Growing woody plants, growing flowers just to collect buds, earns hundreds of millions every year

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Growing woody plants, growing flowers just to collect buds, earns hundreds of millions every year

Having difficulty growing pepper, Mr. Dao Tien Tinh in Gia Lai switched to growing roses. After 3 years, his family has an income of hundreds of millions of dong each year.

The family of Mr. Dao Tien Tinh (56 years old) has built a business from pepper trees on land in Chu Se district, Gia Lai for many generations. At one time, Mr. Tinh owned more than 20 hectares of pepper.

However, pepper prices continue to decline, along with rampant pests and diseases, causing the economy to decline more and more. After researching, Mr. Tinh boldly destroyed 3 hectares of barren pepper and switched to growing roses.

Mr. Tinh’s family’s flower garden (Photo: Thai Nam).

It is known that Hoa Hoa is a medicinal plant grown for its buds. People often use dried flower buds to make tea. In addition, flower buds contain about 6-30% rutin content. This is a medicinal herb used in medicine, helping to stabilize blood pressure and support circulation.

“The climate and soil conditions in Gia Lai are very favorable for the growth of roses. After researching, I boldly took the rose varieties in Thai Binh to experiment with. Initially, the roses flourished. Grows very well, requires little fertilization. In particular, the tree blooms and can be harvested all year round,” Mr. Tinh confided.

This is a crop that can be harvested all year round, bringing in many times more profit than native crops (Photo: Thai Nam).

According to Mr. Tinh, the technique of taking care of the plant is quite simple. Growers do not have to spend much time on care, the plants have few pests and diseases, harvest quickly, and bring high income. To take care of the garden sustainably, Mr. Tinh uses micro-organic fertilizer; Install an automatic watering system twice a day for plants in the hot season.

Planting and harvesting the plant is almost year-round. From March to December is the time when flowers bloom the most. The tree grows and develops stably, can be harvested for about 10 years before having to be replanted.

According to Mr. Tinh, when the Hoa Hoa tree is 1-1.5 meters high, he begins to hire workers to press the top to make the tree branch. On a Hoa Hoa tree, only 4-5 main branches are kept so that the foliage is evenly distributed.

From the initial effect, Mr. Tinh continued to destroy 7 hectares of pepper trees to expand the flower growing area to 10 hectares in U Diep village (Kong Htok commune, Chu Se district, Gia Lai province). At the same time, Mr. Tinh also cooperated to plant another 10 hectares of roses in De Ar commune (Mang Yang district, Gia Lai province).

The plant brings in hundreds of millions of dong each year for Mr. Tinh’s family (Photo: Thai Nam).

“Each year, 1 hectare of roses yields about 10 tons of fresh seeds. The current price of flower buds is about 100,000-120,000 VND/kg. At this price, the family earns about 250 million VND/ha. With 3 hectares of mature roses Once completed, the family earned more than 700 million VND. I see that the flower tree brings 4-5 times more economic benefits than coffee,” Mr. Tinh said.

Mr. Tinh said that his family is planning to cooperate with people to plant an additional 30 hectares of flowers, then expand the scale in Chu Se and Mang Yang districts to 50 hectares by 2024. At the same time, build a factory. Extracting rutin and processing products from this medicinal herb such as tea bags, canned tea…

Planting and harvesting flower buds contributes to generating additional income for households in Chu Se district. Some households have started growing roses, thereby earning a stable income.

The plant is suitable for the soil, so the government considers it good to replicate the model (Photo: Thai Nam).

Mr. Nguyen Van Hop, Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Chu Se district, said that households in the area have been growing this type of flower for more than 4 years. Up to now, the whole district has about 20 hectares of flowers.

The characteristics of the plant are suitable for local weather and soil conditions, require little care, use little fertilizer, are resistant to pests and diseases, produce year-round harvests, and are suitable for the conditions. the economy of local people, especially ethnic minorities.

“This is also a fairly new model, so localities will actively monitor and, if appropriate, invite specialized agencies to evaluate, advise and research to replicate this variety. For households Mr. Dao Tien Tinh’s family and localities will coordinate to research and replicate the model.”, Mr. Hop said.

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo,Video: Internet (

Growing woody plants, growing flowers just to collect buds, earns hundreds of millions every year

Source: vinlovevietnam