Hanoi: Working hard to dig grown tubers (without care) also makes money in the middle of the Red River

Compass Travel Vietnam
Hanoi: Working hard to dig grown tubers (without care) also makes money in the middle of the Red River

In addition to short-term agricultural products such as bananas, beans, vegetables, etc., the most common long-term crops grown by farmers in the middle of the Red River (Hanoi) are hedge piles.

If viewed from the Long Bien bridge or Chuong Duong bridge, this mid-season beach is covered with a green color of hedge piles in the harvest season.

In addition to short-term agricultural products such as bananas, beans, vegetables, etc., the most common long-term crops grown by farmers in the middle of the Red River (Hanoi) are hedge piles.

Hanoi: Working hard to dig up tubers to grow crops also makes money in the middle of the Red River - 1
Fenugreek tubers, also known as tubers, tubers are in the same family as ground tubers but have large leaves and are climbing plants. This is an easy plant to grow, just bury a piece of tuber in the soil to grow into a tree. Every year, farmers in the middle field will start planting tubers from the second lunar month.
Hanoi: Hard work digging tubers to grow crops also makes money in the middle of the Red River - 2
The tree and leaves of the tuber are similar to the betel leaf, if it is staged to climb, many people may mistake this as the betel nut.
Hanoi: Hard work digging the tubers to grow crops also makes money in the middle of the Red River - 3
As a tuber that is grown a lot in Hung Yen, when they come to rent agricultural land in the middle of the Red River, some farmers also bring this tuber to grow here.

Hanoi: Hard work digging the tubers to grow crops also makes money in the middle of the Red River - 4
Farmers have to cut off stems and clean the fields before harvesting.
Hanoi: Hard work digging the tubers to grow crops also makes money in the middle of the Red River - 5
The next step to do is to use a shovel, and dig the soil into a bed about 50 cm deep along the sides of the trees.
Hanoi: Hard work digging the tubers to grow crops also makes money in the middle of the Red River - 6
Digging obliquely into the stumps along the deep soil bed will meet the pile tubers. You must dig the bed first because if you dig straight, it will be easy to dig into the tuber and break the tuber.
Hanoi: Hard work digging tubers to grow crops also makes money in the middle of the Red River - 7
Every year, during the harvest season, Nhay’s family has to hire more people from the countryside to dig up the roots.
Hanoi: Hard work digging tubers to grow crops also makes money in the middle of the Red River - 8
He also added that after harvesting, the tubers can be used to eat, especially to cook soup with hoof.
Hanoi: Hard work digging the tubers to grow crops also makes money in the middle of the Red River - 9
The average pile tuber will be about 60 cm long, sometimes with very large tubers up to 1m2 long, so digging to excavate is also quite difficult.

Hanoi: Hard work digging tubers to grow crops also makes money in the middle of the Red River - 10
Ms. Tam – a farmer in the middle yard shared: “With 1 acre of soil when planting poles if the season is good, you can harvest up to 3 quintals of tubers. However, this year’s late rain has a poor yield, the tubers are shorter than other crops. five”.
Hanoi: Working hard to dig up tubers to grow crops also makes money in the middle of the Red River - 11
Mr. Huong only grows 3 Sao(1 Sao= 360 m²) of tubers, so to save money he does not hire people but goes to work for other families. This is also the way that farmers in the middle yard often apply to be able to compactly harvest their family’s tubers.
Hanoi: Digging hard to grow tubers and making money in the middle of the Red River - 12
After harvesting, the tubers will be preliminarily shaved off the skin before being dried.
Hanoi: Digging hard to grow tubers and making money in the middle of the Red River - 13
In order to avoid the rainy weather that cannot be dried immediately, the piled tubers that have been peeled and washed will be dried by the sulfur composting method.
Hanoi: Digging hard to grow tubers and making money in the middle of the Red River - 14
It is known that after drying, tubers will sell for about 60,000 VND/kg. The roots can be used as a traditional medicine called “Hoai Son” or continue to be preliminarily processed as a basis for the production of western medicine.($1=25,000 VND)
Hanoi: Hard work digging tubers to grow crops also makes money in the middle of the Red River - 15
As an easy-to-grow and easy-to-grow plant, the fence post has brought a significant source of income for farmers in the middle of the Red River for many years.

(According to VOV. VN)

Hanoi: Working hard to dig grown tubers (without care) also makes money in the middle of the Red River

Source: vinlove