Going to the most beautiful and pristine fishing village in Phu Yen for 3 days and 2 nights with a cost of less than 2 million VND

Compass Travel Vietnam
Going to the most beautiful and pristine fishing village in Phu Yen for 3 days and 2 nights with a cost of less than 2 million VND

An Hai fishing village is considered the most beautiful fishing village in Phu Yen when it comes to possessing a wild and rustic beauty.

    If you are a person who likes quiet, peaceful, little-known places, saving costs and especially without wasting time and effort, then this article is for you!

    Location: An Hai fishing village in Phuoc Dong village, An Hai commune, Tuy An district, Phu Yen province.

    Simple but extremely beautiful pieces in An Hai fishing village. (Photo: Mia)

    An Hai fishing village is not a well-known place, although the road leading to An Hai fishing village converges quite a few famous attractions of Phu Yen such as: Bai Xep, thanks to the ancient worship of Mang Lang, Hon Yen or Hon Yen. Ghenh Da Dia Phu Yen (also known as Ghenh Da Dia),… Far from the city. Tuy Hoa 25 km to the north, An Hai fishing village is truly the ideal “coordinate” to find a sense of peace, temporarily “hiding” in the noisy and luxurious city.

    However, it is also because of this close distance that people in Phu Yen can completely go and return during the day at any time they want. As for those from the city. Please try to refer to this article! If departing from the city. In Ho Chi Minh City, you need a period of 3 days and 2 nights for this trip.

    Transportation cost: About 550,000 VND/person

    Distance from city. From Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Yen is not close, about 500km by road. 

    With this distance, in addition to genuine backpackers, motorbikes can be considered a vehicle that many people have to be wary of. However, you should not worry because there are now quite a few options for suitable vehicles, routes and routes.

    Accordingly, if starting from TP. From Ho Chi Minh City, you can take a sleeper bus with a fare of about 220,000 VND/person to Tuy Hoa City, Phu Yen. Then you can take a taxi or motorbike to Phuoc Dong village, An Hai commune, Tuy An, Phu Yen.


    Popular local means of transportation suitable for tourists: taxi (13,200 VND/km), motorbike (rental price: 100,000 – 150,000 VND/day).

    Thus, if you go in a group (at least 2 people), the cost of moving will need at least about: 550,000 VND (two-way sleeper bus ticket and motorbike rental in the locality).

    Accommodation cost: 300,000 VND/person

    An Hai fishing village appears with a rustic and simple beauty. (Illustration)

    In An Hai fishing village, there are currently not many accommodation services, mainly homestays. The price of homestay in An Hai is about 300,000 – 400,000 VND/double room. If you go with friends and relatives, you can rent a dorm to save money.

    In general, with the room rental price here, you will need to spend an average of 300,000 VND for 2 nights here.

    Expenses for meals and experiences: 1,000,000 VND/person

    Prices in Phu Yen in general and An Hai in particular are quite cheap, but you should ask the price before using the service here.

    For the rest, experiences such as going to the market or enjoying seafood, watching the sunrise gradually fall, walking around the village are all free, so you will not need to worry about this problem. Except in case you want to buy seafood to take home, you can prepare an extra amount of money as you like.

    To sum up, with all the basic costs for a 3 day 2 night trip from Ho Chi Minh City. In Ho Chi Minh City, you only need to prepare about 1,850,000 VND is enough.

    The appropriate time to visit Ghenh Da Dia (also known as Ghenh Da Dia) is in the early morning (7am to about 10am) or in the afternoon (13pm to about 4pm). This is when it is cool, the sunlight is just enough to help you walk comfortably and take beautiful pictures.

    The fishing wharf in the fishing village operates from about 5 am to about 7:30 am, if you want to enjoy fresh seafood that has just been caught from the sea, you should try to get up early.

    Hopefully, with this information, you will be able to plan a trip with many meaningful experiences in An Hai fishing village.

    ($1=24,000 VND)
    Photo: Internet (Vinlove.net)

    The post Going to the most beautiful and pristine fishing village in Phu Yen for 3 days and 2 nights with a cost of less than 2 million VND first appeared on Compass Travel Vietnam.

    Going to the most beautiful and pristine fishing village in Phu Yen for 3 days and 2 nights with a cost of less than 2 million VND

    Source: vinlove