Going one night, Nghe An fishermen earned thousands of dollars

Compass Travel Vietnam
Going one night, Nghe An fishermen earned thousands of dollars

After a hard night at sea, each small boat of Nghe An fishermen returns to the mainland with 4-5 tons of shrimp, earning tens of millions of dong.

At this time, Nghe An fishermen start to harvest shrimp, also known as shrimp. This year’s shrimp is better than previous years, so many boats are hit, fishermen are happy and excited.

The past few days, the weather is beautiful, the sea is calm, very convenient for the process of catching shrimp. There are boats that, overnight, caught 4-5 tons of shrimp, earning tens of millions of dong.

Right from the early morning, the fishing port area of ​​Nghi Thuy ward, Cua Lo town was crowded with people on boats, under the wharf, carrying trays of fresh shrimp ashore for traders to buy.

Here, traders are already waiting to “eat” their goods, with an average price of 6,000-8,000 VND (0,3$)/kg

“The shrimp fishing season starts from September of the previous year’s lunar calendar to the end of January of the following year. The shrimp are mainly caught near the shore. There are two times of shrimp exploitation, from 6 to 18h daily. The next time frame is: From 6pm the previous day to 6am the next morning, fishermen call it “night go”, a fisherman shared.

Going one night, Nghe An fishermen earned tens of millions of dong - 1
Nghi Thuy port, Cua Lo town one morning in November (Photo: ND).

“Normally, each shrimp fishing boat has 6-10 people. When we detect shrimp, we will quickly release the net. After that, each person pulls the net with one hand, collects the shrimp gradually towards the end of the net, and then joins forces. Pick up shrimp on the boat and run to the shore,” said fisherman Nguyen Van Truong, Nghi Thuy ward.

According to reporters, in the past few days, hundreds of fishermen in Nghi Thuy ward (Cua Lo town) have caught hundreds of tons of shrimp and boats at least 2 tons.

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The baskets carry shrimp from the sea to the shore (Photo: ND).

Notably, the boat of Mr. Nguyen Van Quy (45 years old, residing in Nghi Thuy ward, Cua Lo town) after one night collected about 300kg of shrimp and 2.5 tons of shrimp. “With a selling price of 6,000-8,000 VND/kg, my boat and my workers earned more than 20 million VND overnight,” Quy said.

Mr. Nguyen Van Minh (also a fisherman in Nghi Thuy ward) also collected more than 5 tons of shrimp, selling about 30 million VND after only one night of going to the beach near the shore.

Compared to many other seas, shrimp in Cua Lo has more meat, thin shell, is more fragrant and delicious. Sea shrimp are processed into many delicious dishes such as: Fresh shrimps roasted with lemon leaves, fried with star fruit, cooked in soup, fried or made with fish sauce. rue.

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Fishermen in Cua Lo town carry shrimp ashore (Photo: ND).

Regarding the coastal areas in this season, the indoor yard and the alley are used to dry shrimp. The strong, bold aroma of the shrimp becomes the typical flavor of seafood processing villages this season.

Although Cua Lo town is not one of the main fishing localities of Nghe An province, the shrimp industry here brings a good source of income for hundreds of local fishermen.

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A fisherman uses a small basket boat to bring shrimp to the shore (Photo: ND).
Going one night, Nghe An fishermen earned tens of millions of dong - 5
Steel tanks of several tens of kilograms need to be quickly processed and taken away (Photo: ND).
Going one night, Nghe An fishermen earned tens of millions of dong - 6
Shrimps are put into specialized plastic containers (Photo: ND).
Going one night, Nghe An fishermen earned tens of millions of dong - 7
This year, fishermen in Cua Lo town have a shrimp season (Photo: ND).
Going one night, Nghe An fishermen earned tens of millions of dong - 8
In the past few days, fishermen in the sea of ​​Cua Lo town have earned tens of millions of dong each trip to the sea (Photo: ND).
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Traders are present at the wharf to buy shrimp (Photo: ND).

Going one night, Nghe An fishermen earned thousands of dollars

Source: vinlove