Having a dream season, diving for 2 hours, fishermen have millions

Compass Travel Vietnam
Having a dream season, diving for 2 hours, fishermen have millions

Summer comes to the same season of seaweed, fishermen in Quang Trach district, Quang Binh province again pour into the rapids, diving to exploit. Thanks to the dream, each person can earn millions every day.

Early in the morning, Mr. Le Vinh, residing in Nam Lanh village, Quang Phu commune, Quang Trach district, Quang Binh province, got on a basket boat and headed to the sea with a lot of seaweed, about 800m from the shore to exploit.

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Apricots grow in rocky rapids 500-800m from the shore (Photo: Đ.T).

The profession of cutting and picking up seaweed has been with Mr. Vinh for many years. This is considered a green vegetable of the sea, with high nutritional value, so consumers are very popular. Thanks to seaweed, fishermen in coastal communes in Quang Binh have more income with seasonal occupations.

After more than 2 hours of diving and soaking in sea water, Mr. Vinh collected nearly 3 quintals of seaweed. When the basket boat is filled with seaweed, the village man quickly returns to the shore, drying the seaweed before taking it out for consumption.

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Spending more than 2 hours diving under the sea, fishermen can collect tons of fresh seaweed and apricots (Photo: Đ.T).

According to Mr. Vinh, apricots only appear around the end of March to August of the lunar calendar every year. Therefore, on this occasion, fishermen in the coastal communes of Quang Dong and Quang Phu (Quang Trach district) are busy in the fishing season. This year’s seaweed has a good season and a good price, so people are very excited.

“Soft-bodied apricots, usually growing at a depth of 0.5-3m, I have to work hard to get by diving for hours in the sea. This morning I picked up nearly 3 quintals, dried a few nests of apricots. The average price traders buy 7,000 VND / kg, it only takes a while in the morning, I also earn nearly 2 million VND”, Mr. Vinh happily.($1=24,000 VND)

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Fishermen exploiting seaweed only need a basket boat to swim to the rocky area near the shore to be able to dive and exploit (Photo: Đ.T).

Some seaweed miners in Quang Phu commune said that compared to fishing, seaweed harvesting is easier and less expensive. Fishermen exploiting seaweed only need a basket boat to swim to the rocky area near the shore to be able to dive and exploit.

The people who go to pick seaweed are mostly young men and healthy men, with a lot of experience in diving to avoid danger. As for women, children, and the elderly, they dry seaweed on the beach when fishing boats bring it back to the shore.

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People who go to pick seaweed are mostly young men, healthy men, with a lot of experience in diving to avoid danger (Photo: D.T).

The coast of Quang Phu and Guangdong communes this season is becoming a drying ground for fishermen. Apricots must be dried before being sold, so the hotter the sun, the more convenient the job.

“In the morning, there are dozens of basket boats and fishermen’s boats going to the sea to exploit seaweed. Men and young people dive and cut seaweed, women, the elderly and children help dry seaweed on the beach. Now, the price of seaweed is high, so many traders buy it all, so everyone is happy,” said Le Van Loc, a seaweed miner.

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The coast of Quang Phu and Guangdong communes this season is becoming a seaweed drying ground for fishermen (Photo: Đ.T).

In the past, fishermen used to exploit seaweed massively, but in recent years, thanks to propaganda, people are more aware of environmental protection, exploiting in the right season and limited.

Mr. Le Ngoc Linh – Director of Quang Binh Fisheries Sub-Department said that in the flat areas of Quang Phu and Quang Dong communes, in addition to the main source of income from fishing, fishermen also have an additional source of income. quite high from seaweed exploitation.

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After drying, seaweed costs 7,000 VND/kg and is bought by traders (Photo: Đ.T).

According to Mr. Linh, some seaweed species are prohibited from being exploited at any time of the year so that this type of product has time to develop and create a favorable environment for seafood to live and reproduce on the seaweed beach. To do this, it is necessary to have strict management by the fisheries agency and the community to protect sustainable and long-term resources.

Photo: Internet (Vinlove.net)

Having a dream season, diving for 2 hours, fishermen have millions

Source: vinlove