beef or beef shank, add a little tendon to make the dish delicious and not dry.
  • The longer the marinade time, the better the flavor of the beef.
  • Be sure to take out the cinnamon and star anise when it smells good because if left for a long time, the juice will become bitter.
  • To shorten the stewing time, there are tips such as adding a little pineapple, which contains the enzyme bromelin, a member of the protease group, so it also has the effect of tenderizing the meat.

How to make braised beef Vietnamese-style
